Unit 5 Flashcards
First in time, first formed.
Before or in front of.
Straight, right, or true.
Straight or right.
Well, good, or true.
Bad or difficult.
Mal- bad
Vol- wish
Ent- adjective
Def: Having or showing intense ill will or hatred.
The malevolent atmosphere brought forth anger all around.
Mal- Bad
Ous- adjective
Def:Desiring to cause pain, injury, or distress to another.
Johnny suddenly became malicious after having one drink too many.
Mal- Bad
Ign- adjective
Def: To make harsh and often false or misleading statements about.
Washington Post maligned several events in Missouri.
Mal- Bad
Ished- adjective
Def: Badly or poorly treated.
Many children all over the world are malnourished.
Cata- Down
Clysm- noun
Def: Violent and massive change in earth’s surface; momentous event that results in great upheaval and often destruction.
In the movie 2012, a massive cataclysm occurred.
Cata- Down
Comb- noun
Def: Underground cemetery of connecting passageways.
The catacombs are not a place for a child to be.
Cata- Down
Lyst- adjective
Def:A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction; someone or something that brings about or speeds significant change/action.
The sodium was a catalyst for the explosion.
Cata- Down
Tonic- adjetive
Def: Relating to or suffering from schizophrenia; showing an unusual lack of movement, actuality, or expression.
He has gone catatonic!
Prot- first in time or first formed
NIst- noun
Def: The main character in a literary work.
Vanagoral was the protagonist of Judich.
Proto- first in time or first formed
Col- adjetive
Def: A code of diplomatic or military rules of behavior; a set of rules for the formatting of data in an electronic communications system.
We must follow the protocol.
Proto- first in time or first formed
Plasm- adjetive
Def: The substance that makes up the living parts of cells.
Protoplasm is full of nutrients.
Proto- first in time or first formed
Type- noun
Def: An original model on which something is patterned; a first, full-scale, usually working version of a new type or design.
The prototype was responsible for ripping apart the bodies of a family, causing many law suits.
Ante- before or in front of
Chamber- noun
Def: An outer room that leads to another and is often used as a waiting room.
Fifth and Third’s ante chamber had several guards.
Ante- before or in front of
Date- adjective
Def: To date something with a date earlier than that of actual writing; to precede in time.
The check was antedated on the first.
Ante- before or in front of
Ent- adjective
Def: A word or phrase that is referred to by a pronoun that follows it; an event or cause coming before something.
Do not forget correctly use antecedents.
Ante- before or in front of
Or- adjective
Def: Located before or toward the front or head; coming before in time or development.
Trees are anterior to a house.
Ortho= straight, right, or true
Dont- teeth
Ics- noun
Def: A branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and correction of crooked teeth and other irregularities.
I think I’m becoming interested in the field of orthodontics.
Ortho- straight, right, or true
Dox- noun
Def: Holding established beliefs, especially in religion; conforming to established rules or traditions; conventional.
Do not be so orthodox.
Ortho- straight, right, or true
Ped- foot
Ics- noun
Def: The correction or prevention of deformities of the skeleton.
Orthopedics is very important for our profession.
Ortho- straight, right or true.
Graph- write
Y- noun
Def: THe spelling of words, especially spelling according to standard usage.
How well versed are you in orthography?
Rect- straight or right
Tude- adjective
Def: Moral intregrity.
Have some more rectitude.
Rect- straight or right.
Ify- verb
Def: To set right; remedy
I need to rectify this mistake.
Rect- straight or right.
Ear- adjective
Def: Moving in or forming a straight line; having many straight lines.
The graph was rectilinear.
Di- apart
Rect- straight or true
Ive- adjective
Def: Something that guides or directs; especially, a general instruction form a high-level body or official.
Directives was very important.
Eu- well, good, or true
Gen- relating to genes
Ic- adjective
Def: Relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring through controlled breeding.
Are these cows eugenic?
Eu- good, well, or true.
Ism- noun
Def: An agreeable or inoffensive word or expression that is substituted for one that may offend or disgust.
The words were merely euphemisms.
Eu- good, well, or true
Ia- noun
Def: A strong feeling of well-being or happiness.
Drugs mostly offer euphoria.
Eu- good, well, or true
Logy- noun
Def: A formal speech or writing especially in honor of a dead person; high praise.
Ronin Williams has many eulogies.
Dys- bad or difficult.
La- noun
Def: An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives.
You don’t want to go to dystopla.
Dys- bad or difficult
Lex- confuse
Ia- noun
Def: A disturbance or interference with the ability to read or to use language.
I heat having dyslexia.
Dys- Bad or difficult
Ic- adjective
Def: Relating to or suffering form indigestion; having irritable temperament; ill-humored.
Stop being so dysplastic.
Dys- bad or difficult
La- noun
Def: Abnormal development of cells or organs, or an abnormal structure resulting form such growth.
You’ve been diagnosed with dysplasla.
A fortiori
All the more certainty.
A posteriori
Relating to or derived by reasoning from known or observed facts.
A priori
Relating to or derived by reasoning from self evident propositions.
Bona fide
Made in good faith, without deceit; authentic or genuine.
Carpe diem
Enjoy the pleasures or opportunities of the moment without concern about the future.
Corpus Delicti
The substantial and basic fact or facts necessary to prove that a crime has been committed; the material substance, such as the murdered body, on which a crime has been committed.
Curriculum vitae
Def: A short summary of one’s career and qualifications, typically prepared by an applicant for position; résumé.