Unit 3: Mediterranean Vocabulary Flashcards
Bronze Age Definition
A period of history characterized by the bronze tools use in the development of contemporaneous civilizations
Deme Definition
A geographical territory located within a certain polis
Ecclesia Definition
An Athenian assembly consisting of Athenian citizens who made up the majority of the democracy in Athens
Gerousia Definition
A council of elders in a Greek city-state
Korete Definition
A governor of a district in the Mycenaean state
Palatial Monarchy Definition
a monarchy that functioned primarily through a centralized palace where daily political, cultural, and military affairs took place
Polis Definition
A Greek city-state
Wanax Definition
a Mycenaean king in charge of religious, political, and military matters
The Peloponnesian War Definition
a conflict fought between the Peloponnesian League and the Athenian Empire between 431 and 405 BCE. The war took place due to increasing concerns of Athenian dominance in regard to wealth and military power. Sparta and its allies attacked Athens first so that Athens could not conquer them. Sparta installed these men to preside over all aspects of Athenian life and take power over the ecclesia; the war fought between Athens and Sparta from 431 BCE to 401 BCE
Council of 500 Definition
a governing body of Athens that dictated the agenda of the ecclesia
Ekklesia Definition
a Spartan assembly consisting of Spartan citizens
Ephor Definition
an elected Spartan magistrate who would serve alongside the two kings
Hoplite Definition
a heavily armored infantry soldier in ancient Greece
Senate Definition
a Roman governing body that advised consuls and emperors
Suffete Definition
one of two elected rulers who governed the Carthaginian oligarchy
Aristoi Definition
the aristocratic class in an ancient Greek city-state
Helot Definition
a Spartan laborer, sometimes referred to as an enslaved person in Sparta
Metic Definition
a foreign person residing in Athens
Perioikoi Definition
a landholding middle-class citizen who dwelled on the outskirts of a Greek city-state
Poleis Definition
The plural of “polis”
Xenoi Definition
an ancient Greek word to describe people from foreign lands
Companion Cavalry Definition
an elite, heavily armored cavalry within the Macedonian Empire
Hellenization Definition
a process of enculturation whereby Indigenous cultures adopt the Greek culture
Macedonian Phalanx Definition
a variation of the phalanx military formation in which lines of 256 men armed with sarissa made a tight defensive formation
Pitched Battle Definition
a battle between two or more armies on land, generally in an open environment not within or attacking a city or settlement
Sarissa Definition
an extremely long spear used in the defensive formation of the Macedonian phalanx
Satrap Definition
a governor of a satrapy, a territory within the Persian Empire
Shahanshah Definition
the Persian equivalent of an emperor
Siege Definition
a battle attacking a specific place, such as a city; the goal is to make the targeted place surrender by cutting off outside access so the people under siege cannot get supplies they need
Abstract Definition
existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
Acropolis Definition
the fortified height or citadel of an ancient Greek city
City-state Definition
a city that retains sovereignty and autonomy generally reserved for nation states; a political system in which the leaders of the city can make all decisions for the people within their territory and are not overruled by a larger centralized government
Deity Definition
A supernatural being
Libation Definition
a drink poured as an offering to a deity
Mt. Olympus Definition
the highest mountain in Greece and legendary home of the Greek deities
Mythology Definition
a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events
Parthenon Definition
temple to the Greek goddess Athena located on the acropolis in Athens
Propylon Definition
the structure or gateway forming an entrance to a temple
Temple Definition
a building devoted to the worship of a god or goddess who is believed to reside in the temple
Aeschylus Definition
a Greek playwright who is considered to be the “father of tragedy”
Amphitheater Definition
an open-air venue with a stage surrounded by rows of seats used for performances and athletic events
Archaic Period Definition
the cultural and political period of Greek history from 800 BCE to 480 BCE characterized by expansion across the Mediterranean that established the Greek world
Aristophanes Definition
a Greek playwright who is considered to be the “father of comedy”
Classical Period Definition
the two hundred-year period from 480 BCE to 323 BCE in ancient Greece that saw the rise of Athenian democracy, the Peloponnesian Wars, and significant cultural advancements
Comedy Definition
a genre of Greek literature characterized by humorous satire
Demigod Definition
a person who is believed to be the offspring of a human and a god and who is worshiped as a deity or semi-deity
Epic Definition
a long poem that usually focuses on the exploits of heroes and gods
Euripides Definition
a Greek playwright who tragically portrayed epic heroes as ordinary people going through extraordinary circumstances
Homer Definition
the writer of the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey, which are considered some of the foundational works of Western literature
The Iliad Definition
an epic poem set during the Trojan War about the Mycenaean king Agamemnon and the hero Achilles
The Odyssey Definition
an epic poem chronicling the events of Odysseus as he travels home at the conclusion of the Trojan War
Oral Tradition Definition
a verbal history told through storytelling and songs
Playwright Definition
A person who writes plays
Satire Definition
the use of humor, exaggeration, or ridicule in plays or literature toward people, groups, or society
Sophocles Definition
a Greek playwright best known for his tragedies such as Electra, Oedipus Rex, and Ajax
Tragedy Definition
a genre of Greek literature characterized by human suffering and morality tales
Aristarchus Definition
a Greek mathematician and astronomer who first proposed a heliocentric model of the universe
Aristotle Definition
a Greek philosopher who founded the principle of the golden mean
Babylonians Definition
the ancient people whose empire was located in the modern-day Middle East and who made great advancements in math and science
Deductive Reasoning Definition
the formation of an idea or conclusion based on a traditionally accepted statement or fact
Divine Definition
A god or goddess
Egyptians Definition
the ancient people whose civilization was located in present-day Egypt and who made great advancements in math and science
The Elements Definition
the most widely read and taught math textbook in history, written by Greek mathematician Euclid
Empirical Definition
an idea or thought that is verified by observation or experience through the five senses: touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing
Eratosthenes Definition
a Greek astronomer who used geometry to calculate the size of Earth
Euclid Definition
a Greek mathematician who wrote The Elements and is considered a founder of geometry
Fibonacci Sequence Definition
a math sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers, for example, (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, etc.)
Logic Definition
a system designed by Aristotle that uses reason and known truths to reach conclusions
Pythagoras Definition
an ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher who created the Pythagorean Theorem
Supernatural Definition
the forces that are beyond scientific reason and natural law
Athens Definition
the most powerful city-state in ancient Greece; capital of modern-day Greece
Corinth Definition
the Greek city-state that was known as a hub for trade
Greco-Persian Wars Definition
the series of wars fought between Greece and Persia while Persia was attempting to conquer Greece
Olympia Definition
a sacred site dedicated to Zeus and the site of the ancient Olympic Games
Panathenaea Definition
a festival dedicated to the deity Athena and hosted by the city-state of Athens that included religious services, large feasts, animal sacrifices, and competitions in music, poetry recitation, and athletic games
Persia Definition
an ancient empire in the Middle East that conquered much of Eastern Europe and Northeast Africa
Sparta Definition
the militaristic Greek city-state located on the Peloponnesus
State Definition
a nation or territory organized under one government and recognized as independent
Truce Definition
an agreement between enemies or opponents to pause conflict
Zeus Definition
the supreme ancient Greek deity
Centuriate Assembly Definition
the governing body of the Roman Republic that dealt with military affairs alongside the consuls
Etruscans Definition
people indigenous to Italy before Rome existed
Imperium Definition
a measure of one’s military power within Rome
Patricians Definition
a landholding, upper-class citizen of Rome
Plebeians Definition
the middle class of artisans, farmers, merchants, and traders in Rome
Tribal Assembly Definition
a governing body of the Roman Republic made up of average citizens and plebeians that dealt with civilian and nonmilitary issues
Triumvirate Definition
A three-person rule
Ayllus Definition
the general population of the Inca Empire, who were not members of the nobility or administrative class
Barter Definition
a system of exchange where goods and services are directly exchanged between participants without the use of money
Consul Definition
a Roman leader of government elected yearly by the Roman senate
Legion Definition
the foundational military unit of the Roman army, made up of 5,000 soldiers
Panaqa Definition
the elite nobility of the Inca Empire, connected by blood to the king
Sapa Inca Definition
the unique name given to the king of the Inca Empire
Senate (Roman) Definition
a Roman governing body advised by consuls and emperors
Tokrikoq Definition
the regional administrators in the Inca Empire responsible for logistics, law, and trade
Dictator Definition
a political leader who has absolute power in their government
First Triumvirate Definition
a three-person rule consisting of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
Imperator Definition
a Roman emperor
Optimates Definition
a Roman political party supporting patricians
Populares Definition
a Roman political party supporting plebeians
Republic Definition
a government whose decisions are made by elected peoples
Second Triumvirate Definition
a three-person rule of Octavian, Lepidus, and Antony
Tribune Definition
an elected official in Rome who represented the interests of the plebeians
The Gallic Wars Definition
Caesar’s conquests of Gaul
The Ides of March Definition
15th of March in Latin, the date of Caesar’s death
Pax Romana Definition
Latin for “Roman peace,” a period of stability for the Roman Empire lasting 200 years
Christianity Definition
a monotheistic religion that developed in the Middle East around the first century CE, based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
Holy Bible Definition
the holy book of the Christian faith
Judaism Definition
a monotheistic religion based on the teaching and principles of the Tanakh
Prophet Definition
a person chosen to spread God’s messages and teachings
Tanakh Definition
the holy book of the Jewish faith
Apostle Definition
an early follower of Jesus who implemented his messages and practices
Judea Definition
region on the eastern Mediterranean Sea, present-day Israel
Messiah Definition
a leader or savior of a group or cause
Persecute Definition
to treat a specific group of people hostilely, based on their beliefs, race, and or culture
Devout Definition
having or showing a deep religious commitment
Disciple Definition
a committed follower of Jesus from his early life
Edict of Milan Definition
an official declaration of religious acceptance of Christianity in the Roman Empire; a theological compact between emperors Constantine and Licinius that granted religious toleration to Christians within the Roman Empire without fear of persecution
Martyr Definition
a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs
Sect Definition
a religious, political, or cultural subgroup
Synagogue Definition
a building or place of Jewish worship
Asia Minor Definition
a geographic location that is made up of mainly present-day western Turkey; also known as Anatolia
Battle of Milvian Bridge Definition
a battle fought between Roman Emperors Constantine and Maxentius in 312 CE; the final battle fought by Constantine to become emperor of the Roman Empire in 312 CE
Bishop Definition
a senior member of the Christian faith
The Holy Trinity Definition
the Christian god existing as the father, the son, and holy spirit
Scapegoat Definition
a person blamed for the problems faced by others
Council of Nicaea Definition
a meeting in 325 CE between Constantine and leadership in the Catholic Church to streamline religious teaching
Donatist Schism Definition
a small division in the church when Bishop Donatus and his followers split from the church because of canonical issues and a disagreement with Emperor Constantine
Fragment of a Marble Tomb Definition
a religious symbol preserved from the time period of Constantine’s rule showing leaders in the early church; proof of the spread of Christianity
Nicene Creed Definition
the affirmation of Christian faith that was written by the attendees of the Council of Nicaea
Byzantine Empire Definition
a term used by historians to refer to the Roman Empire in the east that persisted until the 1400s; based around the city of Constantinople (formerly Byzantium)
Caesaropapism Definition
control over religious authorities by a secular king, such as the Byzantine emperor’s power over the Eastern Orthodox Church
Crusades Definition
a series of military and religious movements by Europeans seeking to conquer Muslim lands associated with the life of Jesus, expand Christianity, and suppress heresy in Europe
East-West Schism Definition
a split in the Christian church, forming the Western church and the Eastern church; also called the Great Schism of 1054 CE by historians
Ecumenical Definition
universal or worldwide
Excommunication Definition
the complete exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church and the denial of sacraments for refusing to obey Church law
Heresy Definition
a set of beliefs or opinions contrary to conventional doctrine
Iconoclasm Definition
the destruction of religious images to prevent their worship
Papal Supremacy Definition
the claim made by popes during the Middle Ages that they had ultimate authority over all secular rulers because they were “God’s representative on Earth”
Patriarch Definition
a religious official in the Eastern Orthodox Church
Pope Definition
the head of the Roman Catholic Church who also serves as bishop of Rome
Theology Definition
the study of religion
Justinian’s Code Definition
a collection of laws (528–529 CE), including ordinances from the Roman Empire, all compiled into one ensemble
Nika Revolt Definition
an uprising (532 CE) caused by Justinian’s debt from expansion of the Byzantine Empire and subsequent raising of taxes
Dacia Definition
a kingdom in Central Europe located between the Black Sea and Carpathian Mountains; conquered by the Emperor Trajan
Germanic Tribes Definition
the groups of people that lived in what is now known as Eastern Europe and Scandinavia
Hagia Sophia Definition
a magnificent church built by Justinian; the name means “Holy Wisdom”
Parthian Empire Definition
the Persian Empire existing between 247 BCE and 224 CE
Sasanian Empire Definition
the last Persian Empire to exist before the conquest of the Muslims; considered a high point in Iranian culture
Vandals Definition
the Germanic people who gained power during the decline of the Western Roman Empire through invasions
Western Roman Empire Definition
the western part of the ancient Roman Empire
Ceded Definition
To give up land by a treaty
Crusades Definition
a series of military and religious movements by Europeans seeking to conquer Muslim lands associated with the life of Jesus, expand Christianity, and suppress heresy in Europe
Mercenary Definition
A soldier hired to fight in a foreign army
Seljuk Turks Definition
the inhabitants of the Seljuk Empire that was based in Persia and competed with the Byzantine Empire for control of lands in the Middle East
Excommunicate Definition
To formally exclude someone from participation in a church or religion
Theodosian Walls Definition
the walled fortifications around the city of Constantinople built between 408 and 450 CE during the reign of Theodosius II; the largest and strongest walls built during that time period
Fasting Definition
reducing or stopping the consumption of food for religious practice
The Five Pillars of Islam Definition
the founding religious beliefs that guide Muslims’ practice
Quran Definition
a sacred scripture and teachings that all Muslims follow
Ramadan Definition
the ninth month of the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast; a month of the Islamic calendar celebrating Muhammad’s first message from God
Allah Definition
Arabic for “god”; the one and only Islamic god
Aṣḥāb Definition
a group of ten followers of Muhammad said to have personal contact with him
Caliph Definition
a central Muslim religious and political leader
The Companions (Islam) Definition
the followers of Islam who are considered eyewitnesses to Muhammad’s teachings through their connections to him
Hadith Definition
a written record of Muhammad’s teachings and traditions
Sunni-Shiite Split Definition
a dispute about who should take Muslim leadership after the death of Muhammad
Hijra Definition
Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina that marked the beginning of the Muslim era
Abbasid Caliphate Definition
the second Islamic dynasty; the successors to the Umayyads, ruling the Islamic empire from about 750 to 1258; only minor territorial gains occurred during their rule
Caliphate Definition
an Islamic state or empire
Centralize Definition
the concentrated organization of a group or system to a specific geographic location
Islamic Golden Age Definition
the era during the Abbasid Caliphate during which Islamic art and culture flourished
Umayyad Caliphate Definition
the first Islamic dynasty; a group that began after the death of Ali, the last of the four “rightly guided caliphs” who ruled after Muhammad’s death from 661 to about 750. The most territorial expansion of the Islamic Empire occurred during these years
Aristotle Definition
a Greek philosopher who founded the principle of the golden mean
Golden Age Definition
a time of great prosperity, invention, and achievement
Translation Movement Definition
a movement to translate ancient texts into Arabic
Arabesque Definition
a pattern of art using stems, leaves, and flowers in a scrolling design
Calligraphy Definition
A method of writing script
Mosque Definition
A place of worship for the Islamic faith
Non-figurative (Art & Culture) Definition
a design that does not include human figures or animals
Battle of Kosovo Definition
a 1389 battle led by Murad I to expand the Ottoman Empire during which his forces defeated a group of European armies but Murad I was killed
Devshirme Definition
a practice by the Ottoman Empire to remove Christian boys from their homes and train them to be part of the Ottoman military
Hajj Definition
a pilgrimage made to the Kaaba in the sacred city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia
Hijra or Hegira Definition
a name for the “flight” by Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, because he was being persecuted for trying to get people to join the Islamic faith as it was developing in its earliest years. It now marks the start of the new year for Muslims
Kaaba Definition
a square building draped in a silk and cotton veil, located in Mecca and recognized as the holiest shrine in Islam and the “House of God”
Sultan Definition
the head of an Islamic state or empire, specifically in the Ottoman Empire
Tribe Definition
an extended family group that lives together and shares a distinct culture
The writing of history
Abrahamic Definition
A group of monotheistic religions that share the story of Abraham
Evangelical Definition
a religion that tries to draw in or convert new followers
Gnostic Definition
a religion that does not share information with outsiders, does not try to draw in or convert new followers
Heresy Definition
beliefs or opinions contrary to conventional doctrine
The Holy Land Definition
the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River in the Arabian Peninsula, considered religiously significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Islam Definition
a monotheistic religion that developed in the Middle East around 600 CE, based on the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdullah
Messianic Definition
related to a messiah, savior, or liberator
Prophet Definition
someone who speaks on behalf of God or whom God speaks through
Proselytize Definition
preach to someone in an attempt to convert that person to a religion
Dynastic Rule Definition
a form of rule in which control remains within a family line
Masjid Definition
another word for mosque, typically one that includes a school of some sort
Secular Definition
related to life and events outside of religious authority
Shi’a Islam Definition
one form of Islam developed in the years after Muhammad’s death because early adherents strongly believed the leader of Islam should be related to Muhammad; practiced today by a minority of Muslims around the world
Sultan Definition
title similar to king or emperor (chosen to appear favored by the caliph)
Sunni Islam Definition
the current dominant strand of Islamic practice in the world that believes Muslims should choose the successors to Muhammad
Zoroastrian Definition
follower of Zoroastrianism, a monotheistic faith
Arabization Definition
a change or shift toward Arab influence in culture, language, or policy
“Fitnah” Definition
literally temptation or trial, but often used to refer to a conflict or civil unrest; the civil wars among caliphs are often referred to as fitnahs
Janissary Definition
an elite infantry force in the Ottoman military loyal to the sultan
Jihad Definition
literally struggling or striving, but often used to refer to a holy war fought with the ideal of spreading Islam
Schism Definition
a division within an organization or institution, often applied to religious splits
Vassal Definition
a landowner who swore loyalty to a lord
Fratricide Definition
the murder of a sibling, biological or otherwise
Caravan Definition
a group of merchant traders traveling together, frequently across hostile territory
Caravansary Definition
A rest area
Dhimmi Definition
non-Muslims; Muslim description of Jews or Christians living in their empires. It means “People of the Book” [Quran] and regards Jews and Christians as other monotheists who have similar religious views to Muslims
Dinar Definition
A medieval gold coin currency; the main currency of several Middle Eastern nations, originally of the Abbasian Empire
Jizya Definition
a tax levied on non-Muslims
Lingua Franca Definition
a commonly adopted language used as a bridge where there are many different local languages
Ostracon Definition
a pottery shard used as a writing surface
Pilgrim Definition
an individual traveling to a sacred site for religious purposes
Steppe Definition
Sufi Definition
a follower of Sufism, a mystic form of Islam that focuses on knowledge through direct personal experience of God
Burgh Definition
A commercial district or chartered town
Mosaic Definition
a decorative image created from small colored stones, ceramics, or glass
“Funduqs” Definition
urban commercial centers for specialized trade
Shariah Definition
Islamic code of law that guides behaviors
Hajj Definition
making a pilgrimage to Mecca
Salat Definition
praying daily
Sawm Definition
Sect Definition
a group with slightly different beliefs than the larger faith body
Shahada Definition
confessing the faith (Islam)
Sharia Definition
Islamic law
Umma Definition
collective Muslim community
Zakat Definition
Byzantine Empire Definition
a term used by historians to refer to the Roman Empire in the east that persisted until the 1400s; based around the city of Constantinople (formerly Byzantium)
Catholic Church Definition
the branch of the Christian Church based in Rome (now Vatican City)
Eastern Orthodox Church Definition
the branch of the Christian Church based in Constantinople (now Istanbul)
Feudal Kingdom Definition
a kingdom based on a social system in which people would work or fight for nobles/landowners in return for protection and use of the land
Holy Roman Empire Definition
a collection of medieval principalities, mostly in present-day Germany and Italy, loosely organized in an attempt to succeed the Western Roman Empire
The Middle Ages Definition
a period in European history roughly lasting from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance or the voyages of Christopher Columbus, depending on interpretation; characterized by a lack of strong secular governments able to promote stability or economic growth
The Ottoman Empire Definition
a powerful Muslim state established by Turkic peoples who settled in modern-day Turkey and other regions of West Asia; conquered the remains of the Byzantine Empire in the 1400s
Reconquista Definition
a series of conflicts leading to the conquest of Muslim kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula by Christian states
The Roman Empire Definition
large centralized government controlled by an emperor in Rome that extended from the Mediterranean Sea in Europe to Northern Africa and Western Asia from 27 BCE to 476 CE and covered 1.7 square miles of land
Vacuum of Power Definition
a void of governmental power after the collapse of an empire, or similar
Moses Definition
a prophet in the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
Astronomy Definition
the study of the stars, planets, and other things in the universe beyond Earth
Bookbinding Definition
the process of making a book out of loose sheets of paper
Convent Definition
a building or complex of buildings that serves as a home, religious center, and workplace for nuns
Knowledge Institution Definition
an organization that collects knowledge, then passes it on to others
Movable Type Definition
a system of printing that uses movable keys to reproduce writing on a piece of paper
Navigation Definition
the study of steering a boat or other form of travel typically using a compass and maps
Printing Press Definition
a machine that prints words and pictures onto paper
Religious Institution Definition
an organization that exists to further and protect a religion
Renaissance Definition
an era in European history when people began to show a greater interest in the arts and sciences
Writing System Definition
visual symbols, such as letters, put in order to represent verbal communication