Unit 6 Flashcards
Descriptive study definition
decribes the what relative to the who, where, and when. whihc help to understand the why. no attempt to estlbish an assoication between cause and effect
ex. case reports, case series, surveys
analytical sutides
describe the why, relative to the what who, where, and when. investigate reasons, and determine measures of assoication
ex. obersvationa and experimental
oberservtional studies denifniton
no contorl over the allocation of subjects to the groups beinf compared. watch a group of subjects and observe their exposure and outcome status
good for hypothesis generating
three type, cross sectional, case study, and cohort
experiment studies definition
researchers randomly allocate subjects to the groups being compared,
good for hypothesis testing
2 main types: lab trials and feild trials
observational studies: cross-sectional
answers the question, is the exposure related to the outcome?
smaple study subjects without regard to exposure or outcome status. randomly sample the population of interest at a single point or peroid of time. then assess both exposure and outcome status and compare the prevalence of disease in the exposed and non exposed groups
determine if exposure positive or neg, and classify based on O status
only measures prevalence not incidence
obersvational studies: case-control
begins with the selection of study subjects based on their outcome status and investigators look backwards in time to assess whether each subject was exposed or not exposed
obersvational studies: cohort
slection of study subjects based on their exposure status, invetigators follow these groups over a pre-determined amount of time to see if you get the outcome
can estimer incidence