Unit 3 9/17-9/24 vocab Flashcards
Form of government where all sovereign power is in the hand of a single monarch.
Balance of Power:
Condition of roughly equal strength between opposing countries/alliances of countries.
Battle of Vienna:
(1683:) Holy Roman Empire forces stopped the Ottoman Empire from conquering Vienna.
Russian noble class.
Cardinal Jules Mazarin:
Co-ruler of France alongside Queen Anne of Austria.
Cardinal Richelieu:
France’s 1st bishop to implement in his diocese the reforms decreed by the Council of Trent.
Catalan Revolt:
(Lasting from 1640-1652.) Revolted against Phillip IV (4) of Spain, and was motivated by fiscal, political, and long-standing historical issues.
Catherine the Great:
(Ruled from 1762-1796.) Russia’s longest-reigning empress, married to Peter III of Russia.
Workers in a king/queen’s court.
Russian word for ruler/emperor.
Divine Right:
Belief that a monarch’s authority comes directly from God, and is absolute.
Dutch East India Company:
Company founded by the Dutch in the early 1600’s to establish/direct trade throughout Asia.
Dutch Revolt:
(1566.) Netherlands revolting against Spanish rule.
Dutch War:
(1672-1678.) Conflict initiated by France under King Louis XIV against the Dutch Republic while aiming to expand French territory.
Eighty Years’ War:
Dutch War of independence from Spain (1568-1648.)
Frederick the Great:
Former Prussian king who ruled from 1740-1786.
Frederick William I:
2nd Prussian king who ruled from 1713-1740.
Series of uprisings/civil wars in France from 1648-1653.
Grand Embassy (Russia:)
Russian diplomatic mission to West Europe from March 9th, 1697-August 25th, 1698.
Great Northern War:
(1700-1721.) Conflict where a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish empire.
Gustavus Adolphus:
King of Sweden from 1611-1632.
Holy Synod:
Governing body of any of the Orthodox churches.
House of Commons:
One of the Parliament houses including wealthy land-owners/rich business leaders that represent the middle class and are elected to office.
House of Lords:
Upper house of Parliament.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert:
French statesman who served as 1st minister of state from 1661-1683.
Joint-Stock Company:
One of the new forms of commercial organization in the 1500’s/1600’s.
Louis XIV (France:)
Former French king who ruled from 1643-1715.
Maria Theresa:
Ruler of the Habsburg dominions from 1740-1780.
Nine Years’ War:
(1688-1697.) War between France and the Grand Alliance.
A small group of people who control a country.
Palace of Versailles:
French palace.
Supreme court under the ancien regime in France.
Act of diving a country into multiple parts.
Peace of Utrecht:
Ended the War of the Spanish Succession (1713.)
Peace of Westphalia:
European settlements of 1648 that ended the Thirty Years’ War.
Peter the Great:
Tsar of Russia from 1682-1725.
Phillip II (Spain:)
Spanish king from 1556-1598.
Phillip V (Spain:)
Former Spanish king from 11/1/1700-1/14/1724, and again from 9/6/1724-1746.
Russian Academy of Sciences:
New academic center in Europe.
Lower house of the national legislature of Poland.
Seven Years’ War:
(1756-1763.) War between France and England over land.
Stainslaw II:
Former Polish king/Grand Duke of Lithuania that ruled from 1704-1733.)
Union of Utrecht:
Signed by 7 North provinces of the Netherlands against Spain. (1579.)
Urban Gentry:
People who lived in towns, enjoying a reasonable income but lacking the landed acreage of the mansion associated with the country Gentry.
War of the Spanish Succession:
(1701-1714.) War caused by King Charles II.