Unit 4 Flashcards
Lessons 16-20
beautiful winged horse; sprang from Medusa’s neck
bronze robot who protects Crete
clever king of Corinth
den or dwelling of a large beast
everything he touched turned to gold
King Midas
fire-breathing beast, made of a lion, goat, serpent
founded Olympic Games
goddess of eternal youth
great called city in Greece with seven gates
having a right to
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Corinth - kingdom of Sisyphus
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Tiryns - kingdom won by Melampus for curing the king’s daughters of madness
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Elis - region of Olympia; kingdom of Oenomaüus, father of Hippodamia
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Libya - kingdom of Danaüs
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Argos - where Danaüs rowed with his 50 daughters; kingdom of Danaüs and Perseus
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Thessaly - kingdom of Admetus, friend of Hercules
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Olympia - site of the Olympic games
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Lycia - where Bellerophon fought the Chimera
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Mycenae - fortified city founded by Perseus
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Red Sea - reddened by blood of the monster killed by Persus to save Andromeda
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Crete - where Zeus was raised and made Europa the first queen
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Aegina -island created by Zeus from Aegina, daughter of Asopus
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Lake Stymphalus - rid of dangerous birds by Hercules
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Nemea - home of hte Nemean lion
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Thebes - city built by Cadmus; rid of beasts by Hercules
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Lydia - kingdom of Queen Omphale who enslaved Hercules
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Mt. Erymanthus - where Hercules subdued the wild boar
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Phrygia - kingdome of Midas; site of music contest between Apollo and Marysas
Identify and give the signficance of the location.

Tyre - kingdom of the father of Cadmus
inhospitable king; had mares devour strangers
King Diomedes
King of Lybia; had 50 daughters (Danaides)
most devoted wife ever; wife of Admetus
Queen Alcestis
mother of Hercules
narrow grooves made in the ground by a plow
ordered Hercules when he was enslaved by her
Queen Omphale
Perseus’ native city and later his kingdom
Queen of Crete
Queen of the Amazons
sisters of the Gorgons
Gray sisters
Strait of Gibraltar; mountain peak on the Africa side and the Rock of Gibraltar on the Europe side
Pillars of Hercules
to satisfy (thirst); extinguish (fire)
to skip about in a playful manner; frolic
to throw with force or violence
to tug while twisting
tribe of wild, warlike women
ugliest Gorgon sister
understood language of animals; cousin of Bellerophon
What was Sisyphus’ trick, and what did it do to the land?
Sisyphus pretended to be honored by Hades and asked him why Hermes had not come for him. While Hades searched for the answer, Sisyphus cleverly would a chain around the Lord of the underworld and then tied him to a post like a dog. While Hades was tied up, nobody could die. The Fates got the threads of life tangled up, and hte whole world was in utter confusion.
Why did Hercules have to complete two additional labors?
Hera whispered in Eurystheus’ ear that Hercules charioteer had helped him to singe the heads of the Hydra, and not Hercules but the waters of the two rivers had washed the Augean stables clean. Hera therefore thought these labors did not count since Hercules had help. Two more needed to be performed in their stead.
Why was Persus sent to kill Medusa?
Accepting Persus’ offer of his services as a gift, the king sent him out to kill Medusa and return with her head. As no man had ever returned from such a mission, the king thought that this would be a way to rid himself of Persus forever.
Why was Tantalus condemned, and what was his punishment?
Tantalus sacrified his son Pelops in order to please the gods. The gods detested human sacrifiece and condemend him to the underworld where he suffered from eternal hunger and thirst. He was forced to stand in water up to his neck but could not quench his thirst. Above his head hung branches of fruit that would bend out of reach when he tried to reach them.
Why were the gods glad to have Hercules on Olympus?
The Fates had predicted that Olympus would be attached by a fearful enemy, and the Olympians could be saved only if the strongest man ever born fought on their side. This man, of course, was Hercules, and he did indeed defend Olympus, making him an eternal hero of the gods.
without pity or compassion
challenged Apollo to a music contest
wife of Hercules
daughter of Cepheus
nine-headed offspring of Echnida