Unit #3 Terms Flashcards
Zarathustra’s oral teachings that were compiled in hymns that were supposed honor different deities they worshiped, just one book of their canon
Religion that was based in Iran but spread to a lot of the Persian empire
Not monotheistic but main deity is Ahura Mazda
Was supported by emperors Cyrus, Cambyses and Darius
Focused on being good, allowed riches as long as they did good - moderation and honesty
Emphasis on duality of good and evil
A blend of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Buddhist elements as a syncretic religion that would serve the needs of a cosmopolitan world
Believed in good and evil
Ascetic life
Missionary-oriented relgion
Individuals who have reached spiritual perfection and merited the reward of nirvana but who intentionally delayed their entry into nirvana to help others who were still struggling
Mahayana Buddhism
Means the greater vehicle
Form of Buddhism that allowed people to not have to follow the rules of Buddhism so strictly in order to be saved
Includes the Bodhisattvas and paying for salvation
Theravada Buddhism
Stricter form of Buddhism
Resembles more of the original form of Buddhism with the Buddha
Paul of Tarsus
Originally a Jew that was converted to Christianity and became a zealous missionary
Was of Roman descent and appealed the charge against his life in Rome
Was probably executed in Rome
Had a lot of influence in spreading Christianity throughout the known world
Jesus of Nazareth
A charismatic Jewish teacher who was recognized as the Christian Savior
Grew up during a high tension time between Romans and Jews
Taught devotion to God and love for fellow human beings
Was the son of one of the top four corulers who became emperor
He converted to Christianity and overcame his enemy through the cross
Germanic Invasions
Ended the Roman rule in the western half
Most notable were the Visigoths
Probably cousins to the nomadic Xiongnu
Leader was Attila who created a juggernaut of an army
Attacked Hungary, Roman frontiers, and Germanic peoples
Byzantine Empire
The Eastern half of the Roman empire that survived the Germanic invasions
The capital was known as Constantinople
Viewed themselves as Romans
Survived for a millennium after the Western half fell
St. Augustine
Was a bishop of the north African city of Hippo
Very influential in making Christianity an intellectually respectable alternative to Hellenistic philosophy
Worked very hard to reconcile Christian beliefs with Roman traditions
Orthodox Christianity
The form of Christianity that was prevalent in the Byzantine Empire
Has a Patriarch as the head leader
Did a lot of missionary work
Spiritual leaders
Four Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople
Early Christian heresy that centered on teaching of Arius
Contained belief that Jesus was a mortal being
Was the focus of the Council of Nicaea
Tang Dynasty
Dynasty that followed the Chang’an
Very stable dynasty because of the second emperor Tang Taizong
Founder of Islam
Orphan raised by his uncle and grandpa
Was a merchant until age forty when he had a vision of the archangel Gabriel and received Allah’s teachings
Jewish leaders
Middle class that opposed the ruling elite Sadducees
Weren’t always an ignorant and wicked people
Jewish ruling class
Controlled the temple
Didn’t believe in resurrection
More open to Hellenistic views
The written version of the oral messages of Muhammad, very poetic, holy text
Initially Muhammad’s escape from Mecca to Medina, also means migration
The Five Pillars of Islam
1) Acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet
2) Pray five times a day facing Mecca
3) Fast during daylight hours of Ramadan
4) Contribute alms
5) The Hajj
Means struggle, has various meanings:
Spreading Islam by converts
Waging wars
Abbasid Dynasty
Founded by Abu al-Abbas
Differed from the Umayyad dynasty in that more than just Arabs gained position and power
Not a conquering dynasty
Followed the Umayyad Dynasty
Umayyad Dynasty
Preceded the Abbasid Dynasty
Unified the Muslims after the assassination of Ali the Caliph
Conquered a lot of people
Gave power to the Arab elites, led to corruption and downfall
A small but lasting sect of Islam
Supported Ali and his descendants as the caliphs
Means foreigners
Tribe of people in North Africa that joined the conquering Muslims
Higher education schools that were run by Muslims
Taught theology along with other knowledge
Ascetic Muslims
They were missionaries who focused less on doctrine and more on practices and serving
Grand Canal
The biggest canal dug in the Chinese area under the Sui dynasty
Facilitated trade from North to South and vice-versa
Sui dynasty
Dynasty started by Yang Jian
They were similar to the Qin dynasty in that they had big demands of their subjects to build palaces, projects and military
Only lasted a short while
Song dynasty
Dynasty that followed the Tang dynasty Was founded by Song Taizu Lasted for three centuries Didn't build a strong state Mistrusted military leaders
Delhi Sultanate
Muslim state located in Northern India
Capital was Delhi
Named the capital of the Byzantine emperor by Constantine
Was a strategic place and allowed Constantine to govern his empire
Was a major city with libraries, churches, baths, etc.
The idea that emperors were powerful secular leaders and also played a role in ecclesiastical affairs
Important Byzantine ruler
Codified the Roman Law
Very ambitious and did a lot to better the empire
The Papacy
The Popes that survived when Western Roman empire fell
Initially worked with the Byzantine emperors then became independent
A similar form of asceticism but for the Christian church
Effective way to spread Christianity
Comprised of monks and nuns
Kingdom of Ghana
The principal state of west Africa when the Muslims arrived
Principal trade item was gold
Mali Empire
Very wealthy Empire that benefited greatly from the trade to North Africa
Didn’t force Islam but encouraged it
Mansa Musa
Ruler of the Mali empire
Made the Hajj
Gave away a lot of gold on his trip
Funded a lot of Mosques
Swahili City-states
Cities that became very powerful along the East coast of Africa because of trade
Built big mosques
Most well-known Kingdom on East Africa coast
Very prosperous built a capital out of stone