Unit 4 - Gas Exchange In insect, fish, plants and blood vessels Flashcards
How do insects reduce water loss from spiracle?
- they can close their spiracles with a muscular valve
- they have hairs around the spiracle to increase humidity reducing evaporation
Describe the ventilation structure in insects:
- rigid waterproof exoskeleton with holes (spiracles)
- spiracles lead to a network of trachea
- trachea branch into smaller tracheoles
- tracheoles carry air directly to cell cytoplasm
What makes up the walls of the tracheoles?
Smaller insects can just rely on diffusion but what about larger insects?
Ventilate their trachea system
- muscles squeeze the abdomen sucking air in and out of the spiracles
- increasing concentration gradient
Describe the structure of fish gills
Gills are a structure made of gill arch’s and gill filaments
The filaments are string like extensions from the gill arch covered in feathery lamellae, which provide a large surface area and have a fresh blood supply
What are the opercula?
Flaps that stop the entry of water back across the gills from the sea when the floor of the fishes mouth drops lowering pressure in the buccal cavity
Describe inspiration in a fish
1) the mouth of the fish opens
2) the floor of the mouth contracts and opercula muscles contract increasing the volume in the buccal cavity
3) this decreases the pressure in the buccal cavity below outside water pressure, opercula valve closes and water rushes in through the mouth
4) the water flows over the gills from a high pressure to a low pressure
Describe expiration in a fish:
1) the mouth closes
2) the mouth and opercula muscles relax decreasing the volume in the buccal cavity
3) this increases pressure in the buccal cavity above the outside pressure so the opercula valves open
4) water flows from a high pressure inside the buccal cavity to a low pressure outside the fish over the gills
Describe counter current flow:
- blood flows in the opposite direction to the water, meaning blood always meets water with a higher saturation of O2
This occurs at the lamellae
How are stomata opened?
K+ ions are actively pumped into the guard cells, lowering the water potential so water diffuses in by osmosis, making the guard cells more turgid, the cell wall is thinner on the outside so they bend that way opening the stomata
What are lenticels and their role?
- a group of loosely arranged cells with many airspace’s linking the inner tissue of thick trunks to the outside for gas exchange, purpose is the same as stomata
How are plants adapted for gas exchange?
- leaves provide large surface area
- spongey mesophyll cells also increase surface area within the leaf
- thin cell walls provide a short diffusion pathway
What does the waxy cuticle do?
Prevent water loss and gas exchange from the upper epidermis
Why do veins need valves?
Very low blood pressure, so valves stop backlfow
Why is the left and right side of the heart separated by the septum?
This keeps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood separate so as much O2 can be carried to the cells as possible
What 2 systems make up our double circulatory system?
Pulmonary and systemic
What 2 parts of the vena cava combine before returning blood to the heart?
Superior (on top) and inferior vena cava