Unit 4 Flashcards
Carni- meat
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Meat eating or flesh eating.
The men were carnivorous.
Herbi- plant
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Plant-eating.
The giraffes are herbivorous.
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Feeding on insects.
Birds are insectivorous, they heavily rely on insects.
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Having a huge appetite.
Do you have a voracious appetite?
Carn- flesh or meat
Age- noun
Def: Great destruction of life (battle); slaughter.
The carnage made several Americans sick.
Carn- flesh or meat
Al- adjective
Def: Having to do with bodily pleasures.
Food is my carnal sin.
In- “in”
Carn- flesh or meat
Ate- adjective
Def: Given bodily or actual form; especially, having human body.
Many people reject their incarnate form, and resolve to object their bodies to tattoos and piercing.
Re- again
In- “in”
Carn- meat or flesh
Ation- noun
Def: Rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; someone who has be born again with a new body after death.
I for one, do not believe in reincarnation.
Cred- to believe
Ence- noun
Def: Mental acceptance of something as true or real; belief.
There is no given credence that someone wishes to do harm to me.
Cred- to believe
Ible- adjective
Def: Able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe; good enough to be effective.
Your story isn’t credible at all.
Cred- to believe
Ity- noun
Def: Readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidence.
I possess no credulity, I always research things.
Cred- to believe
O- noun
Def: A statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith; a set of guiding principles or beliefs.
We have a credo, which will not bend.
Fid- faith or trust
It- noun
Def: A sworn statement made in writing.
The affidavit states otherwise Mr. Liar.
Dif- apart
Fid- faith or trust
Ent- adjective
Def: Lacking confidence; timid, cautious.
Do not be diffident, step forward and give your speech.
Fid- faith or trust
Ary- adjective
Def: Having to do with a confidence or trust; held in trust for another.
You should treat me with fiduciary.
Per- thoroughly
Fid- faith or trust
Y- noun
Def: Faithlessness, disloyalty, or treachery.
How dare you treat me with perfidy.
Con- together
Curr- to run
Ent- adjective
Def: Happening or operating at the same time.
The tropical storms were concurrent to one another.
Cur- to run
Ory- adjective
Def: Hastily and often carelessly done.
The cursory party had been one large mistake after another.
Dis- not
Curs- to run
Ive- adjective
Def: Passing from one topic to another.
Stop being discursive, and pay attention.
Pre- before
Curs- to run
Or- noun
Def: One that goes before and indicates the coming of another.
The rolling clouds were a precursor to the thunder storm.
Quad- meaning 4
Ped- foot (noun)
Def: An animal having four feet.
The quadruped ran across the field while on fire.
Ped- foot
Igree- noun
Def: The line of ancestors of a person or animal.
The pedigree indicated that the dog was in fact a inbreed.
Im- “in”
Ped- foot
Ment- noun
Def: Something that interferes with movement or progress.
The rain was impediment to the carnival.
Ped- foot
An- adjective
Def: Commonplace, ordinary, or unimaginative.
My father’s workplace had a pedestrian atmosphere.
De- seperate
Flect- to bend
Def: To turn aside, especially from a straight/fixed course.
The barracks deflect most of the artillery, but even 6 feet of concrete could not stop the lethal chemicals of agent orange.
Re- again
Flect- to bend
Ive- adjective
Def: Capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves; thoughtful.
The mirror was reflective, which is good for Morse code.
Genu- “knee”
Flect- to bend (verb)
Def: To kneel on one knee then rise as an act of respect.
Not too many men like to genuflect.
In- “in:
Flect- to bend
Ion- noun
Def: A change in the pitch, tone, or loudness of the voice; the change in the form of a word showing its case, gender, number, person, tense, mood, voice, or comparison.
There was an inflection in the man’s voice.
Post- after or behind
Or- noun
Def: Situated on or on the back; rear.
Post- after or behind
Ous- adjective
Def: Published after the death of an author; following or happening after one’s death.
The work “Carnage of the Weak” was posthumous to Carol Killer.
Post- after or behind
Ern- adjective
Def: Making fun or pointing at modernism by using traditional elements or techniques.
The tower was postmodern, appearing similar to the church from the 1800’s.
Post- after or behind
Em- adjective
Def: Occurring after death; following the event.
Postmortem to the death of Nebuchadnezzar was the fall of the New Babylonian Empire.
After or behind
To bend
To run
Faith or trust
To believe or to entrust
Flesh or meat
To eat
A folk song or style of singing of West Indian origin that has a lively rhythm and words that are often made up by the singer.
A long, wandering journey full of trials and adventures; a spiritual journey or quest.
A precious, silver-white metal related to platinum that is used in electrical contacts and as an alloy with gold to form white gold.
A modest domestic wife.
Ruthlessly disregarding individual differences or special circumstances.
Displaying great versatility or variety,; able to take on many different forms or natures.
A female prophet or fortune teller.
A woman who tempts men with bewitching sweetness.