Unit 5 Notes Flashcards
How did England dominate the seas?
By crowding out the French, Dutch, and Spanish from valuable markets and sources Of raw materials
Why was the neoclassical period of England’s history was difficult for the common man?
England was in tradition from an agricultural to an industrial society
What ideas did deists reject from Scripture?
- The deity of Christ
- Christ’s death and bodily resurrection
- Miracles of Scripture
What dulled the ill effects of the industrial revolution?
The influence f Wesleyanism taught otherworldly values and compassion for the down trodden and brought an evangelical conscience to England
Who was called the “first of the moderns”?
John Dryden
Why was Dryden called the “first of the moderns”?
Because he foresaw a new age of reasonableness and scientific progress
John Dryden’s satirical work “________ and __________” stunned London because of its political impact.
Absalom and Achitophel
In Defoe’s “The Shortest with Dissenters” he uses irony to show what?
The absurdity of Tory punishments for nonconformity by recommending using harsh punishments when he really believed in not using them
____________ ________ was one of Defoe’s most lasting contribution to the novel.
Journalistic realism
In “Robinson Crusoe”, Crusoe missed what the most while on the island?
Crusoe resigned himself to the _____ ___ ____ in order to compose his mind and keep his sanity while on the island.
Will of God
Who wrote what was considered the first true novel in Englishman?
Daniel Defoe
Like “The Review”, “____ _________” became a periodical of commentary.
The Tattler
The essays found in “The Tattler” and “The Spectator” are much like our present-day ____________.
In “White’s Chocolate House” how did Addison and Steele point out the superior of reason over emotion?
By exaggerating the young man’s preoccupation with the young lady
In “Spectator 34”, Steele lets the reader know that he has a great respect for ___________ ________ and _______.
Traditional religion
Jonathan Swift’s series of pamphlets denouncing the exploitation of Ireland by Parliament, suggested:
- The rejection of new copper coinage for Ireland
- The boycott of English goods
- An ironic solution to overpopulation and starvation in Ireland
What was the purpose of “A Modest Proposal”?
To get Parliament’s attention concerning the means for relieving the ills of the Irish
What was the purpose of “Gulliver’s Travels”?
To vex the world rather than to entertain it
In “Gulliver’s Travels”, how did Swift show the absurdity of England’s conflicts?
By satirizing a very trivial issue and having the breaking of an egg result in extreme consequences
“An Essay on Man” seeks to answer the question?
“Why does evil exist”?
“An Essay on Man” set readers on a direct path to modern _________ ___________.
Secular Humanism
In “An Essay on Criticism” how does Pope illustrates the importance of his belief that the sound must seem an echo to the sense?
He writes a series of lines that sound like the good and bad writing techniques he is humorously espousing and deriding
Why did the 18th century become a great age of hymnody?
- Hymns provided a response to the neoclassical emphasis on rational control
- The neoclassical qualities important to good writing were important to writing a good hymn
Whose great contributions to hymn writing influenced the growth of hymnody?
Isaac Watts
True or False: “Heavenly Joy on Earth” the theme-heavenly joy should begin before the Christian reaches heaven
In “Against Idleness and Mischief” a _____ is used as an example in illustrating truth taught.
The popularity of “The Seasons” indicated a new demand for poems of __________ ___________ and ____________ __________.
Natural Description
Sentimental Reflection
From the poem “Winter”, “Thither the household feathery people crowd” is an example of _____________.
Who was a Calvinist used by God as a catalyst for the Great Awakening of 1735-50?
George Whitfield
John Wesley’s work as an author was the outgrowth of the ___________, __________, boarding school.
Kingswood ,Bristol
Charles Wesley wrote the following hymns:
- “And Can It Be That I Should Gain”
- “Jesus, Lover of My Soul”
- “Soldiers of Christ, Arise”
- “Behold the Man!”
- “The Beatific Sight”
In the journal entry for February 3,1770, Wesley attributes Rousseau’s shortcomings to?
His disdain for the bible
Why is “Behold the Man” a unique in English hymnody?
It’s dramatic-allegorical narrative quality
Who said “I look upon the world as my parish”?
John Wesley
Charles Wesley is credited with writing how many hymns?
The Wesleys and Whitfields sharply disagreed upon what?
The Calvinistic doctrine of limited atonement
According to John Wesley’s “Journal”, he had a grasp of ________ and enjoyed __________ as well as _________ reading.
Who was best known as “A Dictionary of the English Language”?
Samuel Johnson
In “Rambler 61” who was the least tolerable of the tenants?
The author
What is the truth behind Johnson’s statement “that a single house will show whatever is done or suffered in the world”?
Insight and instruction can be gained from the observation of those around you since human characteristics are universal
According to Johnson, Dryden lacked Pope’s characteristic of __________.
As a result of traveling with Johnson, Boswell wrote which book?
“journal of a tour to the Hebrides”
It was difficult for Boswell to meet Johnson because Johnson’s lifestyle was _________.
Johnson’s _____________ abilities overshadow his shortcomings.
At the end of his life Johnson’s bias for salvation was _______ ______.
Christ’s death
What was the purpose of a young man going on a “grand tour”?
To broaden his viewpoint by making it more cosmopolitan
Who was a dauntless hero worshipper who sought to meet many famous people?
“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” has neoclassical elements:
- It’s subject-man
- It’s heavy moralization
- It’s artificial poetic diction
“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” has a romantic elements:
- It’s description of rural landscape
- It’s idealization of humble life
- It’s use of natural description to generate a mood
- It’s solitary meditation
The lines “Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile/ The short and simple annals of the poor” is an example of ______________.
“She Stoops to Conquer” combines what tow elements?
The wit of earlier comedy and the morality of the current sentimental comedy
“The Deserted Village” uses _________ _________.
Heroic couplets
In “The Deserted Village” the cottages were given opportunities after enclosure came to their land:
- Emigrate to America
- To become a factory hand
- To stay in the village as a laborer
“Walking with God” is Cowper’s prayer to _____ for restored ___________.
Who wrote the hymn “There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood”?
True or false :Cowper abandoned himself in his times of mental distress
False, Cowper abandoned himself in his times of spiritual distress
Robert Burns can best be classified as a ___________ poet.
Who was known as the “Heaven-taught plowman”?
Robert Burns
__________ is the poetic device used in both “To a Mouse” and “To a Louse”
In “To a Mouse” why does the speaker say that the mouse is more fortunate than man?
The mouse has to deal with the present only whereas man has to deal with the past, the present, and the future