Unit 6 Flashcards
a photographer who wrote How the Other Half Lives
Jacob Riis
controlled the steel industry
Andrew Carnegie
where workers lived at the time which was very unsanitary and crowded
a muckraker who wrote The Jungle which showed the dangers of the meat-packing industry
Upton Sinclair
controlled the oil industry
JD Rockefeller
a journalist who tried to expose the dangers of the oil monopoly
Ida Tarbell
created after The Jungle to help regulate food and drugs to make them safer
were journalists during the time who exposed issues workers were having
the time period between 1890-1920 when workers and women were fighting for their rights.
Progressive Era
a law signed by FDR that provided a minimum wage, outlawed child labor and provided an 8-hour workday.
Fair Labor Standards Act
What are two things the Workers group is fighting for/against today?
Any two answers work:
Higher minimum wage
For employers not to cut health benefits
Pension and retirement___________ benefits
Union issues
Covid vaccines___________
Protection/gear as frontline workers during pandemic
Alice Paul
Wanted the right to vote immediately
Wanted a Constitutional Amendment
Fought for women’s rights in England
Forms the National____________ Women’s Party (NWP)
Carrie Chapman Catt
Gain right to vote slowly
State by State (Conservative approach)
Fighting for rights with the National American Woman____________ Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
Betty Friedan
Wrote a novel about the unhappy life of housewives
Gloria Steinem
Led the Women’s Liberation Movement which wanted the Equal Rights Amendments (ERA)
President Wilson
President Wilson did not support Women’s Suffrage
Finally supported it as a war measure
19th amendment
August 18, 1920
● Women get the right to vote
Formed by Alice Paul
What did Title IX mean for schools?
Schools must have equal funding for men and women’s sports as well as have equal opportunities to play sports
What are women fighting for today?
-Passage of the Era
-Equal pay
-Reporductive rights
-Pink Tax
-SSocial issues
-equal job opportunities
National Organization for women founded by Gloria Steinem to support equal pay and job opportunities
Roe v. Wade
Many states outlawed abortions. (In Texas abortions were only legal to save the life of the mother)
Roe wished to have an abortion, but it was not allowed to under Texas law
7-2 for roe
Abortion is legal
During the first trimester of pregnancy, abortion is legal without any interference from the state
**Ruling in June 2022, was overturned
abortion is controlled by states
American Indian Movement (AIM)
fights for Native American rights
Native American Rights Fund
fights for Native American rights
Indian Citizenship Act
This act now made all Native Americans U.S. citizens
•Suffrage (right to vote)- not given to all Native Americans until 1954!
Issues on the reservation
-Lack of access to water
-high poverty
-high school dropout rate
-bad health care
Are Native Americans still fighting for citzenship today?
No, a law was passed that granted them citzensip
What are 3 things they are fighting for today (native Americans)
List any 3:
Logos and mascots depict Native Americans in a disrespectful manner
Violence against Native American Women
Underrepresentation in government
Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)
reservation status (refer to the reservation bullets)
Ceaser Chavez
Goal: Fight for rights of laborers and chicanos (Latin X Community)
Reached goals with hunger strikes, grape wine strikes, wine boycott, sit-ins, and nonviolent marches
Delores Huerta
Ceaser Chavez’s sister in law
Stopped teaching because she could not do anything for those who came to school barefoot and hungry
Began with CSO
Goals: register chicano voters and have citizenship classes for chicanos
Worked with Chavez in the UFW
Became part of the feminist movement after meeting Gloria Steinem
La Raza
Once a political party who now workes to help people in the Latino community
Community Service Organization in the 1950’s
United Farm Workers
league of United Latin American Citizen’s is the largest and oldest Hispanic membership organization in the United States
mission is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
still exists
tries to promote a path to citizenship
Main goal of President Obama’s DAPA and DACA
DAPA- Deffered Action for parents of Americans and Lawful Permenment Residents
-Deffered Action for Childhood Arrivals
Both actions were trying to promote a path to citizenship
Crisis at the Border
People coming for a better life, safer place to live, escape violence and poverty in their home country, in Central and South America
• Many are unaccompanied children-120,000 in 2022
• Over 2 million people processed at the border in
2022 with President Biden open-border policy.
• People crossing the border are being bussed to cities like NYC
Two things Latinx are fighting for today
List any two:
Representation in STEM careers, government, media, and TV shows
Immigration— President Trump writes an executive order of building a wall which is now ⅓ done
Path to citizenship
Border Crisis
Job Opportunities
Buck v. Bell
Issue: can someone committed to a mental institution be sterilized?
Decision: Yes, a person that is “feeble minded” can be sterilized against their will as long as there is a hearing beforehand
Still legal today—especially in detention centers and prisons
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
focus on creating free public education for all students, including accommodations for students with disabilites
used to be Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975)
renamed im 1990
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Americans with Disabilities Act
signed by Geroge H. W. Bush
Prevent discrimination based on disability
Ensure that accommodations and accesibility is widely available in public space/workspaces
group that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family
Capital Crawl
people in wheelchairs crawl up the steps
Designed to show how inaccessible the Capital Building was
Effect–George H. W. Bush signs the Americans with Disabilities Act
Two things people with disablities are fighting for today?
List any two:
Accessibility still remains the #1 problem facing people with disabilities
Lack of representation in media
Inaccessibility of media for the blind and/or deaf
discrimination against “invisible” disabilities
Stonewall Riots
-A series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn (a Gay Bar) in Greenwich Village
-Took place in New York City on June 28, 1969
To revoke or unlawful a constitutional act
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
-Passed by President Clinton (ends up hurting the movement)
-A military policy that did allow people in the LGBT community to serve openly. They were not allowed to tell anyone and no superior could ask.
-If found out about their sexual orientation, they would be given a dishonorable discharge from the military. (Daniel Choi)
-President Obama got rid of DADT
Obergefell v. Hodges
-Ruled the Federal Same-Sex Ban was unconstitutional
-Fundamental guarantee of marriage to same-sex couples under 14th Amendment
-Same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states
Bostock v. Clayton County
-Ruled that it is illegal for businesses nationwide to fire employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity under the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Human Rights Campaign
HRC: Humans Right Campaign- Largest civil rights group fighting for equality for the LGBT community
GLAAD: The LGBT media advocacy organization and changing the culture and acceptance within the community
Which president hurt the movement? Which President helped the movement
Helped: Obama
Hurt Bill Clinton
Issue of the LGBTQ+ Community today?
-Anti-Discrimination Laws in states
-Transgender rights and violence
-”Don’t Say Gay” Laws
- Education in school
-Adoption rights
-Drag Queen Bans