Unit 10: Ethics (Family Life) Flashcards
The importance/purpose of marriage for Catholics
- Catholics believe it was created by God.
- It is 1 of the 7 sacraments.
- Way for Catholics to have children and build a family.
- Only acceptable way to have a sexual relationship.
- Disagree with gay marriage.
- Jesus taught that marriage was created by God at the beginning of the world (Mark 10).
Non-religious attitudes to marriage
- Marriage was not created by God.
- Sex before marriage is acceptable.
- A couple can choose whether to marry or just cohabitate (live together).
- Support gay marriage.
Catholic attitudes towards sexual relationships
- It is a gift from God to be enjoyed within marriage (unitive) between a man and a woman.
- Sex was also given to create new life (procreation).
- The Catechism teaches sex is a gift from God and should not be used outside of marriage.
Non-religious attitudes towards sexual relationships
- Many atheists support same-sex relationships.
- Many believe that sex does not have to be open to life.
- Pre-marital sex (sex before marriage) is widely accepted.
Other Christian attitudes towards sexual relationships
- Pre-marital sex can be a step towards marriage and so can be acceptable.
- Sex is also about unity not just procreation and so can be acceptable.
Catholic attitudes towards family life
- One of the main purposes of marriage is to have a family.
- The Catechism teaches that God created the family unit to be the basic unit of society.
- The family is where children first learn about their faith and the difference between right and wrong.
Non-religious attitudes towards family life
- Many families in the UK are now non-religious.
- Atheists do not think the family was created by God.
- Having children is not necessarily important in marriage.
How does the parish try to help families?
- By praying for married couples and families during mass.
- By offering financial support to families struggling.
- Running youth groups to help children learn about their faith.
- Marriage counseling.
Why do parishes try to help families?
(See 10.3:1. Catholic attitudes towards family life answers)
Non-religious attitudes towards contraception
- Most are in favour of artificial contraception (e.g. condom, pill, etc.) because they argue that:
- Contraception ‘lowers the risk of STDs).
- Prevents or aborts unwanted babies.
- Allows a couple to experience enjoyment without the responsibility of a child.
Catholic views on artificial contraception
- The Catechism states that using contraception is a serious/grave sin.
- Many forms of artificial contraception cause early stage abortions.
What is natural family planning?
(Incorrectly referred to as ‘natural contraception’ in the books)
- An alternative to contraception that Catholics support.
- Helps Catholic couples space out children by abstaining from sex during times in the month when the woman is likely to conceive / get pregnant.
- Also used to help couples conceive if they are finding it difficult by having sex on the days the woman is fertile.
- Catechism states NFP is a good thing as by using it a couple are open to life.
Other Christian attitudes towards contraception
- Contraception is acceptable as God created sex for enjoyment (unity) as well as procreation.
- There is nothing in the Bible that forbids contraception.
Catholic teachings on divorce
- Catholic Church does not allow divorce.
- A couple, once married, will always be married in the eyes of God.
- Jesus taught that marriage is unbreakable in the Bible.
- The Catechism teaches that marriage cannot be dissolved.
- Annulments are allowed but this only if a marriage was never valid when it took place.
Non-religious attitudes to divorce
- Believe that all married couples have the right to divorce.
- Can be most loving thing to do.
Other Christian attitudes towards divorce
- Divorce can be accepted if next time a person marries it really is for life.
- Can be most loving thing to do.
Catholic attitudes towards equality of men and women
- Catechism states men and women are equal in the eyes of God.
- But, men and women have different qualities.
- Women have been given special gifts from God and the biological ability to have children.
- It is the duty of both husband and wife to decide how they will run the household / who will work etc..
Other Christian attitudes towards equality of men and women
- It is the role of women to bring up children and run a Christian home.
- Women should not speak in church.
- Men and women are equal and have equal roles.
- Female clergy (vicars) are acceptable.
Catholic attitudes towards gender prejudice and discrimination
Church opposes gender prejudice and discrimination because:
1) Genesis 1 teaches that God created both men and women in His image.
2) The Catechism teaches that men and women are equal and should have equal rights.
However, because Jesus ordained only men the Church does not allow women priests.
Other Christian attitudes towards gender prejudice and discrimination
- It is the role of women to bring up children and run a Christian home.
- Women should not speak in church.
- Female clergy (vicars) are acceptable.
- Believe that Jesus only ordained men because of the time in history.