History Foundations Vocabulary (Unit 1) Flashcards
Primary Source Definition
a historical record created by a person who experienced something firsthand
Secondary Source Definition
a historical record created by a person who did not experience those events firsthand
Bias Definition
a feeling or action that favors one viewpoint over another
Empathy Definition
the ability to understand and share the feelings that other people experience
Ethical Definition
acting in a way that is consistent with one’s values and morals
Inclusion Definition
acknowledging and valuing others
Interpretation Definition
explaining the meaning and significance of an event, idea, or effect
Perspective Definition
considering others’ viewpoints; the outlook or viewpoint of an author or source that includes their experiences, beliefs, and thoughts on a particular topic
Social Justice Definition
an initiative that aims to bring political, economic, social, and personal rights and opportunities to all
Societal Norms Definition
rules and structures that govern human behavior
Geopolitical Definition
referring to international relations, geography, and politics
Narrative Definition
story or framework for understanding
Symbolism Definition
images or visuals used to convey meaning
Collective Memory Definition
the shared information, stories, and knowledge of a group of people who pass this on to future generations
Historical Context Definition
the details that surround a particular occurrence or event
Historiography Definition
the writing of history
History Definition
the knowledge and study of the past
Identity Definition
the image that people have of who they are, what they want, and what they believe
Analysis Definition
an investigation of historical evidence to better understand the event as a whole as well as the implications for today
Frame of Reference Definition
a collection of beliefs and viewpoints held by someone and used to create understanding and opinions of an event
Point of View Definition
the author’s perceptions that influence the creation of a source
Inquiry Definition
the process of conducting research of multiple and varied sources in order to answer a question
Abolitionist Definition
a person who favors ending the practice of a particular institution, such as slavery
Underground Railroad Definition
a secret system of routes, places, and people that escaped enslaved people from the South used to find safety in free states or Canada
Cultural Trait Definition
characteristic or quality of a culture
Diffuse Definition
to spread
Diplomacy Definition
negotiations between nations
Interact Definition
to come into contact
Norm Definition
standard expectation or behavior
Society Definition
a group of people that live together in the same geographical location and share the same culture
Civil Disobedience Definition
a peaceful form of political protest
Communism Definition
a political ideal based on the theories of Karl Marx believing in public ownership of property and that wages be more based on need than skill
Democracy Definition
a government system based on personal freedoms and choosing leaders by voting
Empire Definition
a system of government where there is one authority (individual or group) who rules over a large territory
Picketing Definition
the act of protesting with signs outside places of work or government
Infamy Definition
a condition of being well-known for something bad
Interconnected Definition
having different parts connected to or related to each other
Internment Camp Definition
a prison or facility to house political prisoners or enemies of war
Market Definition
a place where two or more people buy and sell goods
Modernize Definition
to make more modern in appearance, design, character; to update
Samurai Definition
the military fighters who fought for a noble family who owned land
Shogun Definition
a military leader
Terrace Farming Definition
the flat planes of land that look like steps and are built into the sides of mountains for farming