Unit 2 Test Review Flashcards
Chapters 6-9
Congressional Districts
Areas where the representatives of the house come from
Court of appeals
Review legal mistakes from lower courts
Judicial order that stops a party from taking action
Manipulating district lines to gain an advantage
Groups of congress that are assigned tasks
Ending a filibuster with a vote
Member of the senate will talk to prolong the passing of a bill
Signing Statements
Notes from the president on a bill that is to be passed
Executive Privilege
The ability to withhold information from the other branches
War Powers Resolution
President needs congressional approval for any armed conflict
Judicial Restraint
Tactic of sticking to the constitution
Concurring Opinion
Agrees with a court majority opinion, different legal reasoning
Stare Decisis
Legal term that establishes the law of precedents
Dissenting Opinion
Disagreeing with the courts majority opinion
Shaw v Reno
Gerrymandering is unconstitutional, racially motivated
House brings charges against president
Hatch Act
Prohibits government employees from political participation
Going Public
President sells programs to the public
Supreme Court Justices
J.R, C.T, S.A, S.S, E.K, N.G, B.K, A.B, K.J
Trustee v Delegate
Making decisions for the people or with the people
System for implementing and enforcing laws
Court system
District, appellate, supreme
Power of the Congress to monitor how well laws are doing
The Great Compromise
Established bicameral legislature in Congress
Vetos and Overrides
President can veto, both houses can overturn with 2/3 vote
Regulatory Agencies
Creating and enforcing regulations
The cabinet
Advisory body to the president
Gov. Corporations
Federal agencies that operate like a business
Presidential Appointments
President can appoint people to fill official roles
Spoils System
Giving roles based on relationship with the president
Merit System
Giving roles based on ability and experience
Chief of Staff
High ranking member of the EOP, manages and organizes
Executive Office of the Pres.
Provides support and advice to the pres.
Office of Management and Budget
Manages the federal budget
Writ of Certiorari
Seeking judicial review from a higher court
Judicial Activism
Tactic that takes into account the people’s opinion
Judicial Review
Gives the courts power to overturn legislative and executive laws
wooo (ew)
Pendleton Act
Federal law that implements the merit system
Necessary and Proper Clause
Article 1 Section 8, power to Congress to make laws not listed in the cons.
Ex Post Facto Laws
You cannot be punished when the law was not in effect
Bill of Attainder
Illegal action of saying someone is guilty without trial
Honeymoon period
Public opinion is positive, president can get a lot done at the beginning of their term
Government spending for political benefit
Brown v Board
Desegregation in public schools
Reps and Senators represent
Reps rep their districts, Senators rep their state
Using funds for gov. programs
Baker v Carr
Federal courts have jurisdiction over redistricting cases, “one to one” vote
The Great Depression
Economic downfall (1929-1939)
Louisiana Purchase
US bought land from France in 1803
Richard Nixon
37th president, involved in watergate
Executive orders
Don’t need congressional approval
Amicus Curiae Briefs
“Friend of the Court”, groups offering advice to influence decision
Strict Constructionist
Only look at the const. writing
Vice Pres.
Head of the senate, takes over for president if smth happens
Rule that applies to subsequent cases (consistency)