Unit 4 Flashcards
marbury v madison
supreme court decision of 1803 that created the precedent of judicial review by ruling as unconstitutional part of the judiciary act of 1789
embargo act of 1807
act passed by congress prohibiting american ships form leaving for any foreign port
war hawks
members of congress predominantly from the south and west who aggressively pushed for a war against britain after their election in 1810
battle of new orleans
decisive american war of 1812 victory over british troops in January 1815 that ended any british hopes of gaining control of the lower Mississippi river valley
war of 1812
war fought between the united states and britain from june 1812 to january 1815 largely over british restrictions on american shipping
treaty of ghent
signed in december 1814 between the united states and britain that ended the war of 1812
monroe doctrine
declaration by president james monroe in 1823 that the western hemisphere was to be closed off to further european colonization and that the unites states would not interfere in the internal affairs of european nations
era of good feelings
the period from 1817 to 1823 in which the disappearance of the federalists enabled the republicans to govern in a spirit of seemingly nonpartisan harmony
missouri compromise
sectional compromise in congress in 1820 that admitted missouri to the union as a slave state and maine as a free state and prohibited slavery in the northern louisiana purchase territory
black codes
laws passed by states and municipalities denying many rights of citizenship to free black people before the civil war
denmark vessey’s conspiracy
the most carefully devised slave revolt in which rebels planned to seize control of the charleston in 1822 and escape to freedom in haiti, a free black republic, but they were betrayed by other slaves, and seventy-five conspirators were executed
gabriel’s rebellion
slave revolt that failed when gabriel prosper, a slave preacher and blacksmith, organized a thousand slaves for an attack on richmond, VA in 1800
gang system
the organization and supervision of slave field hands into working teams on southern plantations
nat turner’s rebellion
uprising of slaves in southampton country VA in the summer of 1831 led by nat turner that resulted in the death of 55 white people
industrial revolution
revolution in the means and organization of production
second great awakening
religious revival among black and white southerners in the 1790s
yeoman farmer
independent farmers of the south most of whom lived on family sized farms
nullification crisis
sectional crisis in the early 1830s in which a states’ rights party in SC attempted to nullify federal law
political party formed in the 1820s under the leadership of andrew jackson; favored states rights and a limited role for the federal government
indian removal act
president andrew jacksons measure that allowed state officials to override federal protection of native americans
black hawk
1832 war in which federal troops and IL militia units defeated the faux and fox indians led by black hawk
trail of tears
the forced march in 1838 of the cherokee indians from their homelands in GA to the indian territory in the west