Energy & Environmental Terms Flashcards
drop an A on groat's head
Fossil Fuels
Energy sources from ancient plants and animals (coal, oil, natural gas)
Common, easy-to-extract energy sources
Harder-to-extract energy sources
Oil & Natural Gas
Liquid and gas fossil fuels used for energy
Molecules made of hydrogen and carbon, main components of fossil fuels
Waxy substance in rocks that turns into oil or gas with heat
Shale Gas
Natural gas trapped in shale rock
Tight Gas
Natural gas in dense rock, hard to extract
Coal (peat, bitumen, anthracite)
Fossil fuel in different forms: peat (soft), bitumen (soft coal), anthracite (hard coal)
Energy Density
Energy stored per unit of fuel
Power Density
Energy output per unit of area
Net Energy
Usable energy left after production costs
Automatic Waste
Waste that happens naturally in a process
Unnecessary Waste
Waste that could be avoided
Commercial Waste
Waste from businesses
Subsistence Waste
Waste from basic living activities
Net Energy Ratio
Energy gained vs. energy used to get it
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Energy is always lost as heat in transfers
Energy Return on Investment (EROI)
Energy produced per unit of energy spent
Crude Oil/Petroleum
Unrefined oil from the ground
Peak Oil
The point when oil production reaches its highest before declining
Group of oil-producing countries controlling supply
Coalbed Methane
Methane gas in coal seams
Tight Sands
Natural gas in compact sandstone