Unit 4 Flashcards
might kill myself after this one
Continental Crust
The land part of the Earth’s crust. It’s thicker and less dense than oceanic crust
Oceanic Crust
The ocean part of the Earth’s crust. It’s thinner and denser than continental crust
The layer of hot, mostly solid rock underneath the Earth’s crust. It has convection currents that move the tectonic plates
Outer Core
The layer of liquid iron and nickel underneath the mantle. Scientists believe it is responsible for Earth’s magnetic field
Hot Spots
Places where magma rises up from the mantle, creating volcanoes
Plate Boundaries
Where tectonic plates meet. There are three types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform
Transform Plate Boundary
Where two plates slide past each other, often causing earthquakes
Convergent Plate Boundary
Where two plates collide
Divergent Plate Boundary
Where two plates move apart
Igneous Rock
Rock that forms when magma or lava cools and hardens
Sedimentary Rock
Rock that forms when sediments (like sand, pebbles, or shells) are compacted and cemented together
Metamorphic Rock
Rock that has been changed by heat and pressure
Parent Material
The rock that breaks down to form soil
The shape of the land (hills, valleys, etc.)
The process by which sediments are dropped in a new location
When nutrients are washed out of the soil by water
Porosity: The amount of space between soil particles
How easily water can flow through soil
The process of water soaking into the ground
Soil Respiration
A measure of how much carbon dioxide is released by living things in the soil. More respiration usually means healthier soil
Bulk Density
How compact the soil is. More compact soil has less space for air and water
Soil Nitrate
The amount of nitrate in the soil. Nitrate is a nutrient that plants need, but too much of it can leach into water
Aggregate Stability
How well soil particles clump together. Good aggregation helps prevent erosion
When one object orbits another object (like Earth orbiting the sun)