Final Exam Questions Part 2 Flashcards
What did Newman firmly oppose?
All attempts to separate formal religion from public life, especially schools
Tennyson’s poetry was deepened and enriched by what?
The death of his best friend
Who is the Pilot in Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar”?
“The divine and unseen who is always guiding us”
Who was the late- Victorian writer who had the most influence on modern literature?
Matthew Arnold
List the two areas in which Thomas Carlyle has his greatest impact on Victorian England.
- Religious thought
2. Social criticism
What new poetic genre did Robert Browning create?
Dramatic monologue
What most affected Christina Rosetti’s writing?
17th century Anglican devotional poets
Most of Lewis Carroll’s poems in the Alice books are best described as _____________.
What is Hardy’s attitude toward peasantry?
“Noble” rustics on contented pagans
Thomas Hardy’s “The Drakling Thrush” reflects what aspects?
The lingering pain of rejecting Christianity and the futility of trying to purge the miraculous from Christianity
Hopkin’s “sprung rhythm” which is based on natural speech rhythms instead of syllable divisions, is like the rhythm patter of what earlier type of poetry?
Old English Poetry
List the true statements about A.E. Housman’s “To an Athlete Dying young”.
- The youth is praised for dying young and keeps his honor even in death.
- Fames dies more quickly than beauty does
In “The Kingdom of God”, Thompson says modern man cannot see angels because?
Man’s redeemed nature prevents him from seeing them
Kipling’s “The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin” was said to be what form of literature?
In Kipling’s story, according to the doctor, what caused McGoggin’s conversion?
Who as founder of modern psychology helped foster the existentialist philosophy?
Sigmund Freud
Name the philosophy that maintains the strongest influence on writers of the modern period.
What is the intellect position most characteristic of the modern period?
The typical modern poem relies on what?
According to the modern writer, what is fatal to art?
The moon imagery in Yeat’s “Adam’s Curse” foreshadows what?
The disillusionment at the end of the poem
Yeat’s believed that answers for life were found in what?
Joyce’s “Ulysses” uses which method of development?
Stream of consciousness
In Joyce’s “Araby”, why is the boy prevented from leaving for the bazaar?
His uncle was late
Lawrence particularly despises the bourgeois’ love of what?
What does Virginia Woolf intend the road to symbolize in “Three Pictures”?
In Woolf’s “Three Pictures”, what is the narrators response to the first response?
In “Feuille D’ Album” what does Ian purchase in his effort to meet the girl?
An egg
What does the “tall tree” symbolize in MacNeice’s “The Truisms”?
The final maturing of the son
In Katherine Mansfield’s stories, what literary element is of supreme importance?
Atmosphere takes precedence over plot
Why can’t the mother comfort the father in Robert Grave’s “Coronation Address”?
She does not take into account her husband’s feelings toward the matriarchy
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
Life is tragically absurd and illusions give only false comfort.
“Three Pictures”
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
Any beautiful fine accomplishment requires diligent work
“Adam’s Curse”
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
“Tis not too late to seek a newer world.”
To “vindicate the ways of God to man”
“Essay on Man”
Who wrote “Essay on Criticism”?
Alexander Pope
Who wrote “Coronation Address”?
Robert Graves
Who wrote “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”?
William Wordsworth
Who wrote “Winter”?
James Thompson
Who wrote “When I Was One and Twenty”?
A. E. Housman
Who wrote “The Deserted Village”?
Oliver Goldsmith
Who wrote “The Tyger”?
William Blake
Who wrote “A Red, Red Rose”?
Robert Burns
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Nationalist poet who often wrote in dialect
Robert Burns
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Upon becoming a Jesuit priest, burned all his poetry
Gerald Manley Hopkins
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Called “the English Chekhov”
Katherine Mansfield
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Complied and edited the Dictionary of the English Language
Samuel Johnson
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Poet Laureate
John Dryden
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Took part in a romantic elopement
Robert Browning
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
After trying to reform Anglicanism, converted to Catholicism
John Henry Newman
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Showed great talent, but died of tuberculosis at 26
Jonathan Swift
Word Bank: Robert Browning, Robert Burns, John Dryden, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Katherine Mansfield, John Henry Newman, and Jonathan Swift.
Showed great talent, but died of tuberculosis at 26
John Keats
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
Spiritual fulfillment comes through achieving unity with all of God’s creation.
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
All earthly vanity and ambition will eventually fall prey to time.
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
Determination in meeting the challenges of death
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
The loss of religions validity
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
The remarkable power of God
“Wesley’s Journal”
Wordbank: “Adam’s Curse”/ “Essay on Man”/ “Oxymandias”/ “Prospice”/ “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”/ “Tables Turned”/ “Three Pictures”/ “Ulysses”/ “Wesley’s Journal”
The superiority of Nature to books as a moral guide
“The Tables Turned”