Unit 4: Learning and Conditioning Flashcards
Relatively permanent change in observable behavior due to experiences
View that psychology should restrict its efforts to to studying observable behavior, not mental processes
Person associated with behaviorism and experiment:
John Watson; Little Albert Experiment
Classical conditioning:
Learning that occurs when 2 stimuli are repeatedly paired (involuntary behavior)
Operant conditioning:
Voluntary action with a consequence
Types of Stimuli:
Unconditioned Stimulus (US): Stimulus that causes automatic response
Neutral Stimulus (NS): Stimulus that doesn’t trigger a response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS): Learned stimulus
Types of Responses:
No Response (NR): No reaction
Unconditioned Response (UR): Automatic reaction
Conditioned Response (CR): Learned reaction
Ivan Pavlov’s Experiment:
Classically conditioned dogs to salivate at a stimulus such as a bell (expected food)
Repeatedly pair neutral stimulus w/ unconditioned stimulus until a conditioned response is produced
Conditioned stimulus no longer paired w/ unconditioned stimulus so conditioned response weakens/disappears
Spontaneous Recovery
Reappearance of conditioned response after rest period
The tendency to respond in the same way to different but similar stimuli
Being able to differentiate between between conditioned stimulus and other stimulus
High Order Conditioning
Conditioned stimulus paired with neutral stimulus to create a second conditioned stimulus
Rescorla and Contingency Theory
-Showed that an organism can learn the predictability of a response
-This means that some information processing happens during classical conditioning
Taste Aversion and Person Associated
-Distaste for a particular taste or smell is associated with a negative reaction
-A.K.A Garcia Effect (named for John Garcia)
Law of Effect
Law of Effect:
-Good consequences→ Behavior increased
-Bad consequences→Behavior decreased
Edward Thorndike
Associated with Law of Effect; put cats into a box that needed to be opened; found that after opening the box the first time, cats got faster because they got fish waiting outside
B.F Skinner’s Experiment
Put rats in a box and good behavior got rewarded with food, if the rat didn’t do as it should, it got mildly shocked