Unit 4 Flashcards
Carni- meat
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Meat eating or flesh eating.
The men were carnivorous.
Herbi- plant
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Plant-eating.
The giraffes are herbivorous.
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Feeding on insects.
Birds are insectivorous, they heavily rely on insects.
Vor- to eat
Ous- adjective
Def: Having a huge appetite.
Do you have a voracious appetite?
Carn- flesh or meat
Age- noun
Def: Great destruction of life (battle); slaughter.
The carnage made several Americans sick.
Carn- flesh or meat
Al- adjective
Def: Having to do with bodily pleasures.
Food is my carnal sin.
In- “in”
Carn- flesh or meat
Ate- adjective
Def: Given bodily or actual form; especially, having human body.
Many people reject their incarnate form, and resolve to object their bodies to tattoos and piercing.
Re- again
In- “in”
Carn- meat or flesh
Ation- noun
Def: Rebirth in new bodies or forms of life; someone who has be born again with a new body after death.
I for one, do not believe in reincarnation.
Cred- to believe
Ence- noun
Def: Mental acceptance of something as true or real; belief.
There is no given credence that someone wishes to do harm to me.
Cred- to believe
Ible- adjective
Def: Able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe; good enough to be effective.
Your story isn’t credible at all.
Cred- to believe
Ity- noun
Def: Readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidence.
I possess no credulity, I always research things.
Cred- to believe
O- noun
Def: A statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith; a set of guiding principles or beliefs.
We have a credo, which will not bend.
Fid- faith or trust
It- noun
Def: A sworn statement made in writing.
The affidavit states otherwise Mr. Liar.
Dif- apart
Fid- faith or trust
Ent- adjective
Def: Lacking confidence; timid, cautious.
Do not be diffident, step forward and give your speech.
Fid- faith or trust
Ary- adjective
Def: Having to do with a confidence or trust; held in trust for another.
You should treat me with fiduciary.
Per- thoroughly
Fid- faith or trust
Y- noun
Def: Faithlessness, disloyalty, or treachery.
How dare you treat me with perfidy.
Con- together
Curr- to run
Ent- adjective
Def: Happening or operating at the same time.
The tropical storms were concurrent to one another.
Cur- to run
Ory- adjective
Def: Hastily and often carelessly done.
The cursory party had been one large mistake after another.
Dis- not
Curs- to run
Ive- adjective
Def: Passing from one topic to another.
Stop being discursive, and pay attention.