unit 3 test Flashcards
need vs want
need is nesacarry for survival or to maintain health/security where a want is something people would like to have
remaining apart from affairs or intrests of other groups
nation state has enough power alone to engage in one sided polices that does not require an agreement amongst multiple nations
bilateralism and why
2 nations make an agreement that excludes all other because:
- working together on issue of common interest
- establish preferenital relationships between the 2 nation states
- allow greater flexibility
multilateralism and why
3 or more nation states make agreements to work together
- issues requiring broad international support
- increase joint power- middle powers often do this
supranationalism and what does it do
international group or union of states that poses
- shared decision making \
- decisions of union are bonding on members
- member states lose sovernity
- trade between member nations
political prinicpal advocating greater political or economical co operation amount states and nations
- all members of global community accept collective responsibility facing the world
economic sanctions
penatly imposed on country, its officals or citizens to change their behaviour through economic disruption
collective secuirty
states agree to work together to prevent to stop wars by defending each other from external threats
gross national income
total value of countrys income from both domestic and foreign sources
tied aid
developmental assistance where recipant country is required to purchase goods and services from donor
voluntary balkanization
process of larger country breaking up into smaller independent states usually ethincally homogenous
responsibility to protect
international norm requiring states to protect citizens from mass atrocity crimes
common human heritage
certain areas and resources are available for everyone’s use
trickle down effect
benefits given to the top of a system will eventually be passed onto those lower down
world trade organization
intergovernemntal organization regualting and facilitating international trade
- implementing rules and guidelines
absolute poverty
household income is too low to meet basic needs
odious debt
legal theory that countrys debt is illegitament and should not be enforced when curred by despotic regime
belief in imporving peoples life and reducing suffering
forgein policly
gov strategy in dealing with other nations
international law of sea
collection of treatys and agreements that govern how governments maintain order, productivity and peace in the oceans
maslows hierarchy of needs
states that humans move up the pyramid as their more basic needs get met
people are motivated in life by WANTs and NEEDs
4 motives of nations/ nation states
1) economic stability: qualified workforce, high employment, states are able to support themselves without aid
2) peace and security: sense of national safety and security
3) Humanitarianism: assist and relive suffering in world through aid
4) self determination: recognition within larger nations, control, sovernity and self gov
what is peacekeeping
UN established securit council as means of persuring international peace and security
guidelines to being a peacekeeper
only deployed after ceasefire, patrol a buffer zone
only can act in self defense otherwise no use of weapons
- consent: must respect sovernity of host
- impartiality: must not take sides
- self defense: only use force to defend themselves
what is a peacemaker
ending armed conflict and human rights abuses directly
enter country uninvited
shoot to kill
does not remain neutral
canadas role in afganistan
help rebuild country and fight terrosism
sent both peacekeepers and peacemakers
artic sovernity
high seas are not owned by anyone
area is being disputed through proving which contential shelf it lays on
6 issues with forgein aid
- many belive that instead of spending more money is needs to spent more efficenity
1) competing motives: uses aid to help illegit gov or protect economy/ military ally while neglecting actual needs
2) tied aid: complex delivery system
3) lack of consultation: sending aid that is inappropriate for country actually receiving it
4) Bureacry: paperwork slows down arrival
5) corruption: sometimes countries seize money and supplies for themselves
6) Brain drain: smartest of country end up working for the agency and leaving the country rather then setting up shop in home
process of ending domination of one nation of another land, people and culture
Ex: Britain leaving India in 1947
what is the european union (EU)
politcal and economic union of 27 member states
become economically independent to avoid conflict
benefits and drawbacks of EU
benefits: massive/strong economy, collective security, ease of trade, creates jobs with free movement of people, increase number of goods
drawbacks: limits country sovernity as must follow mandates, pay to be part of EU, economies may be negatively affected by other members
what is GATT
general agreement on tarrifs and trade
- legal agreement aimed to reduce trade barriers by boosting global economy
- post world war 2
what is world health organization
agency that works to imporve global health and safety through setting standards for disease control and health care
- part of UN
what is the IMF
international monetary fund
- UN agency proving financial assistance and advice to member country to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity
what is the world bank
part of UN
- finical and tech assiatnce to devolpoing countries to reduce poverty and improve living standards
international court of justice
part of UN
responsible for settling legal disputes between members of the UN and provide advisory on legal problems
what is artic council
intergov forum promoting cooperation cordination and interaction among artic states ingenious communites etc
not part of UN
what is NATO
- military alliance of 32 countries in Europe and north America
based on collective security and protect secuiry and freedom of members
countries pay 2% of GDP to fund
non governemnt organization
non profit
indpendent of gov to work toward social or public welfare goals
what is the united nations and 4 purposes
world most extsnive international organization
charter created by China USSR, UK and USA
- maintain friendly relations among nations
- international peace and security
- co op in solving international problems
- coordinate actions of nations
7 UN principals
- soveign equality of all members
- members act in good faith
- settle disputes peacefully
- assist UN in its actions
- refian from threat and use of violence
- ensure non members act in accordance with UN principals
- UN wont intervene in domestic affairs
advantages and disadvanges of UN
adv: confclit prevention, human rights, economic progress and peacekeeping
dis adv: effectiveness, limited ability to enforce decisions, power held by only a few, failed peacekeeping, reduced UN influence around world
what are some key points about the security council
5 perm members: US great brittain france china and russia
they all have veto power
responsible for work peace and decide when threat to peace exist
- respond to threats by resolutions sanctions and peacemaking
member states are obligated to carry out council decisions
problems with secuirty coucil
countries often veto resolutions affecting them or close allies(national interests)
- no African south American or central American permanent members
- veto power can block any resolution of council