Unit 1 Flashcards
Epidemiology definition
the study of frequency, distribution and determinants of helaht and disease in populations and the application of this study to contorl
a state of complete physical, mental and soical well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Disease definition
derangement in the funciton of the whole body of the host or any of its parts. A physiological/psychological dysfuntion, illness is a subjective state of the person who feels aware of not being well
Primary disease prevention
Occurs before the onset of disease, prevention of the disease altogether. Focuses on helath promotion and health protection. Aim to increase a individuals resistance to disease and to decrease an individuals susceptbility to disease
Ex. lab personnel wearing lab coats, gloves, and goggles. Anti smoking ads
Secondary disease prevention
Early detection of the disease thorugh screening.
Ex. stool teats for unsean presence of blood for a possible sign of colon cancers, mammograms
Tertiary prevention
Addressing the result of clinical illness in order to lessen theimpact of the disease. Focuses on treatment of signs and symptoms of disease
Ingaz Semmelweis
Childhood fever
Edward Jenner
John Snow
James Lind
Randomized control trial for scurvy. Trials showed that citrius cured scurvy
Sir Percival Pott
Earliest accounts for cause and effect linkage for occupational carinogen. Chimney-sweeper cancer
Factors between health and disease
host, agent and envrionmental factors
Direct vs. indriect modes of transmission
diect: ex. person to person contact
indirect: involes an addditonal route such as ingestion, aerial, fomites, sexual contact
Horiztonal transmission
transmission of an infectious agent between members of the same species that do not have a parent child relationship
Vertical transmission
Transmission of an infectious agent from mother to embryo. fetus or babe before, during, or just after pregnancy