source anyalisis 1 Flashcards
what is a nation
large group of people with strong bonds of idneity, collective idenity is a foundation of a nation
what is civic nationalism
nation created by people of diverse backgrounds who agree to live according to particular views
ethnic nationalism
contratst civiv nationalism, shared ethnicity, language and culture, ethnic nation may choose to create a nation state based on collective idenity
power to self govern power to control one’s own affairs and defend best intrests
political enity, organized political community acting under one government
geographic term refers to place with physical borders
ideology to promote intrests of particular nation, maintain self determination
self determination
power to make descions about what is in groups own best intrests
nation state
culturally homogenus groups o fpeople, shares languages insistuaions and relgions
belief society should reflect an inclusive approach that is characterized by respect for diversity
implemented by pierre elliot trudeau refers to equality and mutual respect amoung ethnic groups
nationalist loyalties
allegience, connection or devotion towards your nation and national idenity
contending loyalties
nations run into issues when loyalties compete with one another
resonable accomidation and example
canadian public gov adapt to di different relgious or cultural practices as long as these things dont violate freedoms of other
example: Officor Dilion who was on Sikh relgion changed rcmp uniform to wear a turban
canadians felt threated by the americans as they felt they needed government in 1867 John A Macdonald unfied the colonies under the signing of the british north american act, this also promoted eastern european immigrantion outnumbering french
what is bilingualism in canada
result of quiet revolution francophone population finally had language and culture rights
quiet revolution
qubecois extreme atttemp of fighting for their rights formation of the FLQ used viloence to get reconqition such as bombing and kidnapping members of the english gov
bill 101
promote and protetc french language and culture
makes french the offical language of quebec all public insitiutions are educated in french
bill 96
allows amendments to the charter
allows people to sue bussiness if they fail to service customers in french
bill 21
bans all public workers from wearing any visible relgious symbols
western allienation
alberta has always felt distinct and feel they have had little represntation in government roots from alberta oil economy and equilization payments
this causes western sovernity
equilzation payments
federal gov is responsible for making sure all services are available more or less equally to all canadians, federal governemnt collects tases from indivualds and bussiness across canada
tax revnues are pooled together and redistributed to less prosperous provinces