GA State Related Questions Flashcards
What has become the legal controlling method of describing real property in GA, regardless of how irregular the land parcel may be shaped?
metes-and-bounds property description
GA also recognizes a second form of real property description known by any one of the following names:
recorded plat and
short form legal description
In it’s capacity to administer the License Law as created by Georgia statute, The Real Estate Commission may…
3 key points
1) Pass rules and regulations to administer the Law.
2) The Commission issues real estate licenses, fees, and takes disciplinary action against licensees who violate the Laws and Rules.
3) The Commission does NOT intervene in the settlement of disputes between real estate licensees.
Share information in regard to the organization and operation of the Georgia Real Estate Commissions…
1) Comprised of 6 persons appointed by the GOVERNOR and confirmed by the GA SENATE.
2) 5 members must be actively licensed and GA residents for the 5 years prior to being appointed members.
3) The 6th member may have no connection to the real estate industry, serves as a consumer advocate.
4) If a vacancy on the the Commission occurs the GOVERNOR fills the unexpired term.
5) The GOVNOR has the power to remove Commission members.
6) Commission member meet monthly, $25 stipends are given during meetings (meals?)
Who’s the…
Commission: The GA Real Estate Commission
Commissioner: The CEO of that government entity, Hired by Commission members. Conducts day to day department operations. Cannot hold an active real estate license. Must be placed on inactive status.
The Real Estate Commission operates as a budget unit of GA and is assigned to the Secretary of State. Tell me more about the budget…
1) License Law requires a minimum of $1 million be maintained in the fund.
2) Commission may require all licenses to contribute $30/yr at the time of license renewal is the funds amount drops.
3) R.E. agents license is automatically revoked if the Commission pays any settlement with the funds, Agent must pay back that amount to receive a new license.
How long will the Commission maintain records?
The Commission will maintain records on every licensee for 5 years. If disciplinary actions have been taken against a licensee, records may be available for the prior 15 years. If formal disciplinary actions has been IMPOSED including payments made to the recovery fund, records for this licensee will be kept for 40 years.
Whenever an agents license is surrendered, revoked, or suspended….
The licensee must return the wall certificate and pocket license card to the Commission.If the licensee is a broker affiliates, the licenses of those affiliates must be returned to the Commission as well.
Declaratory Ruling
The Commission issues this ruling as to whether some component of a Law or Rule applies to a particular situation.
Acting Without a License
The Real Estate Commission can issue a CEASE ANS DESIST ORDER that becomes final 10 days after issuance unless the party charged requests a hearing. A fine may be imposed up to $1000 for each day the violation continues.
License Categories and Requirements:
A Broker may perform and real estate brokerage act that requires a real estate license in GA. The Broker may act independently as a….
Sole Proprietorship or as a qualifying broker of a firm that contracts with license affiliates. The RE Commission will…
1) Issue a brokers license in the name of the firm as well as one in the name of the qualifying broker.
Broker & Associate Broker Requirements
1) 21 yrs old, or 20 and wait until 21 to become active
2) Resident of GA, or qualify for nonresident status
3) H.S. graduate or equivalent
4) Pass criminal background (GCIC)
5) Active R.E. License for the past 3 yrs.
6) Complete 60 hrs of class
7) Pass the R.E. Brokers Exam
Military Service Hookup
1) Veterans with a minimum of 1 year served, 90 days of which were during an armed conflict get 5 points.
2) If discharged due to injury or illness, with at least 10% disability, you get 10 points
Brokers who passed the exam and have been active for 3 yrs must apply for the license within….
1 year of the exam date. Failure to do so would require the applicant to RETAKE the exam.
Lawful Presence Notarized Affidavit
Verifies the applicant’s legal presence in the US.
Post License Education
1) In the first-year of licensure as a salesperson you must complete 25 course hours to avoid paying penalties later.
2) 36 course hours of completed continuing education for each 4 year renewal period. For us first timers, our 25hr post licensing course will count as 9 hours toward our 36 hours.
Broker Affiliations-GA Rules
Active GA associate brokers, salespersons, and community association managers must be affiliated with ONE active GA broker at a time, unless the other Broker is out of state; in which case you need written permission by both brokers.
Inactive Licensure
After returning your license to the Commission you are officially inactive. If you want to become active you must complete 6 hrs of education for each year you were inactive.
Surrender the license means…
The license may not be reinstated, and to become licensed again, that person must re-qualify as an original candidate.
The two important pints to remember:
1) All licensee affiliates are given a written POLICY and PROCEDURES MANUAL
2) All licensee affiliates have written AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS with the firm identifying compensation earned for work.
Within the business organization of a brokerage firm:
Sole Proprietor
1) a sole proprietorship must be entirely owned by the qualifying broker
2) a partnership must be run by a qualifying broker who is a general partner
3) a corporation requires a qualifying broker be an officer but not a stockholder
4) In a LLC, the broker must be a member or manager of the LLC
Upon the death of a qualifying broker, the firm has 60 days to name a new one.
Brokers and associate brokers may work for more then one firm at a time.
Brokerage Trust Accounts
Any broker or affiliated licensee who accepts down payments, earnest money deposits, security deposits, rent, association fees or other trust funds MUST maintain a separate federally insured bank checking acct in GA designated as a trust or escrow account for the deposit of these funds.
Commission requires the name and account number of this acct within 1 month of its establishment.
Money that is clearly designated as belonging to the brokerage firm may be deposited into a trust acct only to cover bank service charges or to maintain a required minimum balance.
Earnest Money Holdings
A Licensee affiliate is prohibited from holding monies or anything of value belonging to others. These sums must be handed over to the broker as soon as practically possible.
Trust Funds Examination
the Commission may examine a brokerage firm’s or licensee affiliates trust acct at any time with reasonable cause.
Brokers are required to maintain records for at least 3 years for all trust accts.