Unit 3 Flashcards
On both sides or around.
On, over or attached to.
Below, under.
Same or similar.
Ad hoc
Formed or used for a particular purpose or for immediate needs.
Latin: For this.
Ad hominem
Marked by an attack on an opponent’s character rather than by an answer to the arguments made or the issues raised. Latin: to the man therefor against the other person.
Alter Ego
A trusted friend or personal representative; the opposite side of a personality.
Latin: second I
De facto
Being such in practice or effect, although not formally recognized; actual.
Latin: from the fact.
Quid pro quo
Something given or received for something else.
Latin: something for something
Ex post facto
Done, made, or formulated after the fact.
Latin: from a thing done afterward.
Modus operandi
A usual way of doing something.
Latin: Method of operating.
Modus vivendi
A practical compromise or arrangement that is acceptable to all concerned; a way of life.
Latin: manner of living.
Ambi- both sides/around
Ous- relating to, adjective
Def: unclear in meaning.
The men were ambiguous on whether or not the building should be collapsed.
Ambi- both
Ent- adjective
Def: existing on all sides.
The lighting was not ambient at all.
Ambi- on both sides or around
Valent- adjective
Def: wavering between choices and options.
The choices are all appealing, but I’m still ambivalent on the idea of transferring the funds to a foreign bank account.
Ambi- on both sides.
T- noun
Def: Range limit covered by something (law)
The animals were treated horribly but it was still ambit.
Epi- on, over, or attached to.
Ue- noun
Def: The final section after the main part.
The epilogue was not appealing to me.
Epi- on, over, or attached to.
Phyte- plant, noun
Def: Plant, gains nutrients from air/rain, grows on another plant.
The fern was an epiphyte, which gained its nutrients from the tree.
Epi- on, over, or attached to.
Taph- tomb, noun
Def: Grave inscription.
The man’s epitaph was rather comical.
Epi- on, over, or attached to
Thet- noun
Def: Descriptive words or phrases attached to or about somebody’s name.
Hypo- below or under
chondr- cartilage
Iac- noun
Def: Person overly concerned with health.
You are a hypochondriac, so stop surfing the internet.
Hypo- below or under
Glyc- sweet
Emia- noun
Def: abnormal decrease in blood sugar.
I’ve been diagnosed with hypoglycemia.
Hypo- below or under
Therm- temperature/warm
Ia- noun
Def: Subnormal temperature of body.
Keep warm or you’ll be diagnosed with hypothermia.
Hypo- below or under
Thet- foundation or base.
Ical- adjective
Def: assumptions made for sake of argument.
The questions were purely hypothetical.
Therm- warm
Al- adjective
Def: caused by heat.
The thermal blanked kept them warm.
Thermo- warm
Dynam- power
Ics- noun
Def: Physics that deals with mechanical actions/relations to heat.
I’ve been studying thermodynamics.
Thermo- warm
Nuclear- adjective of nucleus
Def: Of/relating to changes in nucleus of atoms, require high temps.
The thermonuclear department became worried at the sight of a mushroom cloud in the horizon.
British- relating to Britain
Thermal- warm
Unit- noun
Def: Quantity of heat required to raise temp of one pound of water one degrees F.
Please record the British thermal unit on the paper.
Poly- many
P- noun
Def: Sea invertebrate or a growth a growth on a mucous membrane.
I think I have a polyp.
Poly- many
Glot- language related. (adjective)
Def: One who can speak and write in several languages.
I’m polyglot in many languages.
Poly- many
Mer- part (noun)
Def: Chemical compound formed by a reaction of molecules forming larger ones.
Many polymers are sort of confusing.
Graph- to write
Def: Instrument for recording changes in several bodily functions.
The man did not pass the polygraph, and may face criminal charges.
Prim- first
Al- adjective
Def: basic/primitive
The animals were primal in their methods of mating.
Prim- first
Er- noun
Def: Small book for teaching children to read/introductory book.
Many students hated the primers, thinking them to be nothing but a wasted of time.
Prim- first
Ate- noun
Def: Member of group of animals including humans, apes, monkeys.
Primates are generally smarter than most other mammals.
Prim- first
Ord- order
Ial- adjective
Def: First created/developed, existing from the very beginning.
The clocks were a primordial masterpiece.
Homo- same or similar
Nym- noun
Def: Words pronounced and/or spelled same, but different meaning.
There, their, and they’re are all homonyms.
Home- same or similar
Gene- kind race
Ous- full of (adjective)
Def: Of same/similar kind; of uniform structure throughout.
The cells were homogeneous to one another.
Homo- same or similar
Log- relation
Ous- full of (adjective)
Def: Developing from same/part of ancestor.
The trees were homologous to the great pine behind them.
Homo- same or similar
Genize- verb
Def: Treat milk so fat is mixed; change something so parts are same/similar.
The lard is homogenized with the batter so consumers do not know of its existence in the cookies.
Dis- apart
Suade- verb
Def: To convince someone not to do something.
The minister tried to dissuade the general on his brutal purging of the natives.
Dis- apart
Orient- to rise (verb)
Def: To cause to be confused or lost.
The lights often disorient the bats.
Dis- apart
Credit- trust (verb)
Def: To cause someone to seem dishonest; to damage reputation.
The men tried to discredit the publisher’s education but failed.
Dis- apart
Lodge- place to stay (verb)
Def: To force out of place.
Charlie was dislodged from his home to the street.