Unit 3 Review Flashcards
Chapters 4-5
Miranda Rights
Miranda v. Arizona, right to remain silent
Establishment clause
1st amendment: gov. cannot promote a religion
Free exercise clause
1st amendment: people have a right to religion
Habeas corpus
Protects against unlawful imprisonment, must be brought to court
Prior restraint
Government censorship
Ex post facto laws
Cannot punish somebody for something when it was legal in the past
Bills of attainder
Punishment without trial, unconstitutional
Obscenity and fighting words
Unprotected speech
Hate speech
Protected speech (not a threat)
Symbolic speech
1st amendment: art, burning flag, etc
Women’s suffrage movement
Protests in support of women’s right to vote
Orval Faubus
Governor of Arkansas, blocked integrating of public school
March on Washington
March for civil rights, MLK’s “I have a dream speech” (August 28,1963)
Korematsu v. U.S.
Upheld the internment camps for Japanese americans
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abolitionist, wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
Exclusionary rule
Cannot use illegally obtained evidence in court
Grand jury
Group of citizens who decide if someone goes on trial
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Ended sex discrimination (not passed)
Espionage Act
Prohibited activities that were disloyal (wartime)
Lawrence v. Texas
Cannot punish gay sex!
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but equal
Barron v. Baltimore
Bill of rights doesn’t apply to the states
Lemon test
Tests for the establishment of a religion (1- secular purpose, 2- no advancement or prohibit of a religion, 3- no gov. entanglement)
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Black people are not citizens
Jim Crow Laws
Legal racial segregation
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Freedom of religion, Amish family
Slander and libel
Separate but equal
Doctrine from Plessy v. Ferguson
Review standards of law
Strict scrutiny (race), intermediate scrutiny (gender), rational basis (age)
Interest Group: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Black codes
Enforced segregation and discrimination
Dawes Act
Creates divisions of land for natives
Brown v. Board
Separate is inherently unequal
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Military policy for gay people
Rosa Parks
Civil rights activist, boycott bus system
Selective incorporation
Case-by-case incorporation of the bill of rights to the states
Affirmative action
Gov. benefits to help a previously discriminated against group
Griswold v. Connecticut
Allowed married couples to use birth control
Poll taxes
Scared away black voters
Seneca Falls Convention
First meeting for women’s rights
Title IX
Prohibits sex based discrimination in school