Unit 4 Test - Growth of a New Nation Flashcards
Who were involved in the whiskey rebellion?
Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton, Militia, and Western Farmers
What happened in the Whiskey Rebellion?
Western Farmers not happy with tax on whiskey, bc comes from rye.
Started rebellion.
Who stopped the Whiskey Rebellion?
George Washington orders militia to the scene of the rebellion, people scattered before militia arrived.
Who proposed the tax on whiskey?
Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton
What did Washington due when two men from the Whisky Rebellion were found guilty of treason?
He pardoned them
What was George Washington’s greatest challenges when becoming the president?
- Making all citizens happy/satisfied with new presidency
-Transitioning from war leader to president
-Keeping his reputation
Seizing for public use or of impressing into public service.
In what situations was impressment used in U.S. history?
Britain and France seizing American trading vessels, products, and sailors
What is the process of electing a president and vice president?
Electors in each state vote for president and vice president, most votes –> president, second most votes –> vice president (ask if this is correct)
In what article of the constitution is the process presidential elections mentioned?
Article 2 Section 1
What made George Washington a good president?
- Loved compromise
- Centrist (middle of poltical views)
What was George Washington’s experience in the French and Indian War?
Leads Virginia troops in, super cocky and confident, fort is built on low ground, gets defeated in less than 2 hours
How did George Washington treat his troops?
- Stayed with troops
- Never went home
- Was in front of all his troops during attacks, thought it was necessary
- Would not take rewards
What did George Washington do when he won the American revolution and was to be appointed king?
-* Resigned from Commander in Chief
- Refuses to become a king
- After 2 terms of being president, gets elected a 3rd time and leaves*
What happened with George Washington in Morristown, NJ?
-Lost more men to disease, than wounds
-due to small-pox
What did George Washington do to resolve the issue at Morristown, NJ?
-Isolated a few soldiers, and rub disease on open wound to “vaccinate” his men
- This makes them safe from disease
Why did George Washington switch from growing tobacco to growing more corn, wheat, and flax.
Planted Tobacco, hard to grow in Virginia
What did George Washington do in 1792 to expand the country?
Washington welcomed Kentucky and Tennessee into the union
What did Alexander Hamilton fear when the election of 1789 came up?
That John Addams would get the same number of votes as George Washington
Why did Alexander Hamilton fear that John Addams would win?
He wanted a strong federal government, and knew that George Washington would be the best for being the first president
What did Alexander Hamilton do to prevent John Addams from getting votes
Ran Anti-Adams campaign
What were the results of the 1789 election?
Washington–>69 votes
Adams –> second most votes, becomes VP
Why did Adams hope that him and Washington wouldn’t tie?
Riots would occur
Who is Washington’s Secretary of State?
Thomas Jefferson
Who is Washington’s Secretary of War?
Henry Knox
Who is Washington’s Secretary of Treasury?
Alexander Hamilton
Who is Washington’s Attorney General? (represent U.S. in legal matters)
Edmund Randolph
How are Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s backgrounds similar?
Both love language/have language skills, both served in the government, both studied law.
How are Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s backgrounds different?
Family economic status (Jefferson was poorer), Jefferson was a Francophile (lover of France), Hamilton stayed in U.S. most of his life.
What is Hamilton’s economic/assumption plan to get U.S. out of debt with France?
Tax states, southern states were not happy because they paid off wartime debt already with slavery/agriculture.
Hamilton wants in government…
- strong central government
- Led by wealthy and educated people
- Good Commerce and Industry (trade), meaning support from North, which mainly controls trade
Jefferson wants in government…
- Strong state, local gov.
- Led by the people (farmers, people who contribute to creating trade)
- Support from South and West (where farmers are)
What was the compromise that was arrived to at the Jefferson, Hamilton, and Madison Dinner?
Madison and Jefferson agreed to debt plan, BUT wanted capital to be in the south (PA).
Where is the initial capital of U.S. located?
Philadelphia, PA
Where did the capital of U.S. move to?
Washington District of Colombia (between Maryland and Virginia)
What is the Judiciary Act of 1789?
The power of Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional
What was Alexander Hamilton’s bank plan of 1791?
Proposed a national bank of the United States, funded by gov and private investors, issue paper money
Why did people disagree to establish Alexander Hamilton’s bank plan?
Creating a bank is not listed as one of the powers that federal government can make in the Constitution
What is a loose constructionist?
Someone who loosely interprets the constitution
What is a strict constructionist?
Someone who strictly interprets the constitution
Was Jefferson a strict or loose constructionist?
Was Hamilton a strict or loose constructionist?
Jefferson’s argument against bank plan:
- Hamilton gets all support from friends New York ** why does this matter
- Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence, and says this is not an example of equality
- Says Hamilton’s plan is too complicated
Hamilton’s argument against Jefferson
- Argues that the U.S. needs the money urgently to recover from debt, no time for equality
- If people pay taxes–> union gets a boost **
-Jefferson wasn’t in the war, was too busy in France, kind of accuses him for not fighting for his country **
Who supported the bank plan (has a lot of power)?
What do we need to know about the French Revolution?
French took look at America, and wanted no monarchy. People started to guillotine the wealthy/elite people.
Who took over France in 1792?
Jacobins, began war on monarchies
What is the policy of neutrality?
No assisting any countries right now.
Declares Neutrality, wants us to not get involved in alliances in general.
Why does George Washington not want to get involved with the French?
- Debt, we don’t want to waste money for them to completely fail.
- stable government not set up yet
- Don’t even have navy yet
- Don’t want to make ourselves bigger enemies to Britain
What is Jay’s Treaty?
Even after the revolution, Britain controls certain forts in the states, Chief Justice John Jay made a treaty with Great Britain. British soldiers had to evacuate posts in the northwest. But the British may continue the fur trade and commerce, just no military bases.
When was Jay’s Treaty ratified?
Who made Jay’s Treaty with Britain?
Chief Justice John Jay
What is Pinckney’s Treaty?
Most of our history, south west (Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, etc.) was controlled by Spain. Spain gets economic problems, don’t have resources to manage. Diplomat Thomas Pinckney negotiated with Spain, spain gives up all land east of Mississippi River EXCEPT Florida, and they get money from us (puts us farther in debt)
When did Pinckney’s Treaty get ratified?
Who negotiated with Spain about this?
Diplomat Thomas Pinckney
What do Federalists value?
- Strong national government
- Loose constructionism
- Economy based on commerce
- Supporters: Lawyers, Merchants, and Manufacturers
What do Democratic Republicans value?
- Limited national government
- Strict Constructionism
- Oppose national bank
- Economy based on farming
- Supporters: Farmers, Tradespeople
What is a faction?
A faction is defined as a small group of people who dissent from a larger group of people. This usually occurs in politics.
What is Washington’s attitude towards political parties?
- expresses his concern towards the potential cause of factions creating tyranny
- ruining the democracy that was established - - these factions may intend to hold back the branches of government that are meant to execute their power constitutionally.
What is Washington’s attitude towards foreign relations/alliances?
- He expresses how wary the U.S. should be of making alliances with foreign nations especially Europe
- avoid deadly/expensive wars
- protecting independence
- He refers to “slavery” if the country allies with a different country.
- He takes into account our money situation here.
What is isolationism vs. interventionism
isolationists –> hesitant for the U.S. to involve itself in the affairs of other nations
Interventionists–> those who favor the U.S.’s involvement in foreign affairs
Who are the top runners in the election of 1796?
John Adams (Federalist)
Thomas Jefferson (Dem-Rep)
only election in which president and vice president had different political parties
What is sectionalism?
Loyalty to one’s own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole
Bias affects choice of vote, doesn’t want to support the country, but what’s best for the person themselves.
What was the XYZ affair?
Both Britain and France seizing U.S. ships, trading vessels, and sailors. Adams sends envoys (sends three diplomats), to stop France to stop seizing ships. The three French diplomats that meet the Americans are X, Y, and Z. American diplomats demand to meet with French Secretary of State. If you want to meet with our secretary of state → give us money. Americans say no
What is John Adam’s decision after the XYZ affair.
Does Adams advocate going to war → No, doesn’t support the idea, congress can only decide
The convention of 1800, ends Adams term → hostilities between America and France are over (due to Alien and Sedition Acts)
What did the political artist of the XYZ affair cartoon want to portray?
- 5 headed creature → Paris monster (5 different people who claimed to be leading France)
- Poor/Raggedy man holding french flag, represents poor killing wealthy
- Darker skin complexion → related to slaves probably
- People of color is used to depict chaos, savage behavior, evil (how the Artist describes France)
What is the Quasi War?
Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 created?
- Federalists fear a French plot against the
US government
○ Federalists were generally pro-British
Who criticized Adams the most for the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798?
Many are Democratic-Republicans
○ Many are critical of Adams
What is naturalization?
the time to become a citizen
increased from 5 yrs to 14 yrs
What do the alien sedition acts enable?
- President has the power to arrest disloyal aliens (immigrants)
- President has the power to order aliens out of the country during time of war
- Outlawed sedition (saying or writing anything false or harmful about the government) → jail or fines
What political party dominates Virginia and Kentucky?
Mostly dominated by democratic republicans
Who is the Virginia and Kentucky resolution created by?
An entity (independent establishment), organized by Madison and Jefferson for state legislatures (KY and VA)
What do the alien and sedition misuse?
Alien and Sedition Acts are a misuse of power, unconstitutional, and a violation of 1st ammendment.
What is nullification?
States have the right to avoid laws deemed unconstitutional (such as marijuana in New Jersey, federal gov can still arrest for use, but state cant)
Who are the candidates of the Election of 1800?
Jefferson, Burr, Adams, Pinckney, and John Jay
Who wins the election of 1800?
Jefferson –> President
Aaron Burr –> Vice President
What occurs during the election of 1800?
Both Jefferson and Burr get 73 votes, this was not supposed to happen. Democratic Republicans planned to give one more vote for Jefferson, but this failure, results in House of Representatives having to choose between Jefferson and Burr.
What kind of people like Aaron Burr?
Born in New York (New Yorkers), Merchants, and Federalists
Why does Hamilton support choosing Jefferson for president?
Burr has no views, while Jefferson does. Hamilton also dislikes Burr for Hamilton’s father in law getting defeated by Burr for U.S. Senate Seat.
What is incumbent?
necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.
How does Marbury vs. Madison occur?
As Adams goes through lame duck period, and Jefferson is to be inaugurated.
How was the Louisiana Purchase possible?
Napoleon was needy for money (War with Britain & Haiti revolved) and America was worried that the French controlling the Mississippi River (Louisiana), would affect transportation. Napoleon sold at a somewhat low price due to France losing money over war.
Who was against the Louisiana Purchase?
Federalists, wanted to befriend Britain not France, and thought it was unconstitutional.
Why did Hamilton and Burr hate each other?
- Hamilton’s power over Congress deciding to vote against Burr.
- Hamilton’s father in law conflict
- Burr was born into wealthy family, Hamilton was not.
Recap of Burr vs. Hamilton duel
Hamilton dies, Burr kills him, Burr gets charged for murder charges, but proven not guilty, because duels were acceptable at the time.
What were the States of Tripoli doing?
- Barbary Pirates (from Barbary Coast) engaging in impressment with American trading vessels, goods, and sailors (doing this for centuries)
- The States of Tripoli would hold the crews for ransom and demand tribute for American vessels to trade.
- Jefferson refused to pay tribute (pay money to ruler of another country to show respect)
What was Jefferson’s response to the Barbary Pirates?
- Jefferson instructs naval forces of American ships should defend themselves
- If they saw Barbary Pirates, authorized ships to do any action necessary to defend ships
- Did not inform congress about this (congress declares war, not president).
- BUT, congress did give ships for sailors to defend themselves, so this is not unconstitutional fully.
What important lesson about the Constitution does Jefferson’s undeclared war demonstrate?
Those things are a bit more complicated than what they are written as.
First Barbary War (1801-1805)
Jefferson’s first term as president, Jefferson sent a naval squadron of vessels to blockade Tripoli
What is a blockade?
preventing countries from leaving their coast, sealing off, no incoming or outcoming ships
Election of 1804 Results
Jefferson runs for reelection
Against Pinckney and Jefferson
Pinckney → Federalist
Jefferson wins by a lot
First political campaign (Jefferson put up)
What are “Tories”?
British political party, accusing of being in friends with Britain (insult at federalists).
What is the conflict between Britain and France?
Britain and France are at war, seizing each other’s ship, and our ships too. British fighting with France, need more manpower, take Americans for soldiers in their war
British people voluntarily come into America, for better pay, life, etc. Britain says the impression is just returning the people who were their citizens originally.
Chesapeake Incident
-The British demanded access to a US ships
- British demand access to look for British deserters
- The U.S. commander said no
- British open fire and kill 5 Americans
- Using the whole excuse to get sailors
Jefferson’s Response to Chesapeake Incident:
Embargo Act (1807) - Ban on exports/trading with country, Not trading with Europe.
After the citizens of Delaware respond to the Embargo Act, saying how it is hurting our economy, and is going against our constitution, what does Congress do?
Non- Intercourse act which basically says, “Stop stealing our stuff and we’ll trade with you.”
What did Dolley’s Letter say?
How James Madison told her to leave the White House, and how she plans to collect all cabinet papers, public and private, and salvages a portrait of George Washington.
Who won the election of 1808?
James Madison
Who are the War Hawks?
A faction pushing to go to war with Britain because of impressment, disruption of U.S. economy, and aiding weapons to Native Americans. (democratic republicans)
What is a faction?
Group in political party with similar interests.
What did the Voice of Warning say?
War Hawks trash talking Federalists because they side with British (calling them Torries).
War of 1812 Highlights:
Put-In-Bay War –> U.S. naval forces gain control over Lake Eerie (used to be Britains)
Thames War –> Death of Tecumseh, Native Americans stop siding with Britain.
War of Tippecanoe –> Fighting Native Americans that have British Weapons, William Henry Harrison flexes this absolute W later for presidential campaign.
Burning of the White House (1814)
The British burn Washington D.C. and White House, in retaliation, U.S. forces burn Canadian governor’s mansion.
Star Spangled Banner
September 1814 : Battle of Baltimore
Fort Mchenry seized by British
“Bombs bursting in air”–> Bombs from British ships
Francis Scott Key Poem
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
- December 1814, Treaty of Ghent is signed
- Ended the war with an armistice (both agreed to ceasefire, stop shooting), an end to fighting
- Did not address impressment…
Battle with New Orleans
- January 8th 1815 → didn’t know the treaty was signed 2 weeks earlier (in now- Belgium)
- General Andrew Jackson and Tennessee volunteers won the battle.
- Andrew Jackson builds a campaign off of the - Battle of New Orleans, by defeating Britain.
- Gave the impression the US won the war
What did the Americans and British agree to in the Treaty of Ghent?
- Reopening trade with Europe
- War ship on Great Lakes limited (reduce conflict)
- Border between Canada and U.S. (49th parallel) set
- Occupy Oregon territory together for 10 years.
Hartford Convention:
Meetings of federalists in Connecticut…
- The federalists want positive relationship with British
- Hated war, demanded New England (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut) to secede.
- Pursue a separate peace with Great Britain
- News of Andrew Jackson’s victory in New Orleans (want to secede, but America just “won” against Britain)
- Hartford Convention documents get leaked, super embarrassing.
- Ends federalists as a political party
Clay’s American System:
Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) → After War of 1812, needs to unify the increasingly different North and South, talks to Madison on how vulnerable and weak we are and how need to make our own American products
President Madison presented a 3-part plan to Congress during his last year
Promoted it as the “American system”
Trade between North and South
Protective Tariff
- Tariff → tax on imported goods
- War of 1812 led British goods to be stockpiled, so they were sold at a lower price than American goods.
- Protecting U.S. businesses from foreign competition
Essay Topics:
- Party politics, how they emerged
- Washington, Adams, Hamilton, and Jefferson on foreign relations
How did the capitol moving appease to the democratic republicans?
Capitol south, which appeased Democratic Republicans (who were located more in the south).