Unit 2 Flashcards
Bias definition
systematic error in design, conduct, or analysis of a study that results in a mistaken of an exposure’s effect.
differs from random error becuase it is systematic
selection bias, name the 3 forms
systamatic error in slecting one or more of the study groups compared
affects internal validity of the study
3 forms: non response, loss to follow up, health worker effect
approaches to adress: caeful study design, use of includion and exculsion criteria, and reduce non response
Selection bias: non-response
a differenc ien chactersitic of participant vs. non-participants, if differen it large will have an effect on outcome
Slection bias: loss to follow up
paricipants who withdraw from a study are systematically different from those who remain
Selection bias:health worker effect
able to participate are often in greater health than thoes who cannot ie. diffrence in symptoms
Information bias
systamatic error occurs when the means for obtaining information about the subjects in the study are inadequate, as a result the information gathered regarding exposures and or disease outcome are incorrect
Information bias: miss-classification bias
misclassify subjects, classify as exposed when not and vice versa
two types: differenital and non differential
approaches: use best available data collection tools, reduce misinformation reported ie. shotren recall period
Infomraiton bias: miss-classification bias: differential missclassification
one group is more likely to be inaccurately assinged between two groups
ex. a women with a baby with malfomration tended to remember infection that occured during htie rpreganices then did mother with normal infants
will tent to lead to a assocaiton found
Infomraiton bias: miss-classification bias: non-differential missclassification
inaccuracy in the information obtained form any study group, all groups are equally as likely to be accurate or inaccurate, problems with data collection
well tend to lead to a bias toward null
Informaiton bias: recall bias
occurs when certain groups are more likely to remember certain info than another group
Informaiton bias: reporting bias
occurs when paticular informaition because of attributed beilies and perceptions
incorrectly conclude that a causual assocation between two factors exists, assoication is disorted by another facotr that was not considered
Way to address confoudning
matching between cases and controls, data analysis 1. stratify, 2. adjustment, randomization, restriction or exclusion (exclude based on presence of a given factor)
each component of a disease is necessary for disease but NOT sufficient to cause the disease on its own, however all factors come together to form a sufficient cause
Direct vs. indirect causation
direct: indicated that a factor directly causes a disease or health outcome without any step in between
indirect: indicated that a factor causes disease but not before going through intermediate steps