Unit 3 - AOS 1 - CH - Value systems & sustainability principles Flashcards
Name the value systems
- Anthropocentrism
- Biocentrism
- Ecocentrism
- Technocentrism
- Humans = most important & significant species
- Humans have higher value
- Common in western culture
- All living things - Bio is central & driving science
- Humans are no more important than other species
- Places greatest intrinsic value on species & their natural enviro.
- Rather than individual organisms -> people would be informed on various benefits of that ecosystem
- Technology centred
- Tech has ability to control & protect enviro
- “Tech will solve everything”
Conservation of biodiversity & ecological integrity
“Maintenance of species abundance, species diversity and ecosystem availability to maintain biotic and abiotic organisation as well as self-renewal in the face of changing enviro conditions.”
List the sustainability principles
- Conservation of biodiversity & ecological integrity
- Efficiency of resource use
- Intergenerational equity
- Intragenerational equity
- Precautionary principle
- User pays principle
Efficiency of resource use
“Less resources used to produce product, with less environmental impact”
Intergenerational equity
“Preserve resources & natural enviro for future generations”
Intragenerational equity
“Preserve resources & natural enviro for current generations”
Precautionary principle
“Putting in precautions even if there are no scientific evidence of harm just incase”
User pays principle
“User/service pays direct for amount they used”