AP GOV! Flashcards
stuff im shaky on still
Popular sovereignty
The idea that government is created by and subject to the will of the people
Limited government
Restricts the power of the government, protects the rights of people
Iron triangle
Relationship between interest groups, congressional committees, and government agencies
Disagreement, leads to little getting done
Legislators will make projects in favor or voters for more votes or favors their home districts
Executive agreements
Agreement made between president and foreign nation, no senate approval needed
Rational choice
Time, place, and manner restrictions
Restricts when and where people can exercise their 1st amendment rights
Civil liberties
Rights under the Bill of Rights, cannot be infringed by government
Civil rights
Rights that are protected under law
(Congressional) oversight
Power to review and check on other smaller branches of the government
Cooperative federalism
New Deal, federal government stepping in where state governments normally work
Discharge petition
House of rep: bypass regular legislation, vote for the bill to be up for debate
Divided government
Different political parties, ex: house is republican and senate is democratic
Executive privilege
President can withhold material
Fiscal Policy
How the economy is managed, taxes, government spending
Inherent power
Assumed powers of the president
Lame duck
Officeholder who is leaving office, but the successor isn’t sworn in yet
Government should not interfere with a person’s life, advocate for the 2nd amendment, increase in civil liberties
Participatory democracy
Emphasizes people to participate politically
Multiple groups are competing with each other politically, have to compromise
Politico model
Uses both trustee and delegate model
Pocket veto
Bill gets dropped if president didn’t sign it within 10 days
Increase federal spending