Unit 5:Review Flashcards
When using root cause analysis, the focus is on _____ the mistake happened, keeping in mind that most problems have more than one root cause.
The ultimate goal of root cause analysis is to prevent _____, making this an integral part of the safety planning for an organization.
future problems
How many goals has the NPSG identified for 2019?
As the healthcare industry institutes the National Patient Safety Goals and makes them standard procedure, what will The Joint Commission do?
publishes a set of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG), which are actions that healthcare agencies should take to improve the safety and quality of care for patients.
To correctly identify patients, healthcare workers are now required to use _____ piece(s) of information to identify each and every patient.
Ensuring that healthcare workers are getting the intended patients the right medication, the correct blood for a transfusion, and avoiding allergens has to do with what 2019 goal from the NPSG?
use medicine safely
Person-specific identifiers may include what kind of information?
Patient name, date of birth, telephone number, or assigned identification number
What term refers to information directly associated with an individual that reliably identifies the individual as the person for whom the service or treatment is intended?
Person-specific identifiers
What federal government agency specifically exists to look after the health of workers?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
One major hazard for healthcare workers has to do with lifting and moving 100 or more pounds of live weight around. This can be very hard for even very strong individuals and is often referred to as:
patient handling
What term BEST describes the use of body movement that is safe, efficient, and energy conserving?
body mechanics
At what point in a healthcare worker’s career should they engage in training on how to use body mechanics to more efficiently move their own body and avoid injury?
ongoing through your career
When patient handling tasks are performed repetitively in either an awkward position, by using a great deal of force, or when lifting heavy loads alone, what happens to the risk of injury?
It gets higher
To practice proper alignment and posture, keep your back straight and do not lift by bending your back but rather by bending your:
Maintaining a safe environment includes _____ safety, which is a major cause of fire in healthcare settings.
What is the science that studies how people move and interact with their work environment called?
Identifying biological hazards, electrical hazards, and areas of isolation for specific infectious diseases, are all examples of what?
Typical Hazard Signs
To practice good balance, an integral aspect of body mechanics, it is important to maintain what kind of support?
broad base
Wet floors, equipment blocking hallways, and cords running across rooms are just a few types of _____ hazards that can cause a fall or other injury.
What term refers to documents that give information about the occupational safety for the use of a certain product?
Safety Data Sheets
When moving a patient from their hospital bed to a wheelchair, what is the BEST way to bring that patient into a sitting position?
Then place your arms below the patient, one under the shoulders and one under the knees. With bent knees, swing the patient’s legs off the bed
What basic component of good body mechanics involves planning movements so that all parts of the body help the process?
The actions that healthcare agencies should take to improve the safety and quality of care for patients are referred to as:
National Patient Safety Goals
What term refers to a set of infection control procedures that must be followed to prevent transmission of disease?
standard precautions