Unit 26 Key Terms Flashcards
affiliation agreement
A person acting on behalf of a real estate broker in performing any act authorized to be performed by a broker.
associate broker
Any person who has completed all the requirements for a license or an approval set forth in Commission Rule and Regulations and and who has submitted a complete application with the correct fee.
Any financial institution regulated by a member of the federal financial institutions examination council.
Real estate advertisement placed by an affiliated licensee that fails to disclose the name of the employing broker as it is registered with the commission.
blind ad
An express written contract wherein the client promises to pay the real estate broker a valuable consideration, or agrees that the real estate broker may receive a valuable consideration from another.
brokerage agreement
Any person who has not yet successfully completed, but is in the process of completing, the requirements for licensure or approval in the CRR.
candidate for licensure
Real Estate Commission can issue a ____ if any person practicing a real estate related act without a license.
cease and desist order
Authoritative body over all licensees in GA, with the power to pass rules and regulations to administer the law.
Hired by Commission members, the CEO of that government entity.
community association management license CAM
Whether some component of a law or rule applies to a particular situation.
declaratory ruling
Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
Fair Business Practice Act
Fidelity bond insurance
Any real estate business entity, including but not limited to a corporation, partnership, limited liability company and sole proprietorship.
Any name, the use of which requires permission from another who has an existing and continuing right in the trade name by virtues if any state or federal law.
franchise name
A firm licensee authorized to use a franchisor’s trade name as part of or in conjunction with the licensee firms name.
A business entity owning a trade name whose use by others is controlled and authorized by the owner of the trade name.
Under this statue, a candidate whose license application has been denied by the Commission has 60 days from the denial letter date to request a formal hearing.
Georgia Administrative Procedures Act
A criminal history report that all applicants must submit and may not be more then 60 days old at the time of application.
Georgia Criminal History Report GCIC
A time period of instruction or other learning activity of at least 50 minutes in duration.
an instructional hour
Requires any real estate licensure applicant to submit a signed ______ verifying the applicants legal presence in the USA.
lawful presence notarized affidavit