Unit 3: Development Flashcards
Continuous Development
Continuous development in psychology refers to the gradual, ongoing process of growth and change
Developmental Psychology
Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why humans grow, change, and adapt across the course of their lives.
Discontinuous Development
Discontinuous development in psychology refers to the concept that growth and development occur in a series of sudden shifts or “leaps,” rather than in a smooth, continuous manner.
Lifespan Development
Lifespan refers to the entire duration of an individual’s life from birth to death, encompassing all stages of development.
Nature and Nurture
The nature vs. nurture debate in psychology involves determining whether human behavior is determined by genetics (nature) or learned through interacting with the environment (nurture).
Stability and Change
The stability-change debate in developmental psychology discusses whether personality traits present at birth remain constant or change throughout the lifespan
A cross-sectional study is a type of observational research that analyzes data from a population at one specific point in time
A longitudinal study in psychology is a research method where data is collected from the same group of participants over an extended period of time to examine changes or developments that occur over time.
Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood, typically marked by physical growth, cognitive development, and social changes
Critical Period
Refers to a specific time during development when an organism is particularly sensitive to environmental influences. During this time, certain behaviors and abilities can be learned more easily than at other times. It is believed that this period is crucial for optimal development, as the brain is highly receptive to learning and forming new connections.
Developmental Milestone
Developmental milestones refer to the growth and changes in a person’s thinking abilities, including problem-solving, memory, and language acquisition
Fine motor Coordination
Fine motor coordination refers to the skills and activities that require the coordination of small muscles to make precise movements, particularly in the hands and face.
Gross motor Coordination
Gross motor coordination refers to the ability to coordinate movements that involve large muscle groups and control the balance of the body. This includes activities that require the use of the limbs, trunk, and head together, such as walking, running, and jumping.
Growth Spurt
Refers to a sudden increase in height and weight that typically occurs during early adolescence. This growth phase usually happens in two main stages: one during infancy and another more pronounced phase during puberty, where adolescents can grow several inches in a short period, often leading to temporary clumsiness as their bodies adjust.
Imprinting in psychology refers to the rapid and relatively permanent learning of behaviors based on early experiences with a specific caregiver or object
This refers to the biological changes that occur in humans between birth and adolescence, such as growth spurts and puberty.
The first occurrence of menstruation in adolescent girls, marking the start of their ability to reproduce.
The natural biological process marking the end of menstrual cycles in women, typically occurring between ages 45-55
Prenatal Influence
Contact or influence that occurs during pregnancy, affecting the developing fetus in the womb
Primary Sex Characteristics
Physical features related to reproduction that are present from birth, such as the genitals and other reproductive organs
This is the stage during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction
Automatic and involuntary responses to stimuli
Rooting Reflex
A primitive instinctual response that is commonly observed in newborn babies. It refers to a baby’s automatic turning of the head and opening of the mouth when their cheek or mouth area is touched. This reflex helps facilitate feeding and breastfeeding in infants.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
These are traits that emerge during puberty but do not directly involve the reproductive system. They distinguish between sexes but don’t play a direct role in reproduction. Examples include breast development in females and facial hair growth in males.
Sensitive Periods
refers to a specific time frame in development when an individual is particularly receptive to certain environmental stimuli and experiences that can shape their growth.
Signals the start of puberty in males upon their first ejaculation
Teratogens are substances or environmental factors that can cause developmental malformations in a fetus
Visual Cliff
A research method used to study depth perception in infants and animals
It is distinct from biological sex and varies across cultures. Gender roles are societal expectations that define how individuals should behave based on their assigned se
Dependent on an individuals chromosomes
Sexual Orientation
Refers to the enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, both genders, neither gender, or another gender.
Abstract Thinking
Abstract thinking refers to the ability to understand complex concepts that are not directly tied to concrete physical objects and experiences
Concrete Operational
Crystalized Intelligence
Fluid Intelligence
Formal Intelligence
Hypothetical Thinking
Mental Symbols
Object Permanence
Preoperational Stage
Pretend Play
Sensorimotor Stage
Theory of Mind
Zone of Proximal Development
One-Word Stgae
Telegraphic Speech
Anxious Attachment
Attachment Styles
Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritative Parenting
Avoidant Attachment
Disorganized Attachment
Ecological Systems Theory
Imaginary Audience
Insecure attachment
Parallel Play
Peer Influence
Permissive Parenting
Personal Fable
Pretend Play
Secure Attachment
Separation Anxiety
Social Clock
Adverse Childhood Experiences ( ACEs)
Autonomy v. Shame & Doubt
Emerging Adulthood
Ethnic Identity
Familial Identity
Gender Identity
Generativity v. Stagnation
Identity v. Role Confusion
Identity Achievement Status
Identity Diffusion
Identity Foreclosure
Identity Moratorium
Identity Status Model
Industry v. Inferiority
Initiative v. Guilt
Integrity v. Despair
Intimacy v. Isolation
Occupational Identity
Possible Selves
Racial Identity
Stage Theory of Psychosocial Development
Trust v. Mistrust
Associative Learning
Behavioral Perspective
Classical Conditioning
Conditioned Response ( CR)
Conditioned Stimulus ( CS )
Higher- Order Conditioning
One Trial Learning
Spontaneous Recovery
Stimulus Discrimination
Stimulus Generalization
Taste Aversion
Unconditioned Response ( UR)
Unconditioned Stimulus ( UCS)
Continuous Reinforcement
Fixed Interval
Fixed Ratio
Instinctive Drift
Law of Effect
Learned Helplessness
Negative Reinforcement
Operant Conditioning
Partial Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement
Primary Reinforcers
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
Reinforcement Discrimination
Reinforcement Generalization
Reinforcement Schedules
Scalloped Graph
Secondary Reinforcers
Superstitious Behavior
Variable Interval
Variable Ratio
Cognitive Maps
Insight Learning
Latent Learning
Social Learning Theory
VIcarious Conditioning