Unit 4 Flashcards
Behavior and attitudes
What is the definition of attitudes?
People’s evaluation’s evaluation of almost any aspect of the world
What plays a role in the attitudes people form and the intensity with which those are held?
What can attitudes appear to be?
quite stable and resistant to change or unstable and showing considerable variability
What can we hold attitudes with?
great certainty or unclear/uncertain
What can influence what attitudes we form?
related values
How can we describe some attitudes?
strong and accessible
What are explicit attitudes?
they are conscious and reportable and therefore easy to measure
-> what I say
What are implicit attitudes?
less controllable and potentially not consciously accessible and therefore more difficult to measure
-> what I show
Are implicit and explicit attitudes coherent?
they may not be
What are pro’s of the implicit association test?
- provides further proof to theory of ‘dual processing’, controlled vs automatic
- shows influence attitudes have
- Implicit evaluations still can be used to predict some behaviours better than explicit attitudes
What are con’s of the implicit association test?
- Can’t be used to compare individuals.
- Explicit attitudes interfere, like guilt and compassion.
- General knowledge still interferes: stereotypes or known attributes.
- Susceptible to faking when aware of attitudes.
What is social learning?
acquiring views by social interaction or by observing their behavior
-> Classical conditioning, Instrumental conditioning and Observational learning
How does Classical Conditioning affect our attitudes?
through two pathways:
- direct route
- indirect route
What is the direct route of CC affecting our attitudes?
a positive S is paired with the object, the product is placed with attractive outcomes (positive stimuli)
What is the indirect route of CC affecting our attitudes?
get a famous endorser to produce a pairing between the public figure and the product (repetition is key)
Through which 2 things does classical conditioning influence attitude formation?
- subliminal conditioning
- the illusion of truth effect
What is subliminal conditioning?
attitudes can be changed through mere exposure, even when we don’t remember being exposed to the information