Unit 5 Flashcards
Unit 5 Time Period
Unit 5 Content
Enlightment Ideas leading to revolutions around the world
Scientifc Revolution
Led to Enlightment
16th and 17th century
Scientists began using processes of reasoning to discover how the world worked instead of depending on religion
An intellectual movement that applied new ways of understanding to both the natural world and human relationships
Enlightment Orgin
Enlightenment Idea
Reason is the most reliable source of true knowledge
Enlightement Idea
True knowledge is gained through the senses, mainly through rigouros experimentation
Difference between scientific revolution and enlightment
Scientifc rev. led to scientifc theories. Enlightment led to human socitial theories.
New Belief Systems
Stemmed from Enlightenment
Deism and Atheism
Belief System
There is a God but after he created the Earth he no longer interacted with the Earth or his people
Belief System
Complete rejection of religious belief and any notion of divine beings
New Political Ideas
Individualism, Natural Rights, and Social Contract
Political Idea
The most basic element of society was the indivuidual human and not collective groups
Natural Rights
Humans are born with certain rights that cannot be infringed upon by governments or any other entity
Social Contract
Human socities, endowed with natural rights, must construct goverments of their own will to protect their natural rights
Enlightment Effects
Major Revolutions, Expansion of Suffrage, Abolition of Slavery, End of Serfdom, Calls for Woman’s Equality
Cause of Revolution
A sense of commonality among a people ased on a shared language, religion, social customs, and often linked with a desire for territory.
Strategies states used to create a sense of unity
Nationalist themes in schools, public rituals, and military service
Political Dissent
Cause of Revolution
Widespread discontent with monarchist and imperial rule
New Way of Thinking
Cause of Revolution
The development of new ideoligies and systems of government
Examples: Popular Sovereignty, Democracy, Liberalism
American Revolution
13 colonies started by Britain. Began to create there own culture, politics, and society. After seven years war britain was poor. Taxed colonies a little too much and they got mad. Enlightement Ideas in Declartion of Independce
American Revolution Signifigance
Provided the template for other nations for a successful overthrow of oppressice power and the establishmnt of a republican style governement
French Revolution
France helped U.S. Realized their king sucked. With the same ideals as U.S began to fight for freedom of people. Declaration of the rights of man and citizen
Haitian Revolution
Hati heard about French Revolution so they revolted against their French rulers. First back governement and second republic
Latin American Revolutions
Spanish and Portuguese colonies heard about these revolutions. Creoles: enlgishmen born in America began to revolt. Simon Bolivar. Letter from Jamaica.
Nationalism Unites
Italy and Germany
Were fragmented but through similarities united to be stronger.
Industrial Revolution
The process by which states transitioned from primarily agrarian economies to industrial economies
Industrial Revolution Effect
Changed the world’s balance of political power, reordered societies, and made industrial nations rich
Where did the Industrial Rev begin
Great Britain
Proximity to Waterways
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Enabled efficent and rapid transportation of manufactured goods to markets
Geogrpahical distribution of coal and iron
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Factories were powered by coal and Britain had it under their soil which increased the production of iron
Iron Importance
Constructed bridges, machines, and railroads that helped increase industrialization
Abundant access to foreign resources
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Large maritime empire causing them to have access to raw materials
Raw Materials for Britain
Timber - America
Cotton - India
Improved Agricultural Productivity
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Agricultural Revolution increased the amount of crops produced which allowed for the population to spike and to be fed
Agricultural Revolution
Crop Rotation
Seed Drill
Rapid Urbanization
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Less people were needed to work on farms so people moved to cities to find work in factories that needed workers
Legal Protection fo Private Property
reasons why great britain was the first industrialized nation
Entrepreneurs felt safe to risk investment because of laws passed in Europe to protect them
Accumlation of Capital
People got money from previous slave trade which allowed them to start these manufacturing businesses
A place where goods for sale were mass-produced by machines. Concentarted production in a single location thanks to new machines
New Industrial Machines
Water Frame and Spinning Jenny
Steam Engine
A machine that converted fossil fuel into mechanical energy
Importance of Steam Engine
Factories could now be made anywhere increasing the pace of the industrial revolution
A boat driven by steam power
Steam Ship Improtance
Mass-produced goods could be tansported further and fastor
The difference between quick adopters and slow adopters
The degree to which places had the industrilization factors
Slow Adopters: Eastern and Southern Europe
Lacked abudent coal deposits
Land locked
Hindered by historically powerful groups (nobality)
Middle East and Asia
Previously manufacturing powerhouses began to see their share of production decline
Decline of Egypt and India Production
E and I took longer to make textikles while GB’s were mass-produced.
Used to have an increase in shipbuilding but GB’s presence forced them to build ships for them
Slowly industrialized because they lacked coal and iron.
Quentin Canal connected Paris with iron and coal fields in the north. Rail roads and textile factories were built.
France compared to Britain
France industrilaized slower but a slower adoption spared France the intense social upheavals Britain experienced
United States
Rapidly inustrialized because of a massive territory, political stability, rapid population growth. Higher standard of living in both US and GB.
With the Trans-Siberian Rail road and Steam Engines there was increased trade with Eastern States. Brutal work conditions which led to revolution.
Russia compared to U.S
In U.S industrialization was largely driven from below by workers wanting new opprtunities, Russia’s industrialization was a state-driven affair in Russia’s lagging development.
As to not be pushed around by Western Powers and Matthew Perry pressing them, the shogunate was overthrown and the new emeperor of Japan started the Meiji Restortation where they brought in Western technology and eductaion to defensively industrialize.
Meiji Restoration
Japan sent emissaries to learn western technology, political arrangments, education (culture), borrowed elected parliment from Germany (government), and Japan built railroads, national banking system, and factories (infrastructure)
First Industrial Revolution
Great Britain
Second Industrial Revolution
Europe, US, Japan, and Russia
Differnce between industrial revolutions
The fuel and engines used in each
Inudstrial Power: first i.r
Powdered Steam Engine which was the main engine in first i.r
Suez Canal
Connected Europe and Asia and facilitated a rapid expansion of trade
Steam Engine expanded
Powdered locomotives on railroads and steam ships that transported goods to market
Industrial Power: second i.r
The internal combustion engine was devloped ti harness the energy of gasoline
Internal Combustion Engine
Smaller and more efficent than steam engine and powered automobiles
Significants of fuel
Both dramatically incresed the amount of energy avaliable to humans during this period but came with significant environmental costs
Effects of New Tech
Bessemer Process; stronger and more versatile than iron. Cheaper to produce. Main ingrident in bridges, railroads, and ships
Chemical Engineering
Effects of New Tech
Snythetic dyes were developed for textiles; made production cheap
Vulcanization made rubber harder and more durable
Effects of New Tech
Light bulbs lit factories and homes
Electric street cars and subways were devolped for mass transit
Telegraph created long term communication. Europe and U.S connected
Development of Interior Regions
Effects of New Technology
New settlements were developed in places that were much more difficult to reach with railroads and the telegraph
Increase in Trade and Migration
Effects of New Technology
Global trade multiplied by a factor of ten between 1850 and 1913. States across the world became more closely interlinked into a global economy. Railroads and Steamships facilitated in migration to urban areas from rural areas
Began industrializing under tanzimat reforms seperate from Ottos because of their strong miltiary governement
Industrial Projects
Tanzimat Reforms
textile and weapon factories were built
Tanzimat Reforms
Peasants were forced to plant governement purchased crops to be sold on world market
Raised Tariffs
Tanzimat Reforms
Taxes on imported goods were raised to protect the developing Egyptain economy
Decline of Egypt
Britain didn’t like that Egypt was industrializing because they had to cross Egypt to trade so during Egy. and Otto war Britain forced them to remove tariffs. Mass-produced British goods flooded Egypt stunting their industries.
Death of Mecantilism
Mercantilism began to be abondonded for the free market system that better fit inustrialization
Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
Criticized mercantlism as coercive abd only benefiting the elites his alternative was Laissez Faire
Lassiez Faire
Remove the government from the economy and let people run the economy through supply and demand making wealth more evenly distributed
Working Class
The workers of the free market who were extremely poor and worked under constant duress
Jeremy Bentham
Free Markey Critic
Argued the cure for the suffering working class and society was government involvment
Friedrich List
lRejected the free market as a trick and led to the Zollverein
A customs union that reduced trade barriers between German states but put tariffs on imported goods
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp
Transnational Corp
Opened in Britsh controlled Hong Kong to organize and control British imperial ventures
Drug dealer bank
Transnational Corporations
A company that is astablished and controlled in. one country but also established large operations in other countries
Unilever Corp
Transnational Corp
A joint company established by the Brits and Dutch that manufactired household goods, Dove
West Africa and Belgium Congo
New Financial Practices
Stock Markets - small portions of companies
Limited Liability - owners could take risks but they had financial protection
Middle Class
New class formed from industrialization that bought the mass-produced goods being manufactured
Mechanized Farming
Led to abudent harvests that increased variety and abundance of food
Working Class Reform Reason
Excessive hours, low wage, abuse, dangerous conditions
Political Reform
Calls for Reform
Conservatives and liberals in Europe incorporate social reforms into their platforms because people who wanted reforms were voting
Social Reform
Calls for Reform
Working class people orgainzed themselves into social societies providing insurance for sickness and social events
Educational Reform
Calls for Reform
High paying jobs wre becoming more technical, so education prepared children for these kinds of jobs