unit 2 Flashcards
national intrests
whats best for a nation
domestic policly
plan of action about what to do within a country
forgein policly
plan of action guiding gov descions about relations with other countries
ideogoly emphazing loyalty to ones nation and those obligations outweigh individual or group interests
congress of vienna
1814-1815 and was a series of international diplomatic meetings to dicuess a new layout of Europe political and constitutional after the downfall of napolean
belief or desrire of gov that they should maintain strong military capability and use to aggressively expand national interests
league of nations
formed to avoid repition of ww1 but failed, wanted to keep peace, stop wars through negotiation
treaty of versailles and terms
treaty produced by allied powers, signed by Germany after threat of war
- german territories given to neighbor countries
- stripped of oversea possesions
- military downsized to 100 000
- pay operations
extreme right wing anti democractic nationalist movement which led to govs in Germany and iltaly
main ideas include
- racial purity
- extreme nationalism
- one party leading gov
- bundle of sticks (unity, togetherness)
information and ideas that are spread to achieve a specific goal, misleading/ dishonest info to sway a vote
policly of Nazis to conquer terriotry for german use not simply gaining land but exterminating inferior races
nazis annexed neighboring country of asutria
patriotism/ honor
defend honor of nation, powerful beacues citizens will make sacrifices voluntarily out of patriotic duty
giving into demands used by countries to avoid war due to great depression
unifaction of germany
known as holy roman emprire
- multiple small nations and the joining was a direct result of napoleonic wars
- Germany begins to gain power, influence and control over colonies
3 main reasons why a country promotes national interests
- Survival and security: ensure own survival by securing borders, military and alliances
- Economic growth: ensure stable employment and standard of living
- Beliefs and VAlues: protect/ advertise culture and worldview of citizens
what was the immediate cause of war
austrian heir to the throne was killed by a serbain nationalist group
long term causes of war (MAIN)
Militarism- buildup of military strength amoung empries
Alliances- public/ secret agreements to support each other if conflict were to arise
Imperialsim- comp amount countries for land and resources around the world
Nationlaism- love and pride for nation
below austria hungary, only nations left to be conquered
what is Pan slavism
russia supporting slavic nations in desrire for independence
in contrast austria hungary wanted to maintain full control and began looking to absorb serbia into empire
triple allaince
uniting germany italy and austria hungary
(1890 germnay abdonaes alliance with Russia)
triple entente- 1907
russia enters entente cordinates with france and britian to counter German actions in balkans seen as a balance of power
Schlieffen Plan
stragey to attack France through Belgium, goal to quickly knock out France
Unrestricted submarine warfare
german submarines setting bombs and sinking any allied ships
many of ships were coming from America and killing cilivans
reason USA became involved in war world 1
home front
refers to people who help with war effort but remain in country rather then going to fight
purpose to create a consistent and reliable source of support
battle of the somme
first major offensive for canada
battle of vimy ridge
canada conqured
very strategic because it held view over allied
Zimmerman telegram
german request to Mexico to attack the US, said they would give Mexico texas back if they did
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
occured after russian revolution and communist rise, Russian peace with central powers
germans imposed all terms and threated to resume attacks if not signed
main idea of wilsons 14 points
peaceful resolution, self determination and secuirty for smaller nations was great advocated
came up with the league of nations
100 days offensive
attacks by allied troops leading to defeat of gemrans, resulting in armstice between powers
US isolationalism
wanted to persure own national intrests did not sign the treaty of versailles or join league of nations
problems with the weimar republic
inherited mas amounts of war debt, slow in economic production, hyperinflation, massive unemployment
what did japan and Itlay do during interwar years
Japan- upset after not being given german chineese colonys and started invasion of Manchuria
Italy- led to ethopian criises \
league of nations failed to stop invasion plu sgave ineffiencet sanctions
hilters 6 main objectives
Establish enabling act: make descions without contest of german parliament
Propaganda : used to gain support, facilitate persecution and ultimately genocide
Antisemitism: inferior race of Jews, based on social darwsins
Repeal Treaty of Versailles
Lebensraum: living space for germans, removes jew and slavic people
Persue Leaders: using appeasement to get what he wants based on fear of war
what do the nuremburg laws entail
- based on socail darwinsim and racial supremacy
- prohibits Jews from participating in work force
- Jews were stripped of citizenship, right to own property and right to education
- could not have a relationship with ethnic germans
munich agreement
direct result of appeasmen t
hitler wanted the suttendland back
Germany Italy great brittain and France sign
states: Czechoslovakia must surrender its border, regions and defense to Nazis
what is ultranationalism
extreme form of nationlsim
elements of racism and fanaticism can lead to conflict
ultranationlist may belive their actions are patriotic, very hypocritical
when does the line between nationalism and ultranationlsim fade
when a country persues their national intrests with complete disregard for others
equation for ultranationalism
Patriotism: being proud of your country, idendifying with your nation + Xenophobia: intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries
when does ultranationalsim deveolp
- social or economic crisis casuing people to focus on own needs
- charismatic powerful leader
- national symbols and myths promoting superiority
what began ww2
invasion of poland by germany
what is Blitzkrieg
rapid war, strike a swift focus blow at the enemy
what is the Blitz
britain subject to intense german bombing
what was a crucial turing point in ww2
operation barbarossa
massive soviet union invasion
germans were detemine to enslave slavic people and exterminate Jews
Germany was pushed back by soviet forces and Germany couldn’t reach mosocw due to extreme weather
what brought us intob ww2
japanese bombing of pearl harbour
allied forces stormed normady beaches, begining of a end of the Nazi Party
VE day
German surrender to soviets documents were signed after cease fire, a week before this happened Hilter committed suicide in his bunker