Unit 3 Vocab Flashcards
Cultural Complex
a group of culture traits coming from one culture
Popular Culture
various cultural traits that are diffused quickly over large areas and are adopted by multiple groups
Centripetal Forces
unify a group
assimilation to a different culture, typically the dominant one.
Lingua Franca
a languge mutually understood and used in trade by people who have different native languages
laws in south africa that physically seperated different races
(Not In Effect Anymore)
Indigeonous Culture
members of ethnic groups live on ancestral land and have own cultural traits, traditions and languages
physical, tangible items that one can use their senses to understand
Language Family
a collection of languages relating to each other through a common ancestor long before recorded history
concepts and ideas of a culture that are not tangible but
are often shared amongst people with the same culture
Centrifugal Forces
divide a group
Several cultures coexisting in one society
Blending of several traditions
Cultural Realms
larger area that is
made up of several regions
repetitive act that an individual completes
Cultural Hearth
Original place or source of culture
behaviors discouraged by a culture
evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture.
Creole Language
language that results from the mixing of a colonizers language and the indigionous people’s language
Beliefs against immigration, favoring native born people
Cultural Reletivism
Not judging a culture by there beliefs
identity within a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions
repetitive act that a GROUP completes to the point where it becomes a characteristic of the group
ways people organize their society and relate to each other
the process of resembling the dominant culture’s values, beliefs, and belaviors
Allegence to a place because you live there or are born there
Folk Culture
group of people who often live in rural settings that are isolated from others leading to slower changes