Unit 4, Chapter 16: Important people. Flashcards
Adam Smith: (Who, where, what.)
SCOTTISHHHH moral philosopher and pioneer of political economy.
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHH economist who was an administrator under Louis XV and comptroller general of finance under Louis XVI.
Baron d’Holbach: (Who, where, what.)
Wealthy GERMANNNN aristocrat who settled in Paris.
Cesare Beccaria: (Who, where, what.)
ITALIANNNN criminologist and economist.
Daniel Defoe: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH novelist, journalist, and merchant.
David Hume: (Who, where, what.)
SCOTTISHHHH philosopher in the 1700’s.
Denis Diderot: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH philosopher, art critic, and writer.
Diego Velazquez: (Who, where, what.)
SPANISHHHH painter of the Baroque period.
When was the Baroque period????
Francois Quesnay: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH economist and intellectual leader of the physiocrats.
George Frederic Handel: (Who, where, what.)
Famous GERMANNNN musician from the Baroque era.
Gian Loranzo Bernin: (Who, where, what.)
ITALIANNNN architect , artist, and city planner.
Henry Fielding: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH novelist/playwright.
Jacques-Louis David: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH painter.
Jane Austen: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH novelist.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: (Who, where, what.)
Influential SWISSSS philosopher of the 1700’s.
Johann Sebastian Bach: (Who, where, what.)
GERMANNNN composer and musician.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: (Who, where, what.)
GERMANNNN polymath.
Johannes Vermeer: (Who, where, what.)
DUTCHHHH painter.
John Locke: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH philosopher.
John Wesley: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH Methodist traveling preacher, organizer of the Methodist conference, and founder of the Methodist church.
Marquis de Condorcet: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH philosopher of the Enlightenment and advocate of educational reform and women’s rights.
Mary Wollstonecraft: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH writer, philosopher, and advocate for women’s rights in the late 1700’s.
Montesquieu: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH political philosopher.
Samuel Richardson: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH writer and printer.
Rembrandt van Rijn: (Who, where, what.)
DUTCHHHH painter.
Thomas Hobbes: (Who, where, what.)
ENGLISHHHH Enlightenment-era thinker.
Voltaire: (Who, where, what.)
FRENCHHHH Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: (Who, where, what.)
AUSTRIANNNN pianist and composer.