Unit 4: Forms Of Expression Flashcards
The role of church buildings
- Place of worship.
- In particular they are a place for Catholics where the Mass will take place.
- They are a place of personal prayer.
- They are a place where the community of believers are joined together as the Body of Christ.
The design of church buildings and what they symbolize.
- They will face east representing the resurrection.
- They will usually be designed either in a cruciform shape (a cross) the symbol of Christianity, or, round representing community and eternity, or octagonal meaning the light that is brought into the world.
- They will have high ceilings, symbolizing the greatness and otherness of God.
- There will be stained glass windows to let in light and to show images from the Bible.
Name the internal features of a church
- Lectern
- Altar
- Crucifix
- Tabernacle
- The baptismal font
What is the role of a lectern?
- “this is a stand where the readings are processed” CCC
- It is used during the Liturgy of the Word.
- Used to communicate the message of salvation.
What is the role of an altar?
- The place where the Liturgy of the Eucharist is to take place during the Mass.
- “It is a representation of the Last Supper, a table of sacrifice” CCC
- The place where the sacrifice of Jesus takes place, where we can achieve our salvation.
What is the role of a crucifix?
- Reminder of the sacrifice of Christ.
- Reminder of the love of Christ.
- Shows the HUMAN suffering of Jesus.
What is the role of a tabernacle?
- “This is a box where the Eucharist is kept” CCC
- It is where Christ is TRULY present, the consecrated host.
- The tabernacle lamp is kept on, reminding one of Christ’s presence.
What is the role of a baptismal font?
- It is a reminder of the first sacrament of initiation.
- Situated at the front of the Church as a symbol that we enter the Church through Baptism.
Name three sacred objects
- Sacred vessels
- Sarcophagi
- Hunger cloths
Name the three sacred vessels
- Chalice
- Paten
- Ciborium
Why are sacred objects important?
They are used during the Mass and can be used to air prayer, and be visual reminders of faith and belief.
The Church teaches that sacred objects are useful and serve an important part of the Mass.
What is the chalice?
Used to hold the blood of Christ, during the celebration of the Eucharist.
What is the paten?
Where the larger host is kept during the Mass used by the priest.
What is the ciborium?
Where the rest of the hosts are kept during communion and then stored in the tabernacle.
What is the sarcophagi?
- Box like container for corpses.
- Still used today, and many popes are buried in them.
- They are used as a reminder of the life of the deceased, often saints as well so can be used to aid prayer.
What are hunger cloths?
- Used traditionally over the altar to depict stories from the Bible.
- Used today in developing countries signifying God’s presence.
What is the use of sacred art?
- Artwork is used within BOTH the home and within churches.
- It is a good way of evangelization since it can be shown publicly.
- Furthermore it can engage people in discussing how the artwork is done.
- Used privately Catholics can use it as a form of devotion and prayer.
Name three types of sacred art
- Paintings
- Icons
- Frescoes
What is the significance of paintings?
- It can express belief and love and glory of God.
- It can also enhance one’s own faith.
- An example is Raphael’s Transfiguration.
What is the significance of icons?
- They are done as a form of prayer and reflection.
- They often depict important individuals of the faith.
What is the significance of frescoes?
- Done in churches to show the glory and greatness of God.
- Done as a way of expressing faith in God to many.
- An example is Michael Angelo’s Sistine Chapel.
What are the uses of statues and sculptures?
- Used within churches to remind us of the Saints (role models for Catholics).
- May also be used at home as focal point of prayer, e.g. nativity set.
- Statues of Jesus can help us visualise Jesus when praying and reflect on his love for us.
Divergent attitudes towards statues and sculptures.
- Protestants disagree with having statues in Church as some believe that it is wrong to imagine what Jesus looked like.
- Some Protestants think Catholics worship statues.
What are examples of symbols?
- The cross and crucifix
- The fish
- The Chi Rho
- The dove
- Alpha and omega
What is the cross and crucifix and what does it symbolise?
- Reminder of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Cross begun in the 2nd century, the crucifix in the 5th.
- They are both also visible signs of faith.
What is the fish and what does it symbolise?
- Used in the early Church as a secret symbol, meant, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
- Linked also to the apostles being fishers of men.
- Also a symbol of the Christian faith today.
What is the Chi Rho and what does it symbolise?
- Means Jesus as Christ.
- Was used in the early Church especially in battles.
What is the dove and what does it symbolise?
- Symbol of the Holy Spirit and also of baptism.
- Used also as a symbol of peace.
What is Alpha and Omega and what does it symbolise?
- Represents the beginning and the end, the eternity of Jesus, and also of the Trinity.
- Also linked to salvation and the Paschal Mystery.
Why are symbols useful?
- Symbols often help Christians to understand God, e.g. the dove reminds Christians of the Holy Spirit.
- They can be a visual aid to prayer.
- Used throughout Christian worship (e.g. the cross reminds us of Jesus’ love).
Why is drama used to express belief?
- It is a way of bringing to life the stories of the Bible, as well as help others understand them.
- It is also done as a way of worship.
- It unites Christians together.
- It makes them modern and relevant as well as being a good way to evangelise others.
Where is drama performed?
- Not done in churches as worship, though the church building may be used.
- More often these plays may be done in the open public.
What two types of plays are there?
- Passion plays
- Mystery plays
What are passion plays?
- They are done as a way of showing the death of Jesus.
- Help Christians reflect on the love of Jesus and his death and resurrection.
What are mystery plays?
- They were focused on showing stories from the Bible.
- Popular in medieval times as a way of helping people understand their faith.
What are the three types of traditional music?
- Hymns
- Plainchant
- Psalms
What are hymns?
- Written for praise, adoration or prayer.
- Usually sung at certain times at the Mass.
- They often are linked to the time of the year.
What is plainchant?
- Music without instruments.
- Most traditional type of music.
- Usually in Latin, and sung at times like the Holy Holy, or Lamb of God.
What are psalms?
- Songs found within the Bible.
- They are sung out of praise of God.
- They are sung at Mass, and 150 over a year.
What is contemporary music?
- It is also known as worship songs.
- Often used by protestants, or charismatic Christians.
- They appeal to young Christians and allow the believer to feel as if they are experiencing the Holy Spirit.
- It is extremely emotional and helps people pray.
How does music express belief and why is it important?
- It allows the whole church community to pray together.
- It’s a personal way to worship.
- Some music is a tradition of the Church.
- The words of the music emphasises key teachings of Christianity.
SWA for 4.1 / 4.2 : Catholic Church Architecture and Internal Features
“A church…is a house of a prayer.” (Catechism 1181)
SWA for 4.3 : Sacred objects
“All signs used in liturgical celebrations are related to Christ” (Catechism 1161)
SWA for 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 : Sacred art, statues, sculptures, symbols
“Sacred art is true and beautiful” (CCC 2502)
SWA for 4.7 : Drama
“Drama engages the heart” - CCC
SWA for 4.8 : Music
“Make melody to the Lord with all your heart” - CCC