unit 1 and 4 test Flashcards
define nation
shared common charectrics and bonds between groups of people
define country
physical place with one government
what is a nation state
state that has soverinity, citizens share cultuarlly homogenus beliefs and has a border
define nationalism
loyalty or support to a nation or nation state and belives those obligations outweigh those of inidvual or group intests
civic nationalism
community of citizens bound together by common values are a bunch of different cultures tied together
right to self determination
fundamental principles a nation or country adheres to follow
devotion or support for ones country
what are some key factors of canadas national identity
-natural reoruces
-relibilble alies
what has created canadas shared idenity
shared history
settlement/ colonization
explain the french exploration into canada
french are first explorers
establishes new france and extenisve trade networks
creation of quebec opens as a trading post for France
what happened during the 7 years war
great brittian attempts to take over french territoties they win and succeed
france is so defeated in the war they do not regain any signifigant european influence until revolution
what occors during the rebellion in lower canada
french milliants in lower canada rebel against the brittish crown
direct result of french majority in lower canada conflicting ideas with anglaphone minority
this failed but result was unification of upper and lower and introduction of responsible gov
John a mcdonald and confederation
threatened by Americans canadians needed gov
McDonald unified colonies in Canada together through signing of the British north america act and building of railroad
who is henri bourassa and how did he connect to quebec sovereignty
Henri- saw concern of Francaphone being outnumbered, he pushed for french people to control their own affairs
supporting pro-speratist and french values
cultivated french idenity and self determination
what was the internment of ukrainian canadians
Candains belived ukrainians were working for austria (enemy in world war one) and since they were seen as a national threat ukrainians were put in interment camps as they were forced against their will and had to do manual labor
they belived they were a threat as they belived in pacifism
what was the quiet revolution/ october crisis
attempt of ultra-nationalism to fight for ethnic/langustic beliefs of francaphones in qubec
french had little representation
formation of FLQ and the use of violence (bombing kidnapping) to pormote french rights
what is canadian multiculturalism act
pierre trudeau makes canada billingualism and multiculturalistic society
birth of civic nation making it a pernmenament feature in the charter
referendums on quebec sovernity
quebec got the choice to vote to sperate from canada or not the diff in the votes was less than 1%
what was the oka crisis
expanison of a golf course on the tradiontial burrial sight in oka
indegnous people rallied and fought to protect their relashionship to the land
candains military was called in
what was the creation of nunavut
direct result of Inuit self gov
shows hope for indengous self-gov and rights across country
used politcal abilites to countiue to gain acess of canadas politcal economic and social structure
define nationalist loyalties
allgience connection or devotion towards nation and national idenity
encourages feelings of patriotism and nationalism
define non-nationalist loyalties
alligence devotion ot connection towards things not considered a nation based on time and circumstance
ex NBA team
define contending loyalty
when loyalties compete with one another
arise when indivuals who belong to multiple groups may feel they need to choose between groups
define mutlicultuarlism
offical gov policy in Canada
diff cultures are accepted and promoted
define resonable accomidation
gov put into place so people of diff loyalties work together
public instutions adapt to diff relgious or cultures practies as long as these dont violoate the freedoms of others
what is the James Bay Land Claim
quebec did not consult indegnous people when were in the proccess of building hydroelectric dams on the land of cree and inuit
cree and inut tried to defend their rights
years of negoiations
french language issues in quebec
quebec had strong national loyalties to their province
were complety marginalized in 50s/60s as they only made 40% of the wages
Parti Quebecois was created where quebec should have sovernity
alberta sovereignty
many albertans have felt ailenated from nations captial and gov affairs b/c of distance and seperation
soverignty based on importance of oil economy to canada and equilization payments
define pluralism
belief assumes diversity is beneifcal and society shoudl reflect inclusive arrpoach
diverse groups should enjoy autonomy
what is bill 101 and the 4 things it did
- protect and promote french language and culutre
1. french is offical language of quebec
2. be very diffuclut for children to be educated in english
3. work and make french offical language of bussinesses
4. street signs in french
define equalization payments
fed gov is resposible for making sure all public services are eqaully avaible across provinces
payments are meant to achieve this goal
taxes are collected from indivuals and bussinesses across camada
revunes are pooled together and reditrubuited to less prosporpus provinces
4 causes of american revolution
- people losing connection to britain
- mercantialism
- taxation withoiut represnation
- American enlightenment
what was mercantilsm and how did it effect the 13 colonies
economic system that allowed imperial country ro become rich by selling resources taken from its colonies
this left little earings for people living in 13 colonies
what is taxation without representation
brittain wanted colonies to help pay for 7 years war
raw goods sent to bittain–> raw goods made into finsihed products–> finished products brought back by americans
- americans were made about this as they had no say in making and passing laws regarding them
- wants and need for their nation were not heard
what was the decleration of independance
-national pride and idenity of americans
-ensured all men treated equally
- indivuals have rights and freedoms that cannot be taken away
- civic nationalism
3 main concepts that arised from enlightenment philosphers
- change of thinking from religion to sceince
- belief you have rights thta cannot be taken away
- belief in gov not run by royal family
how did the american revolution promote american nationalism
- increase in feelings of nationalism
- creation of democratic gov
- more territories aquired by americans
- women became greater part of society
what is a feudal society
limmited middle class minoirty land owners and possossed welath while majority were poor
- nobles had rights to exract payments and services from peasents
- people were unable to move between social classes
king power and responsibilites
exempt from all laws taxes and wars
most power rules the county
based on the idea of “solutism” which is the belief had god given right to rule
first estate power and responsibilites
ran the church
clergy relgious members of society
had very little to do in society but lived comfortably
second estate power and responsibilites
noble and aristoratic
landowners and family members of monarchy
responisble for collecting taxes and military service
lived wealthy
expemt from most taxes
possed influenital power
third estate power and responsibilites
majority of society
farmers peasents labourers lawyers or bussiness owners
largest finical burden paid most taxes and recieved lowest wages
very little societal or political power
what is en esates general meeting
meeting of parliement where each esates would vote on issues
each estate could vote indepndatly but regardless of the populations would have 1 vote to represent their entire estate
what was the enlightenment period
people of france had herd of american revolution, thinkers exposed flaws of old regime
started to belive in possibilty of reform
promoting litteracy and science
ideas of liberty, equality and brotherhood
who were the bourgeoisie
upper middle class people in france before revolution
lawyers, teachers, doctors , merchants and manufactuers
who was Robespierre
french lawyer and politcan
popular and influention through his speechs on attacks on monarchy and democratic reform
elected 1st deputy of national assmemlby \
created new relgion og cult of suprmeme being
Louis XIV (14th)
known as sun-king 72 year rule
transformed monarchy
promoted art and lierature
created versailles
estabilished france as dominate european power
Louis XV (15th)
ineffectual rule led to decline of royal authority
lost almost all colonial possesions
Louis XVI (16th)
executed in 1793 for treason
brought the french revolution through his missteps
lacked in power and strength of charecter
unable to give nessacary support to stablize economy
hated by his subjects
last Burbon king of france
Marie Antionette
married Louis 16th when she was 14 as part of alliance bwteen france and austria
last queen of france
help provoke unrest leading to revolution and overthrow of monarchy
3 causes of french revolution
- Politcal- king was viewed as poor politican, related to gov descions and law makings
- Economic- most important factor, taxes, employment, income disparity, and ability to earn money
3, External- estates, famine floos and droughts, american revolution and brittish cosituional monarchy
how did king louis the 16th aim to fix frances fincial troubles
raising taxes which were only paided by the peasents
this did not work because peasents became more upset as they paided all the taxes while monarchy and church wasted all the money
Tennis court oath
after being locked out of estate general meeting by King Louis the 16th
3rd esatte declared themsleves the National Assembly and gatherated the the tennis court where they took an oath to God and nation to never disbend until their was a consitution rewrite
womens march on versailles
high prices for bread angered womeb knowing the luxury in the place
more then 7000 women stormed the palace for economic reform, food and to bring Louis back to paris
they succeed and louis was sent back to paris by these women
storming of the bastille
was the prision the king locked up traitors
600 parisians stormed looking for gunpowder took control of the prision
spark leading to revolution
dismantled prision brick by brick
declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
dimantic system of feudal dues and privalages
establish equality before law
excluded women, youth, people who did not make enough money to wuality as a citizen and enslaved people
replace regime with equal opportuniy, freedom of speech and represenative gov
who were jacobins
members of jacobin club, revolutionary politcal movement opposing monarch
catalyst of french revolution
what were the 2 groups the jacobins were seperated in
Girondins- constiutional monarchy
Montangards- rebuplic
how did the montangards radicalize revolution
called for rebuplic, wanted to execute king and conduting reign of terror
delcared war on austria and purssia
attacked royal residense and arrested king
what was the reign of terror
led by robsepierre and jacobins
most violent period of revolution
anyone susoected of anything anti-revolutionary was sentenced to death
robsipiere encourgaed execution of over 17 000 eneimies of the nation
how did french revolution end
created new national convention
approached new consituiton
2 branch legislature
exectuive power lie in hands of 5-member directory appoitented by parliement
royalists and jacobians protested this move
how did neighbooring countries react to revolution
- they were against it
- declared war on other countries
- austria threated to burn paris
what are historical factors in nationalism
things during the past that have an affect on us now
what are social factors in nationalism
ways society is organized
who was napolean and why was he important to france
- military leader
- strong supporter of revolution had major ambitions for france
-ultimatley stablized france after caos during reign of terror
some of napoleans goals for france
- invade and conquer neighbooring countries
- viewed conquests a mission to extend revolution to all of europe
- relgious tolereance and more education
3 key aspects to napoleans downfall
1) contiental systm- tride to isolate brittain making it illegal for countries to trade with them
2) divorced bevolved Joesphne and married marie lousie of austria which made many unhappy as they rembered marie atnionette
3) military blunders; ultimate defeat in russia as the winter made so many soilders die, many nations also formed a alliance aganist napolean
napolenoic code
series of laws
- relgious tolerance, public education, fair trial by jury, equality of all men
ideals of freedom
- napolean became a absolute monarch and stopped freedom of the press
- his military actions ensured ideals of the revolution would carry on and lead to new forms of gov and freedom around the worl