Unit 1 Vocab Flashcards
the numbering system used to indicate the location of parallels drawn on a globe and measuring distance east and west of prime meridian
Nonrenewable Resources
something produced in nature slower than it is consumed by humans
a course along which someone or something moves
the frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area
objects farther apart, more space
the arrangement of something across earth’s surface
Scale of Analysis
how information is organized
The spread of a feature or idea from one place to another over time
height above a given level, especially sea level
the development and analysis of data about earth acquired through satellite and other electronic information technologies
Reference Maps
maps that show where something is in space
Relative Location
where a place is related to other places
Thematic Maps
map that portrays the geographic pattern of a particular subject matter (theme) in a geographic area
a broad geographic area distinguished by similar features
the spread of something over a given area
Spatial Patterns
the arrangement, structure, and placement of objects within any given landscape
Absolute Distance
how close one thing is to another, exact distance
organizing or grouping data into different categories based on similar characteristics
Quantitative Data
the numbers relating to something
system used to transfer locations from the earth’s surface to a flat map
Environmental Determinism
An early approach of geography that claimed that
geography was the study of how the physical environment
impacted human development and activitiesa 19th century approach to the study of geography, general laws could be found in physical sciences
system that determines the precise position of something on earth through satellites, tracking stations, and receivers.
Qualitive Data
The characteristics of something
computer system that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays geographic data
pull or twist out of shape (shape, size, direction, distance, area)
Relative Distance
how near one thing is to another (not exact)
Space-Time Compression
the reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, improved transport
Peripheral Regions
countries that are often considered less developed
Absolute Location
exact place on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude
the theory that the physical environment may set limits to human actions but people have the ability to adjust to physical environment to chose action from alternatives
the physical gap or interval between two objects
objects close together, less space
Renewable Resources
something produced in nature more rapidly than it is consumed by humans
the numbering system used to indicate the location of parallels drawn on a globe and measuring distance north and south of the equator
Distance Decay
the diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin
Remote Sensing
the acquisition of data about earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting the planet or from other long distance methods
the geometric or regular arrangement of something in a study area
the relationship between the portion of earth being studied and earth as a whole
a subdivision of a region, often categorized by one characteristic