Unit 4 Test Flashcards
“en plein air”
French for “in open air”; refers to painting out-of-doors in front of the subject
rather than in the studio
Gustave Caillebotte
The Floor Scrapers (1875)
Paris Street, Rainy Day (1877)
Art Nouveau style in France was introduced and promoted by
Siegfried Bing.
Along with Futurist performance, the ballets of Vaslav Nijinsky set to the music of Igor Stravinsky contributed to the characterization of modern art as
an affront to public taste.
The furor of European audiences over Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House was incited by the decision of the central character, Nora, to
Leave her children behind
Rodin’s representation of novelist Balzac was rejected by the literary organization that commissioned the work due to
the exaggerated physical features.
WWI aka.The Great War - we stop here because WWI marks a great historical shift.]
Charles Darwin
- The Voyage of the Beagle (1839)
- On the Origin of Species (1859)
- The Descent of Man (1871)
- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872)
- The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Actions of Worms (1881)
Paul Gauguin’s career is particularly associated with scenes of
the south Pacific island of Tahiti in present day French Polynesia.
The early nickelodeon theater primarily catered to
Working class women and children
Edvard Munch’s artwork is known for its
powerful sense of isolation and despair.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s paintings are notable for
Lush color
Pablo Picasso
- Gertrude Stein (Autumn – Winter 1906)
- Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (May – July 1907)
- Houses on the Hill, Horta de Ebro (1909)
- The Guitar Player, (Summer 1910)
- Violin (Late 1912)
- Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass (1912)
- La Bouteille de Suze (Bottle of Suze) (1912)
Kitigawa Utamaro
- How the Famous Brocade Prints of Edo are Produced (ca. 1790)
- The Fickle Type, from the series Ten Physiognomies of Women (ca. 1793)
Mary Cassatt
- Lydia Cassatt Reading (1878)
- Reading (1878) (Portrait of the artist’s mother)
- In the Loge (1879)
- The Bath (1890 – 1891)
- Gathering Fruit (ca. 1893)
- Modern Women, central panel (1893)
- The Boating Party (1893 – 1894)
Filippo Marinetti
“Founding and Manifesto of Futurism” (1909)
John Ruskin
The Stones of Venice, “On the Nature of the Gothic” (1851 – 53)
This example of Morris design illustrates which guiding principle?
Simplicity and utility
Thomas Philips, Portrait of Bryon (Year)
Carlo Cara
Interventionist Demonstration (1914)
The term Übermensch is associated with
Friedrich Nietzsche.
Paul Cézanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire
Sticks of powdered pigment in a gum or resin binder are called
sticks of powdered pigment bound with resin or gum.
Two English influences on Impressionist painting were the
works of artists J.M.W. Turner and John Constable.
By the late nineteenth century, Indian emigration into indentured service was caused in large part by the collapse of
Indias cast steel industry
Paul Cézanne
- The Gulf of Marseilles, Seen from L’Estaque (ca. 1885)
- The Peppermint Bottle (1893 – 1895)
- Still Live with Plaster Cast (ca. 1894)
- Mont Sainte-Victoire (1902-1904)
Gertrude Stein
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1932)
Emile Zola
- Thérèse Raquin (1867;1868)
- “The Moment in Art” (1867)
- Édouard Manet (1867)
- Preface to Théérése Raquin, 2nd ed. (1868)
- Germinal (1885)
Giacomo Balla
Speeding Automobile (1912)
What element does Gustav Mahler use to incorporate Eastern European Jewish music into Symphony No. 1, III?
The high pitched clarinets
Attributed to Tingqua
Shop of Tingqua, the Painter (ca. 1855) watercolor of paper
Richard Wagner
-Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) (four part cycle, music dramas date from 1848 to 1874)
-“Jewry in Music” (anti-semitic tract published 1850)
Tannhauser (1861)
-Tristan und Isolde (1865)
Giacomo Puccini
- Manon Lescaut (1893)
- La Bohème (1896)
- Tosca (1900)
- Madama Butterfly (1904)
- The Girl of the Golden West (1910)
- Turandot (left incomplete when Puccini died in 1924; premiered in 1926 after being completed by a colleague)
A distinct characteristic of Berthe Morisot’s Impressionist style that set her apart from others is evident in which feature of this painting?
figures rendered without discernible outlining or minimal application of line
This example of the artist’s work reflects his characteristic approach to
surface flatness versus spatial perspective.
Literally the “advanced guard,” this military term is used to describe artists
and other creative groups on the cutting edge.
The French term avant-garde refers to
The cutting edge of movement
Vincent Van Goh
Japonaiserie: The Courtesan (after Kesia Eisen) (1887) Oil on canvas
Eadweard Muybridge
- The Horse in Motion: “Sallie Gardner,” owned by Leland Stanford; running over the Palo Alto Track, 19th June 1878 (1878)
- Annie G. Cantering, Saddled (December 1887)
In order to lead the way in rebuilding French culture in the late nineteenth-century, painters, sculptors, and other artists
founded a Société Anonyme for the exhibition of art.
Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness (1899)
William Fox Talbot in England & Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre in France (Year)
Which character in Crime and Punishment rationalizes his actions by asserting that extraordinary individuals have the right to commit immoral acts in pursuit of greatness?
The term for the technique of “pasting and gluing” material onto a surface is
The printed text added to silent films between scenes was called
An art style developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, noted for the
geometry of its forms, its fragmentation of the object, and its increasing abstraction.
The street riots in France in 1848 were an uprising against
King Louis-Philippe.
The paintings of the Fauves are known for
bold application of arbitrary color.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Mariana (1870)
Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace (1869)
Giuseppe Verdi
Rigoletto (Venice premiere 1851)
Based upon this particular example, which element of Caillebotte’s painting suggested the strongest link to fellow Impressionists with whom he first exhibited?
Its subject
Alfred Stevens
What is Called Vagrancy (1855)
Conditions of the Working Class in England was a seminal work written by
Friedrich Engels.
The photographer Eadweard Muybridge was able to demonstrate that all four feet leave the ground when a horse gallops
by using a series of cameras triggered by tripwires.
Which of the following statements accurately summarizes a position espoused by Charles Darwin in The Descent of Man?
Communal altruistic behavior supports survival over individualistic interests.
Chromatic scales
Scale that moves in half-steps through all the black and white keys on a
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Crime and Punishment (1866)
According to Sigmund Freud, the subconscious can be revealed through
an exploration of dreams.
Suzuki Harunobu
- Visiting, from the series Seven Komachi in Fashionable Disguise. Edo Period, ca. 1766-1767
- Two Courtesans, Inside and Outside the Display Window. Edo period, ca. 1768 – 1769.
A shot produced by a camera moving across a scene from side to side is called
A pan
A policy that promotes or is founded on racial segregation, especially as occurred in South Africa
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel, the Communist Manifesto (Year)
The soft, smudged effects seen in Degas’s rendering of Aux Ambassadeurs were produced from
Pastel sticks
The scramble for control of Africa began with the
opening of the Suez Canal.
Mary Cassat
The Bath, 1890 – 91; Drypoint and aquatint on laid paper (rep. entry)
Paul Gauguin
Mahana no atua (Day of the God) (1894)
Georges Braque’s Houses at l’Estaque is an early work of Cubism, which is evident in the
geometric simplification of the observed world, demonstrating the influence of Paul Cézanne.
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
- Oarsmen at Chatou (1879)
- Luncheon of the Boating Party (1880 – 1881)
Édouard Manet
- Baudelaire’s Mistress Reclining (Study of Jeanne Duval) (ca. 1862)
- Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) (1863)
- Olympia (1863)
- Portrait of Émile Zola (1868)
- The Gare Saint-Lazare (1873)
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon
- The Barricades on the rue Saint-Maur-Popincourt before the Attack by General Lamoricière’s Troops on Sunday, 25 June 1848
- Daguerreotype, published July 1 – 8, 1848- regarded as the first photograph used to illustrate a newspaper story.
Auguste Rodin, The Kiss (sculpture)
Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn (Year)
French for “pasted paper,” the technique that is the immediate predecessor of
collage in Cubism.
In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels stated that the class struggle that characterized industrial society was between the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
JMW Turner
Rain, Steam and Speed (1844)
Artists in Austria called their version of the Art Nouveau movement
The secession
The leading painter of the Vienna Secession, a movement dedicated to liberating art from the confines of convention, was
Gustav Klimt.
Klezmer music is characterized by
a notable bass line and shrill sounds of a clarinet.
Utilitarian theory is associated with
John Stuart Mill
A total work of art, one that synthesizes music, drama, poetry, gesture,
architecture, and painting
Guillaume Apollinaire invented a type of visual poem called
a calligramme.
Edward Burne-Jones
Laus Veneris (In Praise of Venus) (1873 – 1878)
Admiral Perry initiates contact with Japan
Paul Gauguin’s work reflects the primitif, which refers to
the primal, essential forces of nature.
The term en plein air refers to
painting outdoors in the open air.
Gustave Caillebotte
- The Floor Scrapers (1875)
- Paris Street, Rainy Day (1877)
Goethe’s play Faust (Year)
The sound that occurs when two or more keys are sounded by different
instruments at the same time.
A musical technique in which different elements of an ensemble might play
different meters simultaneously.
When Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote, “WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE,” they were calling for
the forcible overthrow of the capitalist system.
(Ger. Leitmotiv or “leading motive”) In opera, a brief musical idea connected to a
character, event, or idea that recurs throughout the work
Russian Revolution
Japanese woodblock prints (“pictures of the transient world of everyday life”)
often referred to as “pictures of the floating world.”
As seen in Claude Monet’s works, painting en plein air is deliberately sketchy because the
paintings aim to capture the natural effects of light.
A style in art known for its bold application of arbitrary color.
“Brocade pictures” – so named because they were felt to resemble brocade fabrics
Essayist and social theorist John Stuart Mill believed that
the goal of any action should be to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number.
George Sand
- Indiana (1831)
- Lélia (1832)
- Histoire de ma vie (1854 – 1855)
- Elle et lui (She and He) (1858)
Morris and Company
The Woodpecker (tapestry, designed by William Morris, 1885)
In this realistic depiction of an actual location in Paris, a distinctive device of Haussmann’s redesign of the city is illustrated by the
Cross road square
Umberto Boccioni
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (1913)
Étiennee-Jules Marey
French physiologist
Movement (1894)
The technique of pointillism characterizes the style of which Post-Impressionist?
Georges Seurat
In reaction to the Industrial Revolution, William Morris
longed to return to a handmade craft tradition.
British architect Owen Jones used the words “no principles, no unity … novelty without beauty, beauty without intelligence, and all work without faith” to describe
Joseph Paxton’s Crystal Palace.
Edvard Munch
The Scream (1893)
Beethoven, Ninth Symphony (Year)
The term Yiddish refers to
a German dialect written in the Hebrew alphabet.
In Igor Stravinsky’s “Sacrificial Dance of the Chosen One” in Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), the frequent changes in tempo create a feeling of
Frenzied tension
Georges Braque
- Houses t l’Estaque (1908)
- Violin and Palette (Autumn 1909)
- The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music (1872)
- The Gay Science (1882)
- “The Madman” (1882)
- Beyond Good and Evil (1888)
- The Genealogy of Morals (1887)
- Twilight of the Idols (1888)
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1882 – 1893)
In the aftermath of Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan in 1853, Japan
began to modernize along Western lines.
Walt Whitman’s final edition of Leaves of Grass (Year)
Guillaume Apollinaire
Rue Christine Monday” (1913)
“Il Pleut” (“It’s Raining”) (1914)
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Self-Portrait with Model (1910)
Social Darwinism
An extension of Darwin’s theory of evolution positing that nations and societies
advance according to the rule of “the survival of the fittest.”
European “Scramble for Africa”
Florence Nightengale establishes nursing as a profession (Year)
Atonal musical composition is characterized by
the absence of a home key.
Henri Fantin-Latour
A Studio in the Batignolles (1870) (Salon of 1870)
Jacques Offenbach
La Vie Parisienne (The Parisian Life) (1866)
In color theory, mixing light is called an additive process because
when all the primary colors of light are mixed, they create white.
Claude Monet
Setting Sun, panel from the Water Lilies murals (ca. 1921 – 1922)
The artist who overlapped Art Nouveau, Symbolism, and Post-Impressionism was
The Chinese Daoist philosophy of yin and yang can best be compared to which pair of elements in Hokusai’s iconic image?
The breaking wave of Mount Fuji
The open, greenhouse-like space of the Crystal Palace is known foremost for its
embrace of industrialization in its mass-produced, prefabricated, modular materials.
U.S. Supreme Court nulifies Civil Rights Act, enabling Jim Crow laws in the American South
When the composer Robert Schumann said, “Chopin’s works are cannons buried in flowers,” he was recognizing that Chopin’s
musical compositions contain political messages.
John Stuart Mill
- On Liberty (1959)
- The Subjection of Women (1869)
This example of the American artist’s work demonstrates the influence of
Japanese prints
Wassily Kandinsky
Composition VII (1913)
Robert Delaunay
L’Equipe de Cardiff (The Cardiff Team) (1913)
Camille Pissarro
Red Roofs, or The Orchard, Côtes Saint-Denis at Pontoise (1877)
Gold discovered in California (Year)
Due to the spread of nationalism across Europe and consequences of the 1848 revolutions, which group benefited from new legal rights under certain western regimes?
Owing to a unique type of long and exceptionally strong cotton fiber native to the country, the highest prices for cotton exports in Europe by the 1830s were paid for goods from
Arnold Schoenberg
Pierrot lunaire (1912), setting for a 21 poem cycle by Albert Giraud
Baron Haussmann redesigns Paris
Claude Monet
- The Regatta at Argenteuil (ca. 1872)
- Impression: Sunrise (1873)
- Boulevard des Capucines (1873)
- Woman Reading in the Grass (1876)
- Haystacks in the Sun (1890)
- Stack of Wheat (Thaw, Sunset) (1890-91)
The repetition of the same rhythmic pulse with the same or different notes.
Klezemer music
A type of music of Eastern-European Jewish origin characterized by its oompah,
oompah bass sound and the shrill sound of a clarinet.
Louis Sullivan’s Bayard (Condict) Building, New York
The emphatic black outlining of shapes in this image reveals the influence of
Stained glass leading
Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy
Ivan I. Shiskin (1880)
Caspar David Friedrich, The Wanderer above the Mists
Henrik Ibsen
A Doll’s House (1878)
Thomas Courture
- Romans during the Decadence of the Empire (1847) oil on canvas
- George Sand (1859) bistre ink on canvas
The Haussmannization of Paris realigned and expanded streets and replaced blocks of buildings at the center of Paris, a process ultimately resulted in?
the working class being moved to outer-ring suburbs.
The term Slavophiles refers to
Russian nationalists
Giorgio de Chirico
The Child’s Brain (1914)
Typical of the Art Nouveau style, Victor Horta used
floral patterns resembling tendrils and young plants.
The first Photographs (Year)
A musical passage in which two or more keys are sounded at the same time by different instruments is termed
Which two camera techniques are evident this scene?
a long shot and an iris shot
In order to create longer works without using tonality, the composer Arnold Schoenberg increasingly resorted to
Serial composition
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto (1848)
Which name refers to the mid-nineteenth century group of artists inspired by the direct and uncomplicated depictions of nature in paintings that pre-date the High Renaissance, particularly Raphael?
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
The term Fauves means
Wild beasts
Charles Darwin
- Voyage of the Beagle (1839)
- The Origin of Species (1859)
Vincent Van Goh
- Night Café (1888)
- The Starry Night (1889)
Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness concerns
the dehumanizing effects of colonialism and social Darwinism.
Goya’s Third of May, 1808 (Year)
Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring performed in Paris
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk
The term leitmotif refers to
a brief but recurring musical idea connected to a character or event.
Louis Comfort Tiffany
Example of a stained glass window (ca. 1894)
D. W. Griffith
The Birth of a Nation (1915)
Igor Stravinsky
-Rite of Spring (1913) Paris season of Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes company; original choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky
By exhibiting their paintings across the country, the school of Russian painters known as the Travelers sought to
spread a message of social reform.
JMW Turner
- Interior of Tintern Abbey (1794) Watercolor
- Sun Rising Through Vapor: Fishermen Cleaning and Selling Fish (before 1807)
- The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons (1810)
- The Upper Falls of the Reichenbach (ca. 1810 – 1815)
- The Dort Packet-Boat from Rotterdam Becalmed (1818)
- The Harbor of Dieppe (c. 1826)
- Snow Storm – Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth (1842)
- Sun Setting Over a Lake (1840)
- Rockets and Blue Lights to Warn Steamboats of Shoal Water (1840)
Gabriele Münter
The Blue Gable (1911)
Ezra Pound was inspired by the example of Walt Whitman to
freely invent and write the long poem.
Berthe Morisot
- Catching Butterflies (1874)
- Summer’s Day (1879)
- Eugene Manet and his Daughter at Bougival (1881)
Auguste Rodin
- The Kiss (1888 – 1889)
- Monument to Balzac (1898)
- Dancing Figure (1905)
In “A Pact” Ezra Pound declares, “We have one sap and one root,” addressing
Walt Whitman and American culture.
Lumière Brothers
- First projected motion pictures, public premiere 28 Dec 1895, incl. Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory
- Waterer and Watered (1895)
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (Year)
Ogden Rood’s influence on Georges Seurat can be seen in Seurat’s
application of small dots of unmixed color.
Ernest Meissonier
- Memory of Civil War (The Barricade) (1849)
- (Salon of 1850-51)
The term ukiyo-e refers to
Japanese pictures of the transient world of everyday life.
Henri Matisse
Le Bonheur de vivre (The Joy of Life) (1905 – 1906) Dance II (1910)
A person who believes that the goal of any action should be to achieve the
greatest good for the greatest number.
Francoise Goya
- The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1796 - 1798)
- Great Courage! Against Corpses! #39 from The Disasters of War; series (1810 – 1814)
- The Third of May, 1808 (1814 – 1815)
- Satan Devouring One of His Children (1820 – 1823)
Gustave Klint
Judith I (1901)
Charles Baudelaire
- Salon of 1846, “To the Bourgeoisie”
- Various examples from Les Fleus du mal (1857)
The belief that Europeans were the “fitter” race and destined to dominate the world is an example of the ideology known as
social Darwinism.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
- At the Moulin Rouge (1892 – 1895)
- Miss Loïe Fuller (1893)
Édouard Manet
- The Execution of Maximilian (1868 – 1869)
- The Barricade, ca. 1871
- The Gare Saint-Lazare (1873)
- A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1881-1882)
Kitigawa Utamaro
Kitigawa Utamaro Shaving a Boy’s Head (1801) Color woodblock pring
The Italian artists of the Futurist movement thought that the defining characteristic of modern urban life was
Katsushika Hokusai’s Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji series, incl. The Great Wave (Year)
When D.W. Griffith’s epic film The Birth of a Nation was released, riots broke out because
its story line included blatant racism.
The art group label Die Brücke translates to
The Bridge
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- Swan Lake (1876)
- 1812 Overture (1880)
- Sleeping Beauty (1889)
- The Nutcracker (1892)
Franz Marc
The Large Blue Horses (1911)
Influenced by his sister-in-law, Berthe Morisot, the painter Édouard Manet adopted Impressionist-style techniques of the younger generation, particularly the
emphasis on capturing the effects of light.
Music Drama
A musical genre in which the actions on stage are the visual and verbal
manifestations of the drama created by the instruments in the orchestra.
Ilya Repin
Leo Tolstoy Ploughing (1887)
A theory focused on eliminating undesirable and less fit members of society by
encouraging the proliferation of intelligent and physically fit humans.
A chief characteristic of Claude Monet’s last cycle of panoramic Water Lilies is
their lack of a single focal point resulting in perceptions of movement.
A light musical drama usually incorporating spoken dialogue.
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
outlawed Chinese immigration and denied citizenship to those already in the United States.
Albert Einstein proposes theory of relativity
Edgar Degas
- Dance Class (ca. 1874)
- Aux Ambassadeurs (1877) pastelover monotype
- Little Dancer Aged Fourteen; sculpture – mixed media (1878 – 81)
Katsushika Hosusai
The Great Wave, from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji (ca. 1831)
The term apartheid refers to the separation between
black Africans and white residents of South Africa.
Which of the following statements regarding Chinese attitude and policy toward Western traders from the seventeenth century onward is correct?
They admitted foreign ships only to Canton.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of History (Year)
The imagists were
a group of English and American poets.
A French version of the aristocratic English dandy. A man-about-town, with no
apparent occupation, strolling the city, studying and experiencing it dispassionately.
D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation demonstrated the viability of
The feature film
The term used to describe Baron Haussmann’s approach to urban redevelopment, including the mass destruction of working-class neighborhood
The technique of pasting cut-out or found elements into the work of art.
Vienna is associated with
the composer and conductor Gustav Mahler.
The first continuous-film motion-picture viewing machine was the
In advancing the cause of socialism, George Sand argued that
women were the principal victims of wretchedness.
The imitation of Japanese art.
Ezra Pound
- “In a Station of the Metro” (1913)
- “A Pact” (1913)
The French painter Camille Pissarro had a particularly deep interest in
The science of color theory
In musical composition, the use of chromatic scales, which move in half-steps across a keyboard, creates a sense of
Aimless wandering
An Afrikaner is
A Dutch immigrant in South Africa
Tiny dots of color and the building blocks of the pointillist style of painting
This opening passage of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture incorporates
A Russian Hymn
Henry David Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience” (Year)
Alphonse de Lamartine
History of the Revolution of 1848 (1848)
Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du mal (book of poems)
The term “Haussmannization” refers by name to the French official who
redeveloped Paris by tearing down working-class neighborhoods and building grand avenues.
George Suerat
- A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (1884 – 1886)
- Les Poseuses (The Models) (1886 – 1888)
The term flâneur refers to
A fashionable man around town
The placement of figures in this scene supports which interpretation of Parisian social dynamics in this period?
The sympathies of the bourgeoisie and workers align, as do their response to state repression.