Unit 3 World Poverty Flashcards
What is an Ledc
A poor country where people live in poverty
What is an EDC
A rich first world country where people live comfortably
What is a natural disaster
A distaste caused by nature, earthquakes
What is civil war
A war fought against a countries government by the people
What is corruption
Dishonesty that usually leads to the accumulation of wealth
What is world trade
Different countries buying and selling goods with each other
What is global interpendance
Where different countries in the world are dépendant on each other
What is justice
Bringing about what is right and fair according to the law or making up for what has been done wrong
What is stewardship
The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of god
What is compassion
A feeling of pity that makes one want to help
What is religious organisation
An organisation set up on religious principles usually set up by one particular religion
What is unfair trade
Trade where the producers are exploited by buyers, paid unfairly
What is voluntary service
A person chooses to work with the poor without being paid
What is fair trade
A system of trading that ensures a fair price for the producers
What is emergency aird
Immediate assistance to countries where there has been a disaster
What is sustainable development
People are helped to develop their skills and learn new ones that they can lose again
What is long term aid
Assistance given to poor countries possibly over a long time that has a lasting effect
How can location lead to poverty
Climate and natural recourses usually affect the wealth of a country. Sudan is very hot and dry and so I Saudi Arabia. However Saudi Arabia has much more natural resources so they are much wealthier, Sudan is very poor
How can natural disasters lead to poverty
Constant bombardment from nature can make recovery hard and if lots of money is put into protection. So lots of poverty
What do Buddhist teach about money
Money should be earned honestly and not in away that causes problems for others. Buddhists are encouraged to donate money to help others, rather than saving lots of it up. They believed generosity gives good karma and craving wealth creates greed which can lead to suffering and bad karma.
What did dhamapada teach about money
He taught buddhists to “look upon the world as a mirage, for the wise there is no attachment at all”. This teaches buddhists to not get attached to there money and encourages them to donate it
What are christians taught about money
Christians are taught to help those in need no matter who they are, enemy or friend, Christian or Muslim it doesn’t matter. They are told not to spend there life just trying to earn money as it distances oneself from god. Instead they should give it to charities such as Christian aid to help others
What did Luke teach christians about caring
Luke 10 “love your neighbour as yourself”. This tells christians to treat their “neighbour” as in everyone, how they would like to be treated
What are Hindus taught about money and caring
They’re encouraged to earn money honestly and by lawful means. This means they can share their money with the poor which earns them good karma. They are taught to do dharma.
What is dharma
A religious Hindu duty which includes helping the poor and those in need
What did shikshapatri teach Hindus
“Be kind and charitable towards deserving ones”. Those who are suffering for nothing wrong, such as those born into poor families, should be given help.
What are muslims taught about money and charity
Allah gives wealth to society for the benefit of the people, therefore it should be shared. Muslims donate 2.5% of there annual income to charity and are encouraged to donate more. They are also taught not to add interest to load a as that is seen as exploitation. If the loan can’t be relayed, its considered a gift.
What is zakah and sadaqah
Zakah is what muslims have to do, give 2.5% of income to charity. Sadaqah is further donations to charity. This isn’t compulsory unlike zakah but is encouraged
What are sikhs taught about helping others
They are taught to help people mentally, sewa. And to help people physically such as giving money to the poor. Every guarwara, Sikh holy building, offers free végétarien meals to anyone who wants one, they can be from anywhere and any religion
What is justice
It is a set of scales based of fairness. If something is just, it must be fair to everyone. If it’s better for some people than others, such as free water in EDCs and dirty water in LEDCs, this is unjust. In most religions, god is taught to have made everyone equal, just. But poverty caused by people makes it unjust, therefore going against the teachings of god
What is stewardship
A steward is someone who looks after something valuable for someone else. In religions, we are the stewards of earth, we are the ones supposed to look after the earth for god
What is compassion
The feelings and emotions of care towards others. This is what separates us from animals and makes us want to help people