UNIT 4 Classical conditioning Flashcards
- a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events
Classical conditioning
who-classical conditioning
ivan pavlov
- the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes
- in classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning
Neutral stimulus (NS)
- in classical conditioning, an unlearned, naturally occurring response (such as salivation) to an unconditioned stimulus (US) (such as food in the mouth)
Unconditioned response (UR)
- in classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally – naturally and automatically – triggers a response (UR)
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
- in classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS)
Conditioned response (CR)
- in classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus (US), comes to trigger a conditioned response (CR)
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
- in classical conditioning, the initial stage, when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response / in operant conditioning, the strengthening of a reinforced response
- a procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus, creating a second (often weaker) conditioned stimulus
Higher-order conditioning
- the diminishing of a conditioned response / occurs in classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS) / occurs in operant conditioning when a response is no longer reinforced
- the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
Spontaneous recovery
- the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses
- in classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus
little albert who did
- a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher
Operant conditioning
Law of effect - Thorndike’s principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely
Law of effect
- in operant conditioning research, a chamber (also known as a Skinner box) containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforcer / attached devices record the animal’s rate of bar pressing or key pecking
Operant chamber
- in operant conditioning, any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
- an operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer approximations of the desired behavior
- in operant conditioning, a stimulus that elicits a response after association with reinforcement (in contrast to related stimuli not associated with reinforcement)
Discriminative stimulus
- increasing behaviors by presenting positive reinforcers / a positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response
Positive reinforcement
- increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli / a negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response
Negative reinforcement
- an innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need
Primary reinforcer
- a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer / also known as a secondary reinforcer
Conditioned reinforcer
- a pattern that defines how often a desired response will be reinforced
Reinforcement schedule
- reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
Continuous reinforcement
- reinforcing a response only part of the time / results in slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement
- in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses
Fixed-ratio schedule
- in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses
Variable-ratio schedule
- in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
Fixed-interval schedule
- in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals
Variable-interval schedule
Classical conditioning uses ——– - behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus
respondent behavior
Operant conditioning uses ———- - behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences
operant behavior
- a mental representation of the layout of one’s environment
Cognitive map
- learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it
Latent learning
- a sudden realization of a problem’s solution
- a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake
Intrinsic motivation
- a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment
Extrinsic motivation
- alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods
- attempting to alleviate stress directly – by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor (used usually when we feel a sense of control)
Problem-focused coping
- attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one’s stress reaction (used when we believe we cannot control the situation)
Emotion-focused coping
- the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
Learned helplessness
- the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate
External locus of control
- the perception that you control your own fate
Internal locus of control
- the ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards
- learning by observing others / also calling social learning
Observational learning
- the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
- Bobo Doll who did
Albert Bandura
- frontal lobe neurons that some scientists believe fire when performing certain actions or when observing another doing so / the brain’s mirroring of another’s action may enable imitation and empathy
Mirror neurons
- positive, constructive, helpful behavior / the opposite of antisocial behavior
Prosocial behavior