TEST 1 Flashcards
Chinese Emperor Zhu Di Sponsors naval expeditions to Indian Ocean and African Cost
Filipino Brunelleschi, Dome of Duomo at Florence/The Florence Cathedral
Jan Van Eyeck, “Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami (or Arnolfini Portrait)
Architect Leon Batista Alberti codifies liner perspective in On Painting
Johannes Gutenberg; Gutenberg bible
Portuguese extend African slave trade to Europe, Brazil
Sandro Botticelli, Primavera
Pico Della mirándola writes “Oration on the Dignity of Man”, philosophical treatise
Life Time of Titian; “Venus of Urbano” (1538)
Spanish king Ferdinand II and Queen Isabelle finance Columbus’s first voyage to the new world
Michealangelo begins Sistine Chapel ceiling at the Vatican in Rome
Machiavelli writes “The Prince”
Martin Luther posts 95 Theses on church door in Wittenberg
Hernán Cortés conquers Aztec Empire of Mexico
Lifetime of Pieter Bruegel The Elder, Harvesters (1565)
Filipino Brunelleschi
San Lorenzo Church (1421-69)
Florence Cathedral (1420-1436)
First to master the art of scientific perspective
“The tribute to Money” Brancacci Chapel, Florence
“Trinity with the virgin, Saint John the Evangelist and the Donors”
Lorenzo Ghiberti
“Sacrifice of Issac” Relief commission for doors of Florence
“Meeting of Solomon and Sheba”
The story of Adam and Eve
Self portrait
Leon Batista Alberti
On Painting (1435)
Saint Mark (1411) David (1440s)
Andrea Mantegna
Camera Picta (1465-74)
Sandro Botticelli
Adoration of the Magi (1470)
Primavera (1480s)
Birth of Venus (1480s)
Pierdo Della Francesca
Battista Sfrozra and Federico de Montebello
Triumph of Federigo and battista Montefeltro
Leonardo De Vinci
Cecelia Galerani
Last Supper (1495-1498)
Mona Lisa (1503-1515)
Embryo In the Womb (1510)
Pico Della Mirándola
Oration of the Dignity of Man (1486)
The execution of Savonarola
David (1501-1504)
Moses (1513-1515)
Baldassare Castilione
The Book of Courtier (1528)
Giorgio Vasari
Lives of the most Excellent Painters, Architects and Sculpters (1550)
Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon
Ca’d’Oro (House of Gold)
Contarini Palace
Venice (1421-1437)
Meloso da Forli
Sixtus IV, his nephews and Platina (1480-1481)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Virtuvian Man (1485-90) Isabella d’ Este (1499-1500)
Laura Cereta
Defense of the Liberal Instruction for Women (1488)
Vittore Carpaccio
Miracle at the Rialto 1494
Lion of Saint Mark 1516
Gentile Bellini
The Procession of the Reliquary of the True Cross in piazza San Marco 1496
Pieta (1497-1500) Sistine Chapel Ceiling Vatician Rome Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel 1510 Libyan Sibyl Sistine Chapel 1512 Tomb of Giuliano De Medici 1519-34 Laurentian Library Staircase 1524-59
Donato Bramante
Tempietto Chapel, court yard of San Pietro church in Monotorio Rome (1502)
Small Cowper Madonna 1505
Disputa 1508-11
School of Athens 1510-11
Sistine Madonna 1512-13
Saint Paul preaching on Athens 1515-15 (Tapestry cartoon)
Pope leo X w/ cardinals Giuliano de Medici and Luigi de Rossi 1517
Giorgione da Castelfranco
The tempest 1509
Joaquin des Prez
Pange lingua
Sacred and Profane love 1514
La bellA 1538
Venus of Urbino 1538
Ludovico Ariosto
Orlando Furiso 1531
Francesco Xanto Avelli
Dish with a scene from Orlando Furioso 1531
Nicollo Machiavellian
The prince 1513
Andrea Palladio
Villa La Rotonda (1560s)
Four books of Architecture (1570s)
Jan van Eyeck and Hubert van Eyck
Ghent altar piece (1425-32)
Has opened and closed panels
Jan Van Eyck
Giovanni and his wife Giovanni Cerami (1434)
Robert Campin
Merode altarpiece
Rogier Van der Weyden
Descent from the Cross (1435)
Anon. Brussels weaver
Adoration of the Magi (1476-88)
Erasmus Brasser
Morris Dancer (1480)
Heinrich Kramer
Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of the witches)(1486)
Hiernoymus Bosch
Carrying of the Cross (1490)
Garden of the Earthly Delights (1505-10)
Albrecht Durer
Self portrait (1500)
The large turf (1503) Watercolor
Erasmus of Rotterdam (1526) engraving
Hans Baldung Grien
Witches of Sabbath (1510) Woodblock
Matthias de Navarre
Heptameron (1558)
Johannes Gutenberg
Gutenberg bible
Albrecht Altdofer
Danube landscape (1525) Battle of Issus (1529)
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
The triumph of death (1562-64)
Harvesters (1565)
Hartmann Schendel
The Numberg Chronicle (1493)
Albrecht Durer
Four horsemen of the Apocalypse (1498) Adam and Eve (Engraving; 1504) Last supper (woodcut; 1523) Melancholia I (Engraving; 1514) Four Apostles (1526)
Desiderius Erasmus
In praise of Folly (first printing; 1511)
Anonymous Caricature
Johannes Tetzel Dominican Monk (1517)
Martin Luther
Ninety five theses (1517)
New Testament translated in vernacular German (1522)
A mighty fortress of our God (1524-25)
On the Jews and their lies (1543)
Micheal de Montaigne
Of Cannibals (Essay;1580)
Francois Rabelais
Gargantua and Pantagruélico (1532-64; Collection of 5 comic novels)
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Martin Luther (1526) Allegory of Law and Grace (woodcut; 1530)
Peter Aertsen
The meat Stall (1551)
Franz Hogenbergh
Netherlandish iconoclasm (1566)
Emporer Zhu Di (Reigned 1402-1424)
The forbidden City Completed 1420
Mostly Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Now the palace museum, Beijing china
Coatilcue Sculpture (15th century)
Quetzal feather headdress (1520)
The moon Goddess Coyolxauhqui (Sculpture;1469)
Court of Benin, Nigeria
Mask of an iyoba (Queen Mother)(1550)
Symbol of a coiled mudfish
Portuguese Warrior Surrounded by Manillas (16th century)
Yoruba Culture, Nigeria
Elefon (helmet mask; 1900) Ere ibeji (Twin figures; 20th century)
Yin Hong
Hundreds of birds Admiring the Peacocks, Ming dynasty (Late 1400s-1500s)
Shah Jahan
Taj Mahal, Agra India (Mogul period; 1632-48)
Kan’ami Kiyotsugu
Shen Zhou
Poet on a Mountaintop, Ming Dynasty (1500)
Kano Eitoku
Cypress trees
Incan (Peruvian)
Atahuallpa (Mid 18th century painting, oil of canvas)
Baule Culture, Ivory Coast
Spirit spouse, (Early to mid 20th century)