Unit 2 Flashcards
Breath, life, soul.
Take or seize
End or boundary.
Throw or hurl.
Drag or draw.
To lead.
To follow
Klepto- steal
Mania- madness
Def: Disease in which one has a strong desire to steal.
When the woman was diagnosed with kleptomania, and all charges were dropped, she was told to seek medical attention.
Dipso- thirst
Mania- madness
C- noun
People have called Kline a dipsomaniac in the past.
Megalo- large
Mania- madness
C- noun
After gloating about a leadership position that didn’t exist, John was diagnosed as an megalomaniac.
Ego- self
Mania- madness
C- noun
After complaining about not having a vacation, John called Susie an egomaniac.
Psych- breath, life, soul
e- adjective
The men had reevaluated their psyches and their intentions.
Psych- breath, life, soul
Ic- Adjective
The psychedelic effects just weren’t enough for Andrew.
Pysch- breath, life, soul O Soma- relating to body T Ic- adjective
The woman always blamed her sarcastic rebuttals on a psychosomatic disorder, but her coworkers found out she was just a reprobate.
Psych- breath, life, soul O Ther Ap Ist- noun, concerning root.
My psychotherapist prescribed me Depakote to control flashes of anger.
Re- again
Cept- to take/seize
Ion- noun
The reception in the wilderness was horrid.
Inter- between
Cept- take/seize (verb)
The football player can’t intercept to save his life.
Per- Thoroughly
Cept- take/seize
Ible- adjective
Your actions were perceptible from the moment you started speaking.
Sus- up
Cept- take/seize
Ible- adjective
The harsh winter made everybody susceptible to the hostility in the air.
Con- together
Fin- end/boundary
E- verb
How dare you confine me to nothing but this hell?
De- separation
Fin- end/boundary
Ive- adjective
The man’s definitive no to selling his house made many realtors scurry in fear.
Fin- end/boundary
Ite- adjective
Google didn’t seem to have any finite limits to what they could do.
In- force Fin- end/boundary It Esim Al- pertaining to
The amoebas were infinitesimal, even to the advance microscopes.
Inter- between or among
Ject- throw/hurl
The students didn’t seem to know why the teacher didn’t like them to interject their lectures.
Con- with/together
Ject- throw/hurl
Ure- noun
Give us a conjecture, which is better than nothing.
Pro- grow
Ject- throw/hurl
Ion- action/noun
The president’s projection of the war was more jovial than the public’s view on the affair.
Ject- throw/hurl
Ory- adjective
The trajectory of the bullet was slightly off, resulting in the hollow thump into an innocent bystanders head.
Tract- drag/draw
Ion- noun
The back wheels were not getting any traction on the icy roads.
Re- again
Tract- drag/draw
The cat’s claws retracted when she was fed some treats.
Pro- advancing forward
Tract- drag/draw
The tape dispenser protracts too much tape.
In- not able
Tract- drag/draw
Able- capable of being/noun
The whole situation was just intractable to Johnny.
Con- together
Duc- to lead
Ive- function/adjective
Nobody seemed conducive to the new library program.
De- separation
Duct- lead
Ion- noun
Your deduction was not only mistaken but also slightly shrewd.
In- force
Duc- lead
E- verb
Advertisers attempt to induce people to buy their cheap off-label products.
Se- aside
Duct- lead
Ion- noun
The seduction of Adam was not primarily Eve’s fault.
Sequ- to follow
Al- pertaining to/adjective
The men thought it was easier to make the ranks in sequential order.
Sub- below
Sequ- follow
Ent- adjective
Subsequent schedules are important for organization.
Con- together
Sequ- follow
Al- adjective
Consequential to the court’s ruling was the arrest of Dr. Winhelm.
Non- not
Sequ- follow
Ur- noun
The man’s statement, “Banana”, was non sequitur to the questions asked by reporters.
Harmonious, ordered, rational, calm.
Frenzied, excited.
Unclear, ambiguous, or confusing.
Frenzied or delirious.
Jolly, good-natured.
Having rapid and unpredictable changes of mood.
Lofty, superior, and detached.
Having to do with sexual intercourse or disease transmitted by it.