Unit 4 Part 2 Flashcards
The _____ needs to develop procedures for maintaining accurate inventory record of guest loan items, responding guest request, tracking items on loan, and ensuring the borrowed items returned.
executive housekeeper
The inventory record should reflect the __,___,___,___,__,__, and ____.
item’s name, manufacturer, supplier or vendor, date of purchase, purchase cost, warranty information, and storage
This master inventory record of guest items should kept _____ as worn or broken items are taken out of service and new items are put in use.
The executive housekeeper can monitor requests by maintaining a ____.This ____ records the type of item loaned;the guest room number;and the times of the item’s request,delivery and return.
What’s the purpose of log records?
To track loaned items, what type of items guests requested the most, and how long different items remained in loan.
Some hotels require that guests sign a ____ for loan items. Housekeeping employees who deliver loan items to guestrooms should record the type of item,guest name and room number,and the date and time of delivery on the _____.
Some hotels require that guests pay a deposit.The amount of the deposit will vary according to the type of item.
_____ for deposits should be taken to the front desk for placement in the guest
folio,but the amount should not be posted at this time.
The number and types of equipment that need to be maintained in-house will depend on the ____ and ____.
hotel’s size and cleaning needs.
With the help and advice of the hotel’s ______, the executive housekeeper can determine the machines and equipment and number of each kind that need to be maintained inventory.
general manager
An ______ should be prepared for each piece of major machinery or equipment
used in housekeeping.
inventory card
The _______ should specify the item name, model and serial numbers, manufacturers, supplier from whom it was purchased, dates of purchase, purchase cost, expected life span, warranty information, and local service contact information. These records help determine when a piece of equipment needs replacements.
inventory card
_______ should be kept and filed along with the corresponding inventory cards.
This should record the date the item was sent for repair,a description of the problem,who performed the repairs,what repairs were made,which parts were replaced, the cost of the repairs, and the amount of time that the equipment was out of service.These records help pinpoint problems that should be addressed with the service representative.
Repair logs
After ________, equipment logs should be maintained to record all equipment that was issued and returned on a daily basis.
issuing procedures have been established
______ is a major concern in determining storeroom requirements for major machines and equipment.
______ equipment should never be permitted to leave the hotel. When machines and equipment is loaned to other departments, the executive housekeeper should keep careful records and follow up to ensure the equipment is returned.
______ should be consulted and the proper location of all pieces verified.All accessories and spare parts should be counted and recorded on the appropriate
Inventory cards
_______ and ______ are part of the non-recycled inventory in the housekeeping department. These items are consumed or used up in the course of routine housekeeping operations.
Cleaning supplies and small cleaning equipment
A par number for a cleaning supply item actually ranges between two figures: a _____ and _____.
The ______ refers to the fewest number of purchase units that should be in stock at any given time.
minimum inventory quantity and a maximum inventory quantity.
minimum quantity
The on- hand quantity for a cleaning item should never fall below the _____ established for that item.
minimum quantity
Minimum quantities are established by considering the usage factor associated with each item.The usage factor refers to the quantity of a given Minimum quantities are established by considering the usage factor associated with each item.The _____ refers to the quantity of a given non-recycled inventory item that is used up over a certain period.non-recycled inventory item that is used up over a certain period.
usage factor
The minimum quantity for any given cleaning supply item determined by adding the _______ quantity to the safety stock level for that particular item.
The _______ quantity refers to the number of purchase units that are used up between the time that a supply order is placed and the time that the order is actually received.
The _____ for a given cleaning supply item refers to the number of purchase unit that must always be on hand for the housekeeping department to operate smoothly in the event of emergencies, spoilage, unexpected delays in delivery, or other situations
safety stock level
The _____ established for each cleaning supply item refers to the greatest number of purchase units that should be in stock at any given time.
Maximum quantity
What are the factors needed to consider in determining the maximum quantity level cleaning supplies.
- Available storage space.
- Items shelf lives.
- Should not be set so high to avoid high expenses in cleaning supplies.
Controlling the inventory of cleaning supplies involve establishing ____to regulate the flow of products from the main storeroom to the floor
cleaning closets. It also involves maintaining accurate _____ on hand in the main storeroom.
strict issuing procedures
counts of the products
The executive housekeeper can establish a system par levels for floor cleaning closets from which room attendants supply their carts.
Based on __________,the executive housekeeper can determine par levels for every station so that each station has enough cleaning supplies to last a week.
usage rates for the various cleaning supplies under different occupancy levels
By tracking the amounts of cleaning supplies issued from the main storeroom to the floor stations,the executive housekeeper can monitor ______.
usage rates and spot instances of under or overuse
A ______ of all cleaning supplies is often used in conjunction with the par stock system. It also provides a record of all materials requisitioned for supply closets.
perpetual inventory
As new purchases are received by the main storeroom and as quantities are issued to floor
cleaning stations, the amounts of cleaning supplies are adjusted on the _____.
Perpetual record
A ______ of all cleaning supplies will enable the executive housekeeper to determine order quantities. More frequent physical inventories need to be made for those items that are depleted more quickly.
monthly physical inventory
By identifying the minimum and maximum inventory levels for each item
and tallying the on hand total from different storeroom locations, the executive housekeeper can easily determine _________.
how much to order of each
item to bring supplies back up to the established maximum quantities
By recording both _____, the executive housekeeper can monitor the actual usage rates for each product kept in inventory.
purchases and issues of cleaning supplies
The _____ is typically responsible for storing, distributing, controlling, and maintaining adequate inventory levels of guest supply items and amenities.
executive housekeeper
By knowing the _______, the executive housekeeper can determine the quantity of each guest supply item that will be needed to outfit guestrooms in the month ahead.
forecasted number of occupancy rooms
Both ____and ___ need to be considered in establishing minimum and maximum quantities for the hotel’s inventory of guest supply items.
occupancy levels and usage rates
How is the guest supply inventory control the same with non-recycled inventory control?
Par levels are established ,physical inventories are taken and records are maintained. The principles of control and procedures for gathering accurate information about usage rates and
inventory levels are substantially the same
The _____ is the same: occupancy levels and usage rates determine the par levels
needed, and supplies are issued only in quantities sufficient to replenish par stocks.
control procedure
______ for stationery items such as notepads, letterheads, envelopes,
and postcards are established in the usual manner for non-recycled inventory
items. Occupancy levels, usage rates, safety levels, lead-time quantities,and purchasing schedules are considered when determining minimum and maximum inventory
Par stock levels