Chapter 3B Shakespeare (Macbeth) Flashcards
Macbeth’s impact is based not only on its artistry but also on its ___________ _______
Biblical Values
Because or Macbeth’s treason Macbeth forfeits _____, ____, and ______.
Macbeth resembles the effective type of medieval drama as _____ _________ _____.
The morality play
______ , the ______, and ______ are all images of evil that are primarily associated with Duncan’s murder,
In Act 1, the appearance of the _________ foreshadows the struggles between good and evil in the human soul.
Shakespeare used witches rather than devils because?
They are more realistic and weren’t considered comical in Elizabethans theater (like Devils).
What is the one request Lady Macbeth makes of the spirits that is not granted?
To make her unable to feel remorse
At the end of Act 1 what is the only prophecy of the three witches that is not fulfilled?
That Macbeth would be king
What is the primary function of the porter in Act 2?
To provide comic relief to the audience
What prompts Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act 2?
The sight of an imaginary dagger
Why does macbeth call the dagger a “fatal vision” in his soliloquy?
- It prompts him to murder Duncan
2. Duncan’s murder will be fatal to Macbeth both physically and spiritually
Up to Act 3 Banquo has served as a ______ to Macbeth.
Why does Macbeth call the dagger a “fatal vision” in his soliloquy?
- It prompts him to murder Duncan
2. Duncan’s murder will be fatal to Macbeth both physically and spiritually
Up to Act 3 Banquo served as _____ to Macbeth.
Why doesn’t Lady Macbeth murder Duncan herself?
He looks like her father in his sleep
What is the function of the Old Man in Act 2?
The role of the Greek Chorus, giving the facts and expressing public opinion
What Act contains the tuning point of the play?
Act 3
What are Macbeth’s motives for murdering Banquo?
- Banquo’s regal nature
- Banquo’s brave attitude
- Macbeth’s fears that he has sold to give the throne to Macbeth’s heirs
How is it ironic that Macbeth invites Banquo to the banquet?
He intends to prevent Banquo from attending by murdering him
The appearance of Banquo’s ghost at the banquet in his honor is an example of ____________ _______.
Situational irony
Macbeth’s visit to the witches cave reflects what belief?
That he is not able to retreat from his course of evil
According to Hecate what is the most primary enemy of mortals?
What is the symbol of treachery?
Who provides an objective on the actions of the play?
How many times does Macbeth see Banquo’s ghost?
What three things does the witches brew accomplish 0?
- Establish an atmosphere of horror
2. Prepares the audience for Macbeth’s violent demands and the slaughter if Macduff’s family
Macbeth’s actions in Act 4 disrupt _______, _______, and the _______.
Why is Macduff prevented from getting complete revenge on Macbeth?
Macbeth has no children
What are the three prophecies Macbeth receives?
- Beware Macduff
- None born of a woman shall harm him
- Birnam wood
What are the three apparitions Macbeth sees at the witches cave?
- An armed head
- A bloody child
- A crowned child
What does the mirror represent in the parade of Banquo’s heirs?
The perpetuity of his line
True or False: the witches are not able to destroy Macbeth with their powers
Lady Macbeth _____, _____, and _____ while she sleeps
What does Lady Macbeth carry in Act 5?
A lighted candle
When Lady Macbeth is sleep walking she is mostly preoccupied with?
Washing blood off her hands
Concerning Duncan’s murder, Lady Macbeth remarks?
- The sound of the bell
- Macbeth’s hesitancy
- The amount of blood
Macbeth asks the doctor to not only cure his wife but also?
What prompts Macbeth’s famous “Tomorrow” speech?
The news of Lady Macbeth’s death
In Macbeth’s “tomorrow” speech Macbeth describes life as?
A candle, shadow, and an actor
Blood symbolizes?
Murder and ineradicable guilt
What now “hangs loose about Macbeth, like a giants robe, upon a dwarfish thief” is?
His title or kingship
Who gives the last speech of the play and why is it significant?
Malcolm, he is the new king and promises he will restore order to Scotland, and complete the circular structure of the play
True or false: the doctor was not hopeful that Lady Macbeth can be cured.
True or False: Macbeth faces his death without cowardice, he knows he is going to die.