Unit 4? Flashcards
Smaller range of tolerance, or narrower ecological niche makes them more prone to extinction
-specific food requirements
-less ability to adapt to new conditions
Smaller range of tolerance, or narrower ecological niche makes them more prone to extinction
-specific food requirements
-less ability to adapt to new conditions
Larger range of tolerance, broader niche makes them less prone to extinction & more likely to be invasive
-broad food requirements
-high adaptability
Larger range of tolerance, broader niche makes them less prone to extinction & more likely to be invasive
-broad food requirements
-high adaptability
Who is more prone to extinction: specialists or generalists
Who is less able to adapt to new conditions: specialists or generalists
-few offspring, heavy parental care
-usually reproduce many times
-long lifespan, long time to sexual maturity = low biotic potential = slow population growth rate
-more likely to be distorted by environmental changes or invasives
-few offspring, heavy parental care
-usually reproduce many times
-long lifespan, long time to sexual maturity = low biotic potential = slow population growth rate
-more likely to be distorted by environmental changes or invasives
-many offspring, little to no care
-many reproduce only once
-shorter lifespan, quick to sexual maturity = high biotic potential = high population growth rate
-more likely to be invasive
-better suited for rapidly changing environmental conditions
-many offspring, little to no care
-many reproduce only once
-shorter lifespan, quick to sexual maturity = high biotic potential = high population growth rate
-more likely to be invasive
-better suited for rapidly changing environmental conditions
Few offspring - R or K selected
Usually reproduce only once - R or K selected
Long lifespan - R or K selected
High biotic potential - R or K selected
More likely to be invasive - R or K selected
More likely to be disrupted by env. change or invasives - R or K selected
Life span for K and R selected species
K: long
R: short
Time to reproductive maturity for K and R selected species
K: long
R: short
Number of reproductive events for K and R selected species
K: few
R: many
Number of offspring for K and R selected species
K: few
R: many
Size of offspring for K and R selected species
K: large
R: small
Parental care for K and R selected species
K: present
R: absent
Population growth rate for K and R selected species
K: slow
R: fast
Type 1 survivorship is mostly (R/K) selected
Type 2 survivorship is mostly (R/K) selected
In between
Type 3 survivorship is mostly (R/K) selected
Type 1 survivorship
(Mostly k-selected)
-high survivorship early in life due to high parental care
-high survivorship in mid life due to large size & defensive behavior
-rapid decrease in survivorship in late life as old age sets in
(Mostly k-selected)
-high survivorship early in life due to high parental care
-high survivorship in mid life due to large size & defensive behavior
-rapid decrease in survivorship in late life as old age sets in
Type 1 survivorship
Type 2 survivorship
Steadily decreasing survivorship throughout life
Steadily decreasing survivorship throughout life
Type 2 survivorship
Type 3 survivorship
(Mostly R-selected)
-high mortality (low survivorship) early in life due to little to no parental care
-few make it to midlife; slow, steady decline in survivorship in mid life
-even fewer make it to adulthood; slow decline in survivorship in old age
(Mostly R-selected)
-high mortality (low survivorship) early in life due to little to no parental care
-few make it to midlife; slow, steady decline in survivorship in mid life
-even fewer make it to adulthood; slow decline in survivorship in old age
Type 3 survivorship
What type of survivorship is the top line of the graph and what does it look like/ what is it
Type 1
What type of survivorship is the middle line of the graph and what does it look like/ what is it
Type 2
What type of survivorship is the bottom line of the graph and what does it look like/ what is it
Type 3
The capacity to handle a disturbance without loss
The capacity to handle a disturbance without loss
The capacity to recover from a disturbance
The capacity to recover from a disturbance
Whats the current mass extinction called
Current mass extinction (6th)
Habitat destruction/fragmentation
Population growth
Climate change
Over consumption
Occurs when individuals with similar genotypes, generally relatives, breed with each other
Occurs when individuals with similar genotypes, generally relatives, breed with each other
Edge habitat
The area where two ecosystems come together and have different characteristics than the middle if each ecosystem
The area where two ecosystems come together and have different characteristics than the middle if each ecosystem
Edge habitat
Biodiversity is (lower/higher) in edge habitats & why
Higher. More diversity of food, shelter, and nutrient resources
Smaller subpopulations have (more/less) genetic diversity, are (more/less) probe to inbreeding depression, and are (more/less) resilient to environmental disturbances or diseases
Less, more, less
Mostly isolated subpopulations connected by habitat corridors
This allows some gene flow and improves genetic diversity
Habitat corridors
Connect isolated sections of habitat to allow species movement between habitats
Connect isolated sections of habitat to allow species movement between habitats
Habitat corridors
Mostly isolated subpopulations connected by habitat corridors
This allows some gene flow and improves genetic diversity
What do habitat corridors improve
Genetic diversity bc it allows gene flow (mating between populations)
The average home today uses lumber from 50 trees. If homes could be built half the size and there are 400,000 new homes built annually, how many trees could be saved?
50 x 400,000 = 20,000,000 trees
20,000,000/2 = 10,000,000 trees saved
Biosphere reserves
Protected areas consisting of zones that vary in the amount of permissive human impact
Protected areas consisting of zones that vary in the amount of permissive human impact
Biosphere reserves
Pros of habitat corridors
Extend range, increase habitat, allow animals to escape undesirable conditions, increase mating opportunities
Cons of habitat corridors
Diseases, pests and invasives can spread easily, may increase contact with humans, risk of predation along corridors
Lacey act
Controls the trade of wildlife
Prohibited the transport of illegally harvested animals across state lines
Endangered species act
Authorizes the U.S fish and wildlife service to determine which species can be listed as threatened or endangered and prohibits the harming of these species. Trading these species is also illegal. Authorizes the government to purchase habitat that is critical to the species.
CITES (convention on international trade in endangered species)
Developed to control the international trade of threatened plants and animals
Marine mammal protection act
Prohibits the killing of all marine mammals in the U.S. and prohibits the import or export of any marine mammal body part
Charismatic megafauna
Large animal species with widespread popular appeal, which are often used by environmental activists to achieve environmental goals
Large animal species with widespread popular appeal, which are often used by environmental activists to achieve environmental goals
Charismatic megafauna
Statistical study of population dynamics
Population size unit
Population size vs population density
Population size - total number of individuals
Population density - the number of individuals in an area
Random sampling
Marking off an area and counting the number of individuals in that area
Marking off an area and counting the number of individuals in that area
Random sampling
Mark and recapture
Marking a sample of captured animals and then releasing them. These animals are later recaptured and the number of animals marked are compared to recaptures that arent marked
Marking a sample of captured animals and then releasing them. These animals are later recaptured and the number of animals marked are compared to recaptures that arent marked
Mark and recapture
The three dispersion patterns
In 1979 the estimated elephant population was 1.3 million and in 2007 it was 640,000. By approximately what percentage did the elephant population decline over this time period?
Original value: 1,300,000
2007 value: 640,000
1,300,000-640,000 = 660,000
660,000/1.3 million = 0.51
Smaller range of tolerance, or narrower ecological niche
-specific food requirements
-less ability to adapt to new conditions
(Makes them more prone to extinction)
Smaller range of tolerance, or narrower ecological niche
-specific food requirements
-less ability to adapt to new conditions
(Makes them more prone to extinction)
Larger range of tolerance, broader niche makes them less prone to extinction & more likely to be invasive
-broader food requirements
-high adaptability
Larger range of tolerance, broader niche makes them less prone to extinction & more likely to be invasive
-broader food requirements
-high adaptability
Three factors that determine how much a population will change
Population change unit
Population change equation
Population change (r) = (births-deaths) + (immigrants - emigrants)
Biotic potential
Maximum rate at which a population could grow given optimal conditions (food, water, space)
Maximum rate at which a population could grow given optimal conditions (food, water, space)
Biotic potential
Factors that influence biotic potential
Age of reproduction
Frequency of reproduction
Number of offspring produced
Reproductive life span
Average death rate under ideal conditions
Life tables
Divide the population into age groups and often sexes, and show how long a member of that group is likely to live
Divide the population into age groups and often sexes, and show how long a member of that group is likely to live
Life tables
Probability of an individual dying (life expectancy)
Mortality rate equation
(Number of individuals dying/ number of individuals surviving) x 1000
Farmer finko has 200 sheep, which include 14 lambs born this season. When she goes out to the barn, she finds that 4 of the lambs have died and 1 mother sheep has died. What is the mortality rate of her sheep population?
5/195 x 1000 = 25
Mortality rate: 25
Exponential growth represents
Biotic potential
Logistic growth represents
Carrying capacity due to limiting factors
What limits population growth
Competition for resources
Density dependent factors
Factors that influence population growth based on size
As a population becomes more dense, the greater the mortality rate (disease, competition, parasites)
Density independent factors
Factors that cause death that arent related to density
(Natural disasters)
R or K: small size
R or K: energy used to make offspring is high
R or K: many offspring are produced
R or K: early maturing
R or K: long life expectancy
R or K: each individual reproduces once or more
R or K: high competition for resources
R or K: more affected by invasive species
R or K: large size
R or K: energy used to make offspring is low
R or K: few offspring are produced
R or K: late maturity
R or K: short life expectancy
R or K: each individual reproduces ONCE
R or K: low competition for resources
R or K: less affected by invasive species
Carrying capacity unit
Carrying capacity
Highest pop. size an ecosystem can support based on limiting resources:
When a population briefly exceeds carrying capacity
When a population briefly exceeds carrying capacity
Consequence of overshoot
Resource depletion
Sharp decrease in pop. size when resource depletion (overshoot) leads to many individuals dying
Sharp decrease in pop. size when resource depletion (overshoot) leads to many individuals dying
Size unit
Larger size = (safer/not safer) from pop. decline
Higher density, (lower/higher) competition
How individuals in a population are spaced out compared to each other
How individuals in a population are spaced out compared to each other
What two factors can lead to a skewed sex ratio
Die-off or bottleneck effect
Population size equation
(Immigrations + births) - (emigrations + deaths)
Expanding rapidly life pyramid
check notebook
Expanding slowly life pyramid
Check notebook
Stable life pyramid
Check notebook
Declining life pyramid
Check notebook
Total fertility rate
Average number of children a woman in a population will bear throughout her lifetime
What does TFR stand for
Total fertility rate
What does higher TFR =
Higher birth rate, higher population growth
Replacement level fertility
The TFR required to offset deaths in a population and keep population size stable
The TFR required to offset deaths in a population and keep population size stable
Replacement level fertility
Average number of children a woman in a population will bear throughout her lifetime
Total fertility rate
Replacement level fertility is (lower/higher) in less developed countries & why
Less due to higher infant mortality
Infant mortality rate (IMR)
Number of deaths of children under 1 year per 1,000 people in a population
Number of deaths of children under 1 year per 1,000 people in a population
Infant mortality rate
What does IMR stand for
Infant mortality rate
Infant mortality rate is (lower/higher) in less developed countries & why
Higher due to lack of access to healthcare, clean water, enough food
Higher IMR = (higher/lower) TFR
Having more money
More developed, or wealthy nations have a (lower/higher) TFR than less developed nations
Lower IMR = (lower/higher) TFR
Malthusian theory
-Earth has a human carrying capacity, probably based on food production
-human population growth is happening faster than growth of food production
-humans will reach a carrying capacity limited by food
-humans can alter earth’s carrying capacity with technological innovation
Growth rate unit
What does CBR stand for
Crude birth rate
Hat does CDR stand for
Crude death rate
Crude birth rate
Births per 1,000 people in a population
Crude death rate
Deaths per 1,000 people in a population
Global population growth rate equation
Rule of 70
The time it takes (in years) for a population to double is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate
When will the global population double if the global growth rate is 1.2%
70/1.2 = 58.3
58.3 years
A country has a CDR of 9 and a CBR of 18. Calculate the annual growth rate and the doubling time
(18-9)/10 = 9/10 = 0.9%
70/0.9 = 77.77 years
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Total value of the goods & services produced
Total value of the goods & services produced
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Population density equation
Birth rate equation
(Births/total population) x 100
Death rate equation
(Deaths/total population) x 100
Crude growth rate (r) equation
[(Births-deaths)/total population] x 100
Growth rate with migration factored equation
[(Births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)] / total population
Double time of a population equation
r= growth rate
Total fertility rate
Average # of babies a woman has in her lifetime
Total fertility rate highest and lowest where
Highest in developing countries
Lowest in developed countries
Replacement level fertility
How many children a woman needs to have to replace her and her spouse
Examples of density dependent factors
Examples of density independent factors
Factors affecting death rate
-Availability/affordability of health care
-availability of food
-weather, volcanoes, floods
-safe water supplies
Two overall indicators of a populations health
1) life expectancy
2) infant mortality
The unit, (K) represents
Carrying capacity
The study of population characteristics through data collection and interpretation
The study of population characteristics through data collection and interpretation
Age structure
The breakdown of people in each age group at a given time
The breakdown of people in each age group at a given time
Age structure
Group of people
crude birth rate
# of births per 1000, per year
crude death rate
# of deaths per 1000, per year
Global population growth rate equation
National population growth rate % equation
[(CBR + immigration) - (CDR + emmigration)] / 10
Net migration rate equation
(Immigration - emigration)/1000
What was malthus’ conclusion
Humans works eventually be unable to produce food to sustain themselves
Stage 1 of an age structure diagram
Rapid growth
Stage 2 of an age structure diagram
Slow growth
Stage 3 of an age structure diagram
Stage 1 of an age structure diagram