Unit 6 Flashcards
Equ- equal
Able- adjective
Def: Tending to be calm, not extreme mood swings.
The towns were equable to each other.
Ad- toward
Equ- equal
Acy- adjective
Def: Being equal to some need or requirement.
I require adequacy.
Equ- equal
Um- noun
Def: A state in which opposing forces are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other; a state of emotional balance or calmness.
We seek equilibrium.
Equ- equal
Nox- night(noun)
Def: A day when day and night are the same length.
We have reached an equinox.
To seek or obtain
In- “in”
Quis- to seek
Tion- noun
Def: A questioning or examining that is often harsh or severe.
We should commit more inquisitions.
Per- perk
Quis- to seek
Ite- noun
Def: A privilege or profit that is provided in addition to one’s base salary; something claimed as an exclusive possession or right.
I love perquisites.
Quis- to seek
Ive- adjective
Def: Eager to acquire; greedy.
Do not be so acquisitive.
Re- again
Quis- to seek or obtain
Ion- noun
Def: A demand or request (such as for supplies) made with proper authority.
The Polo club made a requisition.
To fill.
Plen- to fill
Ary- adjective
Def: Including all who have a right to attend; complete in all ways.
Please make the city town hall meeting plenary.
Ple- to fill
Ment- noun
Def: Something that fills up or makes perfect; the amount needed to make something complete; a counterpart.
The red complements the room.
De- apart
Ple- to fill
Te- verb
Def: To reduce in amount by using up.
The supplies were depleted.
Re- again
Ple- to fill
Te- verb
Def: Fully or abundantly filled or supplied.
Let’s replete the shelves.
Metr- measure
Ic- adjective
Def: Relating to or based on the metric system; relating to or arranged in meter.
Use the metric system.
Meter- measure (noun)
Def: The basic metric unit of length, equal to about 39.37; a systematic rhythm in poetry or music.
Use meters as your units.
Odo- trip
Meter- measure (noun)
Def: An instrument used to measure distance traveled.
My odometer cost a small fortune!