Unit 3 Key Terms Flashcards
A judicial or administrative proceeding to exercise the power of eminent domain, through which a government agency takes private property for public use and compensates the owner.
Private agreements that affect land use. They may be enforced by an owner of real estate that benefits from them and can be included in the seller’s deed to the buyer.
CC&Rs Covenants, conditions and restrictions
Clauses in a deed limiting the future uses of the property. They may impose a vast variety of limitations and conditions.
Deed restrictions
A right to use the land of another for a specific purpose, such as for a right-of-way or utilities; an incorporeal interest in land because it does not include a right of possession.
An easement that is annexed to the ownership of one parcel and allows the owner the use of the neighbors land. Must be two adjacent parcels and owned by two different parties (dominant tenement and servient tenement)
Easement appurtenant
An easement allowed by law as necessary for the full enjoyment of a parcel of real estate. (owners need ingress/enter or egress/exit access to roads)
Easement by necessity
An easement acquired by open, notorious, continuous, hostile and adverse use of the property for the period of time prescribed by law. p.40 & 41
Easement by prescription
An easement that is not created for the benefit of any land owned by the owner of the easement but that attaches personally to the easement owner (i.e. pipelines, powers lines railroad)
Easement in gross
The right of government or municipal quasi-public body to acquire property for public use through a court action called condemnation, in which the court decides that the use is a public use and determines the compensation to be paid to the owner.
Eminent domain
A building or some portion of it, a wall or fence for instance, that extends beyond the land of the owner and illegally intrudes on the land of the adjoining owner or a public street or alley.
A claim, charge or liability that attaches to real estate. Anything, such as mortgage, tax, or judgement lien; an easement; a restriction on the use of the land; or an outstanding dower right- that may diminish the value or use and enjoyment of a property.
The reversion of property to the state or country, as provided by state law, in cases in which a decedent dies intestate without heirs capable of inheriting, or when the property is abandoned.
The degree, quantity, nature and extent of interest a person has in real property
Estate in land
The highest interest in real estate recognized by the law, the holder is entitled to all rights to the property.
Fee simple
The maximum possible estate or right of ownership of real property, continuing forever.
Fee simple absolute
An estate in which the holder has a fee simple title that may be divested upon the occurrence or nonoccurence of a specific event. There are 2 categories: fee simple determinable and fee simple subject to a condition subsequent.
Fee simple defeasible
A fee simple estate providing that the property returns to the original grantor or heirs when the specified condition occurs, indicating that the property is no longer being used for the purpose prescribed. (so long as, while or during)
Fee simple determinable
An estate carrying the limitation that, if its no longer used for the purpose conveyed, it reverts to the original grantor by the right of reentry.
Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
An estate in land which ownership is for a indeterminate length of time, in contrast to leasehold estate.
Freehold estate
A person’s present right to an interest in real property that will not result in possession or enjoyment until sometime in the future, such as a reversion or right of reentry.
Future interest
Land that is owned and occupied as the family home.
An action brought by a property owner seeking just compensation for diminished use and value of land because of an adjacent property’s public use.
Inverse condemnation
A form of life estate established by state law, rather then created voluntarily by an owner. It becomes effective when certain events occur (dower, curtesy etc.)
Legal life estate
1) In real estate practice, the privilege or right granted to a person by a state to operate as a real estate broker or salesperson. 2)The revocable permission for a temporary use of land- a personal right that cannot be sold.