Unit 3 Part 3 Review Flashcards
A noxious and/or painful stimulus.
bite inhibition
Voluntary holding back of bite pressure, learned through playing with littermates and training by canine parents and humans.
Canine mother.
force barking
Barking used by a herding dog to convince livestock to move.
instinctive drift
The tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning.
A reward, such as a food treat or toy, moved in a way to help the dog perform a desired behavior.
negative punishment
Removal of a reward to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.
negative reinforcement
Removal of an aversive to increase the likelihood of a behavior.
object permanence
The understanding that an object exists even if it can’t be seen.
positive punishment
Giving an aversive to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.
positive reinforcement
Giving a reward to increase the likelihood of a behavior.
secondary, or conditioned, reinforcer
Some signal (such as a clicker) that, through reliable association with a primary reinforcer (reward), becomes a predictor of a reward.
working lines
Family trees of dogs bred to perform their original or other work, such as herding or hunting.